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  1. D

    Down with the "End of The World" movies!!!!!

    That is a very good list indeed and does cover quite a few of the end of the world topics. No worries of your geekness. Excellent title. These are good films in their own right but not exactly "end of the world". Both involved natural disasters but were centralized in Los Angeles. There...
  2. D

    Astronomers: We could find Earth-like planets soon

    Read the title to the thread and I just YAWNED... what good is it to find an earth-like planet if we can't GET TO IT! Space program is about 100 years behind schedule and it's only 52 years old. By all rights and intended purposes we should've already have a moon base and an outpost on Mars and...
  3. D

    Post a picture of you and your sibling

    My brother and me some 20 years ago... love my long hair. :D
  4. D

    PETA is nothing but embarrassment.

    Well now we can turn the tables on them... next time you see a PETA rally buy some cans of RED paint and throw it on them... call it pay back for all the times they threw paint on some rich lady's fur-coat! LOL Oh and do that while eating a triple bacon cheese burger right in front of them!
  5. D

    Kids Begs Drunken School Bus driver To Stop.

    amen! Well they did it to protect the identity of the kids on the bus. Either way it's just a terrible thing to see and hopefully like someone here said... she gets her license permanently suspended because it's one thing to drive around alone DUI/DWI but another when you're driving a school...
  6. D

    15 Essential Differences Between Men & Women

    This is a must read (and enjoy) and good topics for discussion... check it out... click on the link to read and enjoy. A LOT of this is true... oh so true... check it out! Comments, thoughts?
  7. D

    new harry potter

    my brother has the bluray packaged edition which was the 3 disk version... and the DVD provided there was captioned AND subtitled... saw it over the Christmas holidays... You should be able to take it back and throw it at the customer service and demand a new one
  8. D

    Want to Stop Talking

    :Ohno: :Oops: Sorry hunny... :bowdown:
  9. D

    Want to Stop Talking

    I learned a long time ago how not to talk during signing and just talk when it's necessary. My gf has good oral skills *ahem* and uses them when she has to ... other wise she just shuts her mouth and lets her hands do the talking... wait a second ... that's not coming out right... :laugh2:
  10. D

    I'm deaf and it's okay because.....

    I'm Deaf/HOH and it's okay because even in the silent periods of my life, I'm never alone or lonely.
  11. D

    Obama effigy hanged in Jimmy Carter's home town

    Boy this is really going overboard... I know lots of folks that hate Obama (including those of his own race) and they'd love to see him impeached as well as anyone else. But to do THAT... in the SOUTH... umm... they're not helping racial relations.
  12. D

    This is why you shouldn't park in front of a fire hydrant

    Agreed... they WILL bust out your car window if you're crass enough to park in front of a hydrant knowing FULL well how it would interfere with the firemen trying to do their job... after all it might be YOUR house that's on fire. They were legally right to do that by all means.
  13. D

    What would you do if aliens come to earth?

    Sounds like an OLD Twilight Zone episode where a small Mexican village was "terrorized" by a alien landing and trying to offer something, he got shot/killed and the gift he was offering was burned... someone put out the fire and read what was left... it was a cure for cancer. A lesson in letting...
  14. D

    Terrorist attack foiled aboard U.S. jetliner

    A Nigerian Suicide bomber??? Damn, and I thought they were just after our money. Oh wait... maybe he was trying to get even from all those smart Americans who phish those Nigerian scammers to do stupid shit in order to GET our money... On the serious side... this won't bode well with...
  15. D

    Brag about your car's miles!

    91 Jeep Cherokee Laredo... over 258K miles and still going strong. Recently took it on a 1200+ mile jaunt and had NO problems with it what-so-ever! Love my Jeep.
  16. D

    Picture of Your Significant Other

    Another one of us together... :D
  17. D

    Girl, 11: Tried to Burn Mom Alive (*graphic*)

    Yes for her welfare I would agree... However lets be awfully careful with the idea of what is a "stable and proper upbringing". How long before children who are grounded because they didn't do their homework are considered not in a home defined by that definition. We have standards in our...
  18. D

    What are your predictions in 2010?

  19. D

    Submitting ALLDEAF photos

    Who can I send a picture of my gf and I holding a sign together saying ALLDEAF . COM as we've seen others have in the main page? We made up our own sign and took some photos together and would like to submit one or two. Thanks
  20. D

    I want to be the best Sign Language Interpreter...

    Welcome to AD... If you want to be the BEST then total immersion into the deaf world would be the best and quickest way to becoming so. I've known some very wonderful ASL interpreters who have done just that. Live, work, befriend and play with deaf people in their area and learn the hows, whys...