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  1. D

    ladies and gentlemen...theres something I have to admit, and I regret this forever...

    Steely Dan - It took a lot of courage to admit your addiction, and believe me, we all have our own shortcomings - some of us have already admitted them, some will never be able to and some wont even admit that they have a serious problem. You have recognized that you have a problem, and...
  2. D

    AllDeaf Caucus 2008

    I chose Ohio for 2008 so we could have excursions such as Cedar Point - the next Caucus would be in 2010 - and Im hoping we have enough ADers attend the 2008 Caucus so we can put it to a vote for the next location. The reason why its biannual is because of all the planning that is needed -...
  3. D

    Is It Appropriate To .....

    *clapping hands* Way to go, my dear Angelic! I can understand how you feel - I have not seen a thread hijacked so blatantly this way for a long time, and it's a shame that it had to happen to a thread that had a very, very simple question. I hope that those who ignored your question, and...
  4. D

    Thread Hijacking

    Lately, this seems to be the norm for many of these threads... many have been hijacked and sent into different directions - which is not always good. In most cases, this can cause flaming, bad feelings and animosity. This is the definition: Thread hijacking is the act of trying to steer a...