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    Hearing Loss & Dementia

    Oops, I must have typed the url in wrong....Help
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    Hearing Loss & Dementia Your post of Sept. 8th, 2020 is an eye opener, and I think, should be reposted, our kids and parents, deserve to know, so they wont fall into...
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    Auditory Processing Disorder Hi Angela, these links I send, have helped me understand my TBI...
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    My search for, Resonance Frequencies, Harmonies, and Overtones.

    :dance2::angel::) "Music is Movement", but so much more. It is "The Search for Perfection". I've known about the "Space" between notes, since the early 70's, taught to me by my "piano tuning, guitar playing friend", Jeff Cerwinski. It is, as important as the tones and notes themselves. I would...
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    Out of place

    Here's something; Take a tuning fork into a very quiet room, as quiet as you can get it, Take your Hearing aid out, no electronics, sit down and "bottom to top, and top to bottom" breathing for a couple of minutes, push all the air out. Strike the fork and hold it all around your head, and see...
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    Are you joking!

    "Knock Knock, Who's there? "Eyes". "Eyes Who"? "Eyes Deaf", or "Eyes have it", or "Eyes your newt President",.. ha.
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    Hello! May I get some help?

    First off, always ask for a LEVEL 2 OPERATOR, and when you get one, be ASSERTIVE and relay ARTICULATED words, no need to mention any "handicap", to a stranger. Once you find a "Human" voice to communicate with, they will usually give you their name, and say, "how may I help you"?, and that sets...
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    Out of place

    For me, guidance came in the form of well tuned music, I'll tell you why. When I woke up in the hospital with only one ear, my brain patterns were at a total loss at first, to find new pathways. Every sound was now directed into my "good" ear, and since I could no longer "locate" sounds...
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    Out of place

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    How do i explain i don't want my hearing aids?

    Yes, and check out "The Makhaila Peterson Podcast", where she talks to her Dad, Dr. Jordan Peterson, about their lifelong Auto-Immune disorders. Dr. Peterson and his daughter have delved deep into this issue, and I've found great comfort listening to them...
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    Can hearing aid damage hearing ?

    I went to an Audiologist as part of my VA benefits (USMC 1965-1969) "screening", (finally, finally, after I put my Pride away for a bit), and she hooked me up to her equipment. Then she struck a tuning fork and put it on the top of my forehead, and said, "tell me when you can't hear it any...
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    What is experience blood pressure?

    "SENSIBLE AND SILLY", x1heavy. Craig
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    What do you do for living?

    I am a Colorado Master Plumber, retired due to a TBI.
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    Product Engineering Services

    Hello gnuuser, I am interested in your "transducer headphones", and electric microphones, and how they work, do they fit over, or in the ear? Is there a separate volume control? I have found that being hands free of a "swipe phone", and nothing in my ear canal, makes people feel more...
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    My anxiety gets worse!

    Drink a big glass of lemon water, and get some protein first thing, get up at the same time. I wear a bone phone all day, paired to my favorite music on very low when I'm talking in front of some one, or on high to sometimes block chatter noise...
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    Hi! Music Teacher with sudden hearing loss in one ear - new to this site.

    Those of us who "lost an ear" overnight, are now confronted with, "all sounds" 2.0, trying to cram themselves into the good ear, all the time, from all directions. Sound Has no "direction" any more. No possible way to interpret all the sounds, so I went back to my music roots, and use that as...
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    Hi Annie, when I lost 100% of hearing in my right ear, in a split second, my brain lost a brother, and now, all the sound is all around, all the time, and all trying to get into my "good" left ear canal, all at once. My ear now has a narrow "cone" that it can hear clearly in, and it is now...
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    Hi! Music Teacher with sudden hearing loss in one ear - new to this site.

    Hi, Try This, put a foam ear plug in your good ear , nice and tight, and listen and feel it expand in your ear, takes about 25 seconds. It blocks about 95% of sounds in the mid and lower range. Walk into your class room and see which voices that you can't hear. Now, you can't have ANY hearing...
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    Can hearing aid damage hearing ?

    Hi, X1heavy My name is Craig and I have finally found a good solution for myself, about being in the world with only one ear. A while back, I ordered two, "BONE CONDUCTION WIRELESS HEADPHONES", one an IDONN F1, $47, and the other an AFTERSHOKZ AIR, $100. and paired the AIR up with my...