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  1. Interpretrator

    "Kiss of Deaf"

    I think you're making an enormous assumption there. The kiss happened and then the mother was in great pain, and subsequently went through all that medical treatment. If you think a kid can't put that together, I'll tell you the story of how I almost broke my mother's jaw in a swimming pool when...
  2. Interpretrator

    "Kiss of Deaf"

    Flashing back to my Typewell days...
  3. Interpretrator

    Turkish Sign Language

    That's fascinating. I would love to learn more also.
  4. Interpretrator

    "Kiss of Deaf"

    The Chicago Tribune is one of the most well respected newspapers in the world. If you read the story you would have seen that this has never happened before in the medical literature, and that's why you have never heard of it. It's quite an attitude to take, that if you personally have not heard...
  5. Interpretrator

    Question about be deaf teacher

    We have a deaf math teacher at our college teaching a mixture of both hearing and deaf students (with an interpreter) and they all adore him.
  6. Interpretrator

    Sorenson, Shame on You!

    Among other reasons, this is why I became a teacher instead.
  7. Interpretrator

    What does TC stand for????

    I had a class with one student with a CI who did not sign, another who signed and spoke, and another from a different country who didn't know much ASL so I had to define almost every sign I used. There is literally no way for one teacher to reach all these students. I signed and spoke but I...
  8. Interpretrator

    NAD files compalint

    Amazing, isn't it??
  9. Interpretrator

    Are some of the classes in separated public school classes dummied down for deaf?

    As to the actual content of the question, I believe this is very true. I only know this based on the English literacy levels of my students who have gone through such programs. I think the students get babied along and passed even if they should be held back, maybe out of pity, maybe out of lack...
  10. Interpretrator

    Would you support BIBI programs as a national standard for Deaf ED?

    If it were correctly implemented, which most bi-bi programs are not, then absolutely.
  11. Interpretrator

    Deaf is Disabled quote

    Oh, might want to search around and/or start a new thread in "Deaf Education" for that, so your question doesn't get buried.
  12. Interpretrator

    Deaf is Disabled quote

    That isn't "Deaf English," it's just glossing ASL. It's a written transliteration of ASL signs into English words while maintaining the word order of ASL, just like SEE but in the opposite direction. The rhetorical question structure appears in English but isn't nearly as strong of a...
  13. Interpretrator

    Covering disabilities in Health class?

    When I was interpreting, this sort of came up not in a health class, but in an interpersonal communication class. The student had to do a presentation, and afterwards the Q&A was all questions about being deaf. The teacher was uncomfortable and tried to stop it but the student was fine with it...
  14. Interpretrator

    Sorenson, Shame on You!

    Huh, I was going to comment on this thread but after this post I don't see the point.
  15. Interpretrator

    Deaf is Disabled quote

    I'm going to cut the quote right there. AAVE (African American Vernacular English, also known as "Ebonics") has been accepted by many if not most linguists, although it's still a controversial topic. It meets the requirements because it has a unique and specific grammar and vocabulary. "Deaf...
  16. Interpretrator

    Deaf is Disabled quote

    I'm really not sure what you mean by "Deaf English." Do you mean the kind of English that has common errors made by deaf signers? I can't say I agree that supporting nonstandard English is the best way to remove communication barriers. Rather, early intervention that ensures deaf infants...
  17. Interpretrator

    Help need sign

    In every math class I ever interpreted, that was the sign we used as well. Normally I wouldn't bother with the exponent if the discussion is only about square roots. If they were talking about square vs. cube roots, for example, I would sign the exponent like in the video.
  18. Interpretrator

    CART, Captioners and Court Reporters

    Charming. ANYWAY, to the OP's question, I believe CART is based off the sounds of the words whereas Typewell is based on spelling. If he's that good of a typist then Typewell might be something to look into. I did this while I was in my ITP and I just loved it. In fact now that I am not...
  19. Interpretrator

    ASL sign for 'deaf'?

    I've seen it used to mean "profoundly deaf," audiologically. For example, in comparing two students, one of whom has some hearing and the other was born profoundly deaf and doesn't use hearing aids, that sign was used to describe the latter student in that particular context. But other than...