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  1. G

    Sequoias, were you this guy?! ;)

    Oh I was joking - I know that it is not Seq :) Im curious to know who did this though..
  2. G

    How do you like for NYE, this year?

    No idea here yet................
  3. G

    How do you like for NYE, this year?

    Ohhh which lodge?!
  4. G

    A Big Hello...

    So you are an English major - tell me your analysis of Edith Wharton..........
  5. G

    Pics of you - Part III

    Aww a cute pic! You turned 5-0? No way you have aged just like wine or cheese!
  6. G

    Is it cheating?

    But for me, if my man goes to strip clubs, I will not feel it is cheating but yes I would feel insecure and wondering what he sees in them that he does not see in me? It will bring up insecurities which in turn lead to silly tests/arguments therefore I would not even want him to go in the first...
  7. G

    Is it cheating?

    I feel that the answer is relative. It depends on the couple itself - if both agree, I dont think it is cheating. But if the man/woman goes despite his/her significant other's views, that would be considered cheating in a way that it means he is ignoring his significant other's feelings and...
  8. G

    Sequoias, were you this guy?! ;)

    Man Climbs Onto Monorail Tracks - News Story - KIRO Seattle A unnamed Deaf guy did this.....
  9. G

    Curious: what do our deaf members do for a living?

    Linux writes beautifully and very sensually! I love reading his steamy poems. You should be able to find some of them here on AD- it has gotten many of us quite steamed up! :giggle:
  10. G

    World AIDS Day

    I miss Chris Roper. I also lost many interpreters to this disease - really miss Peter V. - he was the greatest and sweetest man I ever known. Bless his soul :( I think of him often.
  11. G

    What's the best way to ask a deaf man out?

    :wave: yo, how did that date turn out? Hoping that it was a fabulous one!
  12. G

    Curious: what do our deaf members do for a living?

    Dont they have clear masks? I know many RNs who happen to be deaf or hard of hearing. Dont let your university stop you! I wish I went on to be a RN when I was in college but opted for health education instead as thought I wouldnt see equal rights in my days to come. Dont settle.
  13. G

    Curious: what do our deaf members do for a living?

    <----------in health care administration
  14. G

    Curious: what do our deaf members do for a living?

    I really want to go there sometimes this winter! A year ago today I went clamming in Ocean Park and had a blast! Too bad no one could go clamming with me this time :(
  15. G

    California earthquake

    No it will not go that far - perhaps between 5 to 20 miles off shore if that happens but maybe even less than that.
  16. G

    deaf 2 years old kids wear CI

    I agree - my brother and his then wife experienced horrible backlash from Deaf Community when they decided to implant their Deaf daughter with a CI (both of them are deaf) - since that day, I have promised myself not to judge anyone who is on either side of the fence. It is and will continue to...
  17. G

    deaf 2 years old kids wear CI

    Why are some people taking this way too far? I dont see where she said that. To my understanding, she merely indicated that she would prefer bilingual method- both signing and speech. What is wrong with having best of both worlds?
  18. G

    deaf 2 years old kids wear CI

    Where in Oregon do you live in? I could help you with various schooling resources if you want as I live in Oregon too. I know there are many kids with CI who does sign as well as use speech. Sounds like you want bilingual education for your child.
  19. G

    Terrorist Attack in India :(

    Scores killed in Mumbai rampage - How sad :( Scary that they were asking for Americans or British folks.
  20. G

    how to move on after a hurtful break up?

    Keep yourself so busy that you wont have time reliving the good moments you had with him. Before you know it, you will be healed.