Search results

  1. GraysonPeddie

    (Near Sidewalk with Dead End) Caution: Deaf and Blind Children

    Yes, I know the signs are made of sheet of metal and it's yellow. I'm not colorblind.
  2. GraysonPeddie

    (Near Sidewalk with Dead End) Caution: Deaf and Blind Children

    Ahh... (!) Somehow, I didn't get the logic that there are deaf/blind kids playing nearby the street. :roll: I'd rather have signs be more descriptive than saying "Deaf and Blind Children." It's confusing for me. There used to not be a sign near Florida School for the Deaf and Blind in St...
  3. GraysonPeddie

    (Near Sidewalk with Dead End) Caution: Deaf and Blind Children

    Can someone please tell me what is the meaning of this? Flint, MI on Flickr - Photo Sharing! I came across this photo while in the website called and I went into the Flickr web page containing incomplete streets: Incomplete Streets - a set on Flickr I'm in Orlando...
  4. GraysonPeddie

    Triple boot OS

    I'm wondering how I can get touch screen to work in my Acer Aspire One... Very nice. Damn the speakers sounded tiny... Not that great for speech using Orca under Ubuntu.
  5. GraysonPeddie

    Several students injured in school rampage

    Yeah, the "ch" is "ck," "w" makes a "v" sound, and if I'm correct, the "g" is the "t" sound (or is it at the end of the word?). Am I correct? My only language that I know and use is English. I know some of the pronunciations off the top of my head and my knowledge of German language got rusty...
  6. GraysonPeddie

    Tomb Raider 2 on PSone classics

    I once bought a Tomb Raider II/III combo about a decade ago. It's been a long time since I haven't played that game. Sorry, I couldn't be of help. I once got beaten as soon as I came out of that small hallway into the open field. The enemies used to shoot at 3 times per second.
  7. GraysonPeddie

    Drawing Blood Will Help Stop Drunk Driving, Police Say

    That's only if you refuse a breathalyzer test. I strongly agree with you.
  8. GraysonPeddie

    Man, Facing 90 Charges of Child Porn, Blames Cat...

    Perhaps you could draw a floorplan of your house. Shade anything in green for yes, and shade anything yellow for no. Start slow by pointing to the room one by one, indicating "yes" for green areas and "no for yellow areas. Make sure you nod! :) It's kind of like Data (in Star Trek: The Next...
  9. GraysonPeddie

    Parents sue Walmart over kids' bath pictures

    Yeah, I hope speedy recovery goes out to families for relieving of nightmares (I used the plural word "families" to express future families that may get caught by the police/DCF officers).
  10. GraysonPeddie

    Parents sue Walmart over kids' bath pictures

    Maybe going back to the 90s will make ourselves feel better. I do love the old days... Well, not just photos for kids, but easily board the plane, go to Disney World without worrying about security, watch old television shows, and all that stuff... It's very sad about WalMart accusing couple...
  11. GraysonPeddie

    What method do you use to get rid of the Hiccups?

    Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine -- go down, Medicine -- go down, Medicine -- go down. Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine -- go down, One of the most delightful way! :)
  12. GraysonPeddie

    cops raid at gay bar, finds nothing

    Gay bars...? :confused: :(
  13. GraysonPeddie

    Sobriety Test and Visual Impairment

    I read the article about surviving sobriety test: How to Survive a Police Sobriety Test | Okay, three things: I don't drink alcohol-related beverages (beer, wine, etc.), I don't drive, and I'm visually impaired. Because I can't control my eyes (well, I can blink my eyelid, but...
  14. GraysonPeddie

    Drawing Blood Will Help Stop Drunk Driving, Police Say

    I don't drink and I don't drive due to my visual impairment. I could drink beer, but I want to keep the blood-alcohol level to the bare minimum. Nevertheless, needles scare me. I'd prefer to use the technology used in the 23rd century (Star Trek: The Next Generation or Star Trek: Voyager, anyone?).
  15. GraysonPeddie

    The World's Coolest Bus Stops

    I like a bus stop with a touchscreen monitor, an audio announcer for the visual impairment, a couple of solar panels in the roof of the bus stop, and some OLED-based lighting. It'd be nice to have a bus stop with an advanced notification system. At worst case, if I'm 30 seconds away from the...
  16. GraysonPeddie

    Man, Facing 90 Charges of Child Porn, Blames Cat...

    First is 10, add 90, and that totals up to 100 charges? That's the most number of charges I've ever seen. Ah, I love to pet a cat for jumping up to a computer keyboard. ;)
  17. GraysonPeddie

    Who is single here?

    I'm single and I like to live by myself. :) Sometime I might get some big floorstanding speakers without worrying about Wife Acceptance Factor. :) Okay, I'm crazy. *nuts*
  18. GraysonPeddie

    What kind of vehicle do you desire to purchase?

    I'd get a driverless van. :) But I don't know what brand.
  19. GraysonPeddie

    Bush gets shoes thrown at him....

    Guys and gals, thanks for bringing up important issues about the Presidency of the last 8 years... I saved this page of the thread to my desktop, as I found it very shocking. When I came across this thread, I laughed during the first few pages and I found that Reba bought up good points about...