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  1. evil_queen_lisa

    Re-Thinking CI

    If I were to get a CI, this is one of the main reasons I would have chosen AB. With Phonaks technology, I am confident their next processor will be far superior to Cochlear or Med-Els. I am expecting to see integrated FM in the next one (like the Naidas that can have integrated FM). *EQL*
  2. evil_queen_lisa

    Unitron Max

    Yes I heard that too..
  3. evil_queen_lisa

    Re-Thinking CI

    You'd be surprised just how often that happens :S Not every single cause of hearing loss has been determined. *EQL*
  4. evil_queen_lisa

    Immersion ASL

    Hi, this is not in the USA, but many Americans will come up for camp. In Ontario (Parry Sound) there is a camp for the Deaf that offers a 1 week immersion ASL program for hearing adults every summer. They also offer Fall and Winter weekend retreats. It is farther but is very decently priced and...
  5. evil_queen_lisa

    Unitron Max

    HI Everyone, sorry it has been a long time (years?) since I last posted. I am thinking of getting new HAs soon as my Phonak Naida UPs from 3 years ago are not doing so hot. One is eating through batteries and I generally can't stand the way they sound. I don't use them as often as I should but...
  6. evil_queen_lisa

    Headphones for Profound Loss

    Been a long time since I posted here... Anyone know of any headphones that go loud enough for someone with profound loss to use? I'm at 80 at 250 and I can detect some music while at the bars near the speakers, so I'm looking for a pair of headphones or earbuds that I can get some music with...
  7. evil_queen_lisa

    Limitations of D/deaf people because of interpreter knowledge

    hey, just writing a quick message.. going to bed so i havent had a chance to read all the posts. Im doing my Masters right now. i find it helps if the interpreters are provided with the powerpoints and everything ahead of time so that they can become familiar. I ask the profs to make sure they...
  8. evil_queen_lisa

    Post your audiogram

    Kristina we are ear twins! *EQL*
  9. evil_queen_lisa

    Going To Italy!!

    Thanks I will. I am thinking of staying for a week after. Does anyone know if there are grants or anything available (in canada obviously) to help deaf people who want to bring an interpreter on vacation? One of my terps is thinking of staying the extra week with me and I'd love to be able to...
  10. evil_queen_lisa

    Going To Italy!!

    thanks all. Yes the university is paying for them. Legally they have to accommodate me. :D I can't wait... 3 weeks of sun and Ancient/Classical Roman art and architecture! Hooray! But yes, like Beb stated earlier, without interpreters there is no way i could understand the student presentations...
  11. evil_queen_lisa

    Going To Italy!!

    Just a line (sorry to make everyone jealous), I applied for and got accepted to go on a 3 week study tour in Italy for university credit!! Best part? I get to bring 2 of my terps!! Whoot! Can't wait for may! *EQL*
  12. evil_queen_lisa

    Colored Hearing aids and EARMOLDS? AGE

    mine Naida UPs are red and black and my earmolds are red and orange and my tubes are red!!! im 23! *EQL*
  13. evil_queen_lisa

    Hypermobile Eardrum

    curious.. what kind? it was recommended that i get tested for EDS but i never did.. *EQL*
  14. evil_queen_lisa

    hearing aid picture

    really the Naida's are bigger? your new ones look bigger in the picture. Could you post a pic of them side-by-side?? *EQL*
  15. evil_queen_lisa

    Hypermobile Eardrum

    i also am hypermobile but i have not been told that it affects my eardrum. It makes sense as most hypermobile conditions are cause by the fibrous tissues connecting the joints to be somewhat elastic (varying in severity). Since the eardrum (i believe) is also fibrous tissue, it would make sense...
  16. evil_queen_lisa

    Med-El CI Users

    perhaps.. i'm trying to find out if I can get one done here in the Niagara region. *EQL*
  17. evil_queen_lisa

    New Tinnitus Treatment...

    I, however, would like to know how they asked the Rats if their Tinnitus was better :S *EQL*
  18. evil_queen_lisa

    New Tinnitus Treatment...

    'Rebooting' brain could ease ringing in ears - Inform Scientists have found a way to ease chronic ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus, by stimulating a neck nerve and playing sounds to reboot the brain, according to research published Wednesday. There is currently no cure for tinnitus...
  19. evil_queen_lisa

    vent plugs can jump.. i swear!!

    yea... survived the day tho. My audie superglued the plugs in this time ;) *EQL*
  20. evil_queen_lisa

    Med-El CI Users

    ptcallaghan... what was your wait like for the balance testing?? That is what is holding me up right now.. Appointment was Jan 7th but I'm STILL waiting for a DATE for my balance testing. I called them and they were like, we'll email you when we know :S *EQL*