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  1. C

    Jehovah's Witness mother dies after refusing blood

    I think some religions simply make some rules to stand out from others. Or one person's passing thought in head. Silliness. As for kids care.....child abuse to deny them. Self-righteousness can be a bad thing.
  2. C

    Chavez pretty much calls Obama a jack@ss

    If Obama was the ultra-liberal you wish to define him as......then Chavez would love him. Only goes to show he ain't kissing up to ultra-leftist like Chavez. More proof of your obsession with spin. seriously need to ask people in your life what the meaning of double standard is...
  3. C

    Chavez pretty much calls Obama a jack@ss

    It's quite simple. Chavez has diarrhea of the someone we know in AD. Stooping pretty low there, pal. So...explain "Bush is the devil' comment to us. Are you taking Chavez seriously? Oh I forgot again......double standard. Only when it fits your spin. Cowpuppy pretty much...
  4. C

    Attn: Addressing some issues that has been going on.

    I didn't start the south angle....wasn't even reading it. Goodpoint...'you don't see the need''re also not from this country. And no I wasn't referring to the rednecks.....upper class and middle....whcih just makes it more snooty and sickening. anyway...just my two cents....and...
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    Attn: Addressing some issues that has been going on.

    Spent a winter in Georgia last year. I don't see outright racism so much as a general unspoken racism. Amounts to the same thing in my eyes. A seperation of colors as associates. And on dating sites I was surprised how many white folk list that they will only date other whites. It goes beyond...
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    Obama Approval hits 50%...again....teeters

    For someone who claims acedemia prowess......the immaturity of needing last word shows immense insecurity. Confucious say....he who have real knowledge would have too much pride to be untruthful with knowledge. Therefore....the acedemia claim is bunk. And you are a sorry little insecure man...
  7. C

    Obama Approval hits 50%...again....teeters

    No, he's implying you once again resort to doublestandards. You don't seem to understand the concept. Ask around what it means. As of for 500,000 non-industrial years somehow being related to 15-20 years of post industrial futuristic age.....still no cookie pal. 500,000 is relatively a part...
  8. C

    When Al Gore lied three times...caught with his pants down.

    the posted video.....list fact that warm spikes over eons 'WERE A RARITY'......then it goes on to say 'THE PRESENT ABNORMALLY LONG WARM SPELL'........STOP THERE....DO NOT ADD SPIN!!!!!! shot yourself in the foot again.....but the video creator tried to put spin on it so you attempted to fly...
  9. C

    When Al Gore lied three times...caught with his pants down.

    the trolls comments regarding global warming are irrelevant. apples and so much of his 'so called acedemia' efforts. to site eons of history as proof of non-warming is irrelevant apples and oranges. eons of history.....compared to what? mankind becoming somewhat populous?...say...
  10. C

    Attn: Addressing some issues that has been going on.

    The idea of a forum is that it is an open to public discussion board. Which means it can and will in all probability deviate off from the topic. Those are the odds of dealing with the public. Human nature in a crowd. The forum board is not a classroom where an instructor keeps control of the...
  11. C

    Leader of Al Qaeda killed

    Ahman Al the spelling I think. Bin Laden was only a rich guy who threw money into Al Qaeda....and has become the icon face. Al Zawahiri an Egyptian doctor with the brains and radical push.
  12. C

    Leader of Al Qaeda killed

    Actually number two Al Zawahari (forgot spelling) is the brains of the organization.
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    Obama Approval hits 50%...again....teeters

    Very convenient for you to leave out Bush's 29% rating at end of terms. Further proof of one-sided biased reporting. Oh I forgot....just more Fox News.
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    When Al Gore lied three times...caught with his pants down.

    ha ha ha ha....quite ironic you would post something about liars with thier pants lie on a regular basis. it's no big secret as you seem to think. yeah...IGNORANCE IS BLISS!!!! as I said.....let's say hypothetically it's afarce.......we still have a responsiblity to nip it in...
  15. C

    Palin's Father: She Left Hawaii Because Asians Made Her Uncomfortable

    misrepresentations again.....where are you getting this info that democrats caused increase in umemployment????? The housing meltdown and economic meltdown took years to fall into place. Democrats inherited the situation. Show me your info that proves repubs would not have had to spend and...
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    Palin's Father: She Left Hawaii Because Asians Made Her Uncomfortable

    as usual...poor attempt to cover up a loss of words of integrity. double standards...snide remarks...turn attentiion back on the blah blah about one's supposed acedemic achievements, etc, etc,..... the way you present your topics is like a defense lawyer or prosecutor trying...
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    working outside -9 plus winds....nice day
  18. C

    The incredible shrinking president

    misrepresentation don't try giving people homework to counter your misrepresentations....they are not deserving and answer the question.......'as a result'..... misrepresentation you always stoop to whining about people criticizingyou when things get tough for you...and attack themand...
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    The incredible shrinking president

    don't play pretend college professor with me smartass...... you have avoided the topic again...which is that you tried to pass off your statement of 'as a result' as some kind of fact...when it is total bunk....don't try and change subject and talk down in condescending manner to those who...