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  1. B

    Hope one of you, parents, know anything

    I recall Office Depot (or Office Max) doing this. You may want to check it out Perhaps, your local newspaper co. would know where you can get it done locally?
  2. B

    The new AIM 7

    AIM 7 has been out of its beta stage for couple of weeks now. They have started testing AIM 7.1. I recently used it for an emergency chat, it is nice - somewhat different from AIM 7.0. Still buggy though.
  3. B

    new download of yahoo messangers beta 10

    Yahoo! Messenger 10 was recently released from its beta stage. Heard about this couple of days ago. Have not tried it.
  4. B

    What do I do?

    We apologise for the delay. Thread closed.
  5. B

    Sidekick LX's Relay Services - IP vs. i711

    Both i711 and IP-Relay apps are available on Sidekick LX 2009. They can be found in the catalog. I have yet used both apps, but I can see they are bit different from the apps on the previous Sidekick ones.
  6. B

    Google Chrome Browser?

    Mod's Note: Thread is merged with this thread.
  7. B

    Deleting my Account

    Mod's Note: I assure youse that Birdie is not the the same guy who you think is. Closing this thread as it has gone off the rails.
  8. B

    Dangerous flood in our hometown

    Several locations on the eastern coast have experienced flooding in recent days. Floodings in Philadelphia, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and several more states.
  9. B

    Where are you right now?

    I am sitting in front of the computer babysitting youse. :lol::D
  10. B

    Sad News about my Uncle

    I am so sorry for your loss, KristinaB.
  11. B

    Could you help me?

    No problem, Birdie. :)
  12. B

    Could you help me?

    I have AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Live Messenger and ICQ. I use AIM on the computer and on mobile phone most of the times. Whenever I am in the mood for Yahoo! Messenger I only use it on my mobile phone.
  13. B

    Could you help me?

    I assume he is talking about Purple's P3.
  14. B

    call me a packrat.....

    It is possible, just take a look at this thread. You can always save your messages to your hard drive. :) I am moving this to the proper location.
  15. B

    Encourage Rosetta Stone to make ASL product

    They sell up to $1,000+ - not cheap. If they decided to sell ASL ones, they will probably price them the same. :roll:
  16. B

    Gas Cap?

    On my vehicle (SUV), it is on the driver's side.
  17. B

    Gas Cap?

    Yes, I have seen the no-cap fuel system on the newer Ford vehicles.
  18. B

    Gas Cap?

    The one on Ford has the lock thing on them.
  19. B

    12 Reasons why unemployment is going to at least 11%

    Mod's note: OK you guys, let's play nice. Consider this a warning.
  20. B

    Google Wave invitations

    Yay! I am still waiting and waiting... How do you like Google Wave?