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  1. Interpretrator


    Well that's cool, if you're more comfortable with Typewell. I'm fascinated to know how it goes for you.
  2. Interpretrator

    Mac games

    I'll believe it about Spore when I hold it in my hands.
  3. Interpretrator


    /facepalm Well, if she's able to mentally multitask like other interpreters and transcribers, you should be okay. It honestly isn't that difficult of a system and I was ready to go on my first day. Hopefully she knows how to be ethically appropriate and all that. Can I ask, are you...
  4. Interpretrator


    Since I never used the wireless system I don't really know what access the transcriber has, but I can't imagine that she'd be able to access your files or anything. I think you both just open up Typewell and the laptops communicate through it. The interface was a horizontally split screen but...
  5. Interpretrator

    to ds owners i got a question

    My husband installed my screen protector and it does dim the graphics a bit, but I have never had any problems with accuracy. Make sure you're installing it correctly if you use one.
  6. Interpretrator

    Mac games

    Wasn't it also Myst (or a sequel? Might have been Riven) where you have to set up a machine based on the sounds that can be heard in certain places. So to activate area A, you have to select the particular wind that can be heard at area A. Or birdsongs at area B. I remember that puzzle...
  7. Interpretrator

    Movie "The Quiet" and Psychosomatic Deafness

    Ah, I see. Well then it isn't a deaf/hearing thing with that actress, she was just bad. :giggle:
  8. Interpretrator

    Movie "The Quiet" and Psychosomatic Deafness

    Normally, no, but this is a unique movie. The character has basically been deaf since the age of 7, psychologically if not physically. Since I didn't watch the whole thing, admittedly I don't know if there were any scenes that would have required a hearing actress. If not, it's possible for a...
  9. Interpretrator

    Mac games

    Here we go: Welcome to Deaf Gamers
  10. Interpretrator


    Yes, I used to do Typewell transcription. I was in the first batch of transcribers when CSUN adopted it. The way it works that is different from RTCs is that the short cuts are based on spelling, not on pronunciation. Transcribers learn a special Word-like program that turns short...
  11. Interpretrator

    Mac games

    Some of the Myst games you can get along perfectly well without hearing what the people are saying. You don't get all the story but you can complete the game. Others, you really have to hear what they're saying in order to get vital info. But besides that there are also a lot of sound-based...
  12. Interpretrator

    Mac games

    Hmm, that's a good question. I can't find in my bookmarks that place that reviews games from a deaf point of view and always mentions the captions. But I think maybe it's mostly console games? I think the newer games tend to be captioned, or at least many of the new games I've seen have the...
  13. Interpretrator

    Mac games

    I have Boot Camp on my Mac (I haven't gotten Leopard yet since I always wait a while before upgrading my system) so if there's a PC game I want to play I just restart and play it. Like City of Heroes and Sid Meier's Pirates. Blizzard has always been good about releasing games for Mac and PC...
  14. Interpretrator

    Movie "The Quiet" and Psychosomatic Deafness

    The reason she annoyed me was because she had no facial expression whatsoever and her acting just seemed very stagey to me. Mostly she just stared at things and there was no indication of any thinking taking place, just a dull stare. Now it's an interesting question of whether a deaf or...
  15. Interpretrator

    Mac games

    Sims 2 Civilization IV Zoo Tycoon 2 Roller Coaster Tycoon Warcraft 3 World of Warcraft Scrabble (what? it counts, doesn't it?)
  16. Interpretrator

    I want to get into Pokemon.

    Nah. It's really easy. Just talk to all the characters in the game and they'll tell you what to do. It can get complicated choosing and training Pokémon but it doesn't have to be. You can just play it through the first time however you want but you can also look at websites and do some research...
  17. Interpretrator

    Movie "The Quiet" and Psychosomatic Deafness

    I watched the movie but couldn't get through it all the way; I stopped watching because the (hearing) actress annoyed me.
  18. Interpretrator


    Bunny, the Goodwill in Long Beach (closer to L.A. than San Diego) has a whole vocational system set up for deaf people, or at least they used to last I knew about; they are also affiliated with a sign language interpreting agency, LINKS. Here's the contact info for Goodwill: For LINKS...
  19. Interpretrator

    I want to get into Pokemon.

    I am enjoying it a lot! I've been playing on a borrowed cart so I'm going to buy my own soon. If you like Pokémon I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Unfortunately I can't help you with the dog thing. There are so many good games for the DS. What kind of games do you like? There's Brain Age and Big...
  20. Interpretrator

    New RID test--is it passable???

    This exact same discussion is in about 50 other threads...qualified vs. certified blah blah blah, some certified aren't qualified and some uncertified are awesome blah blah blah...we all know the drill.