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  1. MilitaryGirl83

    AD Dark Theme Now Available

    Awesome.. I love it.. what next.. can u make it pink? LoL! Amanda would be thrilled because black is her favorite color so yay for panda manda! :giggle:
  2. MilitaryGirl83

    man had sex with dead deer

    :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: That's soo sick and disguesting! :ugh3:
  3. MilitaryGirl83

    What is this about?!

    :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: That makes me mad and makes me sick to the stomach.. poor those pets!
  4. MilitaryGirl83

    Who have you met or would like to on AD?

    I've met Alex and Vampy in person recently also. :cool:
  5. MilitaryGirl83

    Parents-know-best view 'outdated'

    Well it is a tough one since I am very pro-choice woman myself and my mom is very profile. I was raped before and I got pregnant before but before I had the chance to have an abortion.. I lost it at 8 weeks. I was only 17 going on 18 years old at the time. My mom still have no idea about this...
  6. MilitaryGirl83

    Goal Lists

    1) Get my own place/ 2) Go to college 3) Find Mr. Right guy and get married again and maybe have more kids later. :)
  7. MilitaryGirl83

    Toothless Smile

    Awwww soo cute!
  8. MilitaryGirl83

    Warning on yahoo messenger Important please read !!!!!

    I agree.. what a lame spam and hoax it is! :roll:
  9. MilitaryGirl83

    I’m going to Sorenson tomorrow!

    Wow let me know how it goes and it sounds alot of fun! :)
  10. MilitaryGirl83

    Hey, looky in here.....

    Awwww..Congrats.. I am so excited for you guys! :giggle:
  11. MilitaryGirl83


  12. MilitaryGirl83

    $1,000 Pizza

  13. MilitaryGirl83

    Spring break

    In April..will see my kids then probably see my date and zoom to CA with him so I am excited!
  14. MilitaryGirl83

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part III

    I have alot going on this weekend.. going to clubbing with amanda and other friends from rit.. it`s gonna be a blast since it is st patrick`s weekend! :)
  15. MilitaryGirl83

    Sam return to AD

    welcome back Sam! :)
  16. MilitaryGirl83

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part III

    This weekend has been great but busy for me .. next weekend I will be out of town for a while and wouldnt be back until next month.
  17. MilitaryGirl83

    Religion in Relationships.

    I just believe in God and Jesus.. I don't want a religious freak in my life.. just somebody who believes in God and Jesus.
  18. MilitaryGirl83

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part III

    I cannot wait to see my date next weekend! :hyper: I miss him so much! :cool:
  19. MilitaryGirl83

    Ask VamPyroX Anything!

    I have met him in person before.. and he is not shy.. he is just a very mellow.. sweet guy. :)
  20. MilitaryGirl83

    Did you all hear....

    I have been a fan of them since 2005 thanks to my lil sis Danielle. :giggle: