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  1. SimonJ


    You mean than, for someone explaining what they meant because it wasn't clear, you could have proof-read it!
  2. SimonJ

    Linux OS question

    LightDM is a display manager, not a desktop environment, hence the DM. As previously suggested Xfce would be a good idea, or #! for really old stuff.
  3. SimonJ

    two black eyes.

    I have no idea what that means, can a native translate please?
  4. SimonJ

    Who am I?

    The Force says that orange text is going to get annoying! :)
  5. SimonJ


    Hey, hey Paula! :) :welcome:
  6. SimonJ

    Could you guys help me design a mobile app to help the deaf to speak on mobile phones

    Really? You can spell vocabulary but not you or would?
  7. SimonJ

    google chrome

    Try SRWare iron, it's Chrome with privacy. :)
  8. SimonJ

    Free delivery>??

    This is the second of this type of question from you, if you agree something with someone you cannot then change your mind because a better deal comes along. If you are not happy with the first deal then don't agree to it. If you are, the next person should just be told it's sold, no need to get...
  9. SimonJ

    Linux OS question

    OK, why not use Google+? I use it here for three way chats every week.
  10. SimonJ

    Linux OS question

    VRS? What is that?
  11. SimonJ

    Legend of the Seeker

    Holy crap, how long have I been away! :)
  12. SimonJ

    New to being deaf.

    It can be hard for the person to make the move though, well for me anyway! :) Oh and :welcome: Angie!
  13. SimonJ

    signing buddy?

    Why? Reply in the forum please.
  14. SimonJ

    Push Girls On Sundance Channel: Free If You Can Hear, $2.99 Per Episode If You Can’t

    Push Girls is a reality program about four beautiful, fabulous women living in Hollywood who use wheelchairs. When reader Chris, a disability activist, heard about it, he wanted to check it out. For viewers who don't have cable (or Dish Network subscribers), full episodes of the program are...
  15. SimonJ

    signing buddy?

    Try here
  16. SimonJ

    Hello! Learning ASL...would love some help!

    Hi Elsie, have a look here
  17. SimonJ

    Age Barometer

    I got 8 and don't I know it! lol
  18. SimonJ

    Gday from Perth OZ

    If you're in Perth get in touch with WA Deaf and Better Hearing Australia. Both good places to meet people.
  19. SimonJ

    Why Choose Linux?

    I understand what you are saying but you do realise that all the codec problems and DVD problems are because they have to be paid for. Why would expect something that is free to include things that are not? What you should really be asking is how we got to the stage that the world only used...