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  1. TinCanSailor

    What do you put on an Brunswagger sandwich

    I'm not Jewish so I eat it, but only once a year because of the high calories. It is an unusual taste you have to get used to, and different companies make it so it can vary a little.
  2. TinCanSailor

    What do you put on an Brunswagger sandwich

    Mine is two slices of white bread, mustard, onions, sweet pickles and of course braunschweiger.
  3. TinCanSailor

    Texting and walking can be deadly

    What can you say about this? She will probably do it again.
  4. TinCanSailor

    Man nearly shot and hauled off to jail and it wasn't his fault

    Auto and motorcycle plates are nothing alike! I would like to see a BIG payday from the courts on this one.
  5. TinCanSailor

    Australian Man Digs Up Massive Gold Nugget

    I'll bet she kicks him out of the house every morning from now on.
  6. TinCanSailor

    Deceased soldier and his dog returning to Atlanta

    This was from February 13th, 2013 but just posted March 6, 2015. The story is written above the video. Touching...
  7. TinCanSailor

    Who would like to drive an 3 wheel motorcycle?

    Those 3-wheel ATVs with soft tires were off road and were easy to flip. My trike would have to be hit by another vehicle to flip, same as a two-wheel motorcycle.
  8. TinCanSailor

    Who would like to drive an 3 wheel motorcycle?

    Agreed. Only thing I have to add is my Honda handles interstate curves and ramps well above the posted limits without that "feeling" any biker gets when you are on the edge. Of course if riding Deal's Gap, that would be a different story. :)
  9. TinCanSailor

    Who would like to drive an 3 wheel motorcycle?

    Actually, trikes get a couple of miles per gallon less than two-wheelers due to their physical size. Trikes make up for it in comfort and stability.
  10. TinCanSailor

    Who would like to drive an 3 wheel motorcycle?

    My 2008 Champion bodied Honda Goldwing 1800. :) Ok Tousi, your turn.
  11. TinCanSailor


    My condolences go out to his family. I got a kick out of his details during his outings. :(
  12. TinCanSailor

    Brian Williams, I never knew he was so well known

    Broke my promise:
  13. TinCanSailor

    Navy's new rail gun video

    Just like the rail gun. Powered by magnets. I cannot wait for people to complain of some kind of health issues from this over time. It is much safer than powder charges in guns or high-pressure steam pipes and cables moving at high speeds for cat launches. Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch...
  14. TinCanSailor

    Brian Williams, I never knew he was so well known

    No more, I promise. :laugh2:
  15. TinCanSailor

    Cruise missile launch video

    I like the part where the bird fly away. It says they lived. Probably will never be the same again. :)
  16. TinCanSailor

    Navy's new rail gun video

    I think it is possible.
  17. TinCanSailor

    Navy's new rail gun video

    Electomagnet powered:
  18. TinCanSailor

    Cruise missile launch video

    Cool to watch: