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  1. R2D2

    H/A vs. C/I

    :( about the Great Barrier Reef. But yes, Australia and the pacific has many amazing and colourful fish so I can see how it could be a snorkler's paradise. Maybe one day! :)
  2. R2D2

    H/A vs. C/I

    LOL! :giggle: I wish you could come over and finish my daughter's scrapbook for me. She is 5 and I still haven't completed it!
  3. R2D2

    Tired of "hearing" after 15 years?

    I just wanted to make a point here. My audiologist told me it takes about 9 years for you to lose auditory memory, as in perceiving the sounds. So if a few years later you changed your mind, you most likely would be able to pick up where you left off within about 6 months, especially since you...
  4. R2D2

    Tired of "hearing" after 15 years?

    As the others said, it's a personal choice and it seems to me that as far as your perpective is concerned, the answer lies in your own post. You asked about issues you should weigh. The only things I can think of is: 1. If you do not wear the CI most of the time then eventually, due to...
  5. R2D2

    Grannies CI Diary

    I'd say that this is the reason why she hasn't done as well with the CI as hoped. Decent early exposure to sound, even if it's with HAs, is a significant factor that influences adult outcomes with CIs. I have an adult friend who never had any sound prior to his CI as an adult and he had to...
  6. R2D2

    H/A vs. C/I

    I don't see why some people make such a big deal about scuba diving anyway. I've never scuba dived in my life, let alone go beyond 80 feet. I cannot think of a single one of my hearing friends that goes diving that deep either and I know a lot of people. Fine, if someone is a deep scuba...
  7. R2D2

    Grannies CI Diary

    Yes, I did. I didn't feel too fussed at the time but now I like to look back at that photo. I wasn't looking startled. I was laughing because it sounded so terrible. It's hard to say for sure without knowing anything about her background. I agree with John that sometimes results can be...
  8. R2D2

    H/A vs. C/I

    With HAs, I was making more heavy use of other tools to make sense of conversations such as lipreading and context. It wasn't until I suddenly lost my residual hearing that I considered CIs but I reckoned I could have qualified before, since I always got poor scores on sentence testing with no...
  9. R2D2

    CI Robots?

    Yeah, but I think they are talking more about people who get a CI and then do not want anything to do with their old friends anymore rather than other personality changes such as becoming happier and more confident. So as Vampy says, if friends reject you for whatever reason (whether it's...
  10. R2D2

    My time has come!

    I agree with John - just something to be mindful of. The autosensitivity program might work well for you in noisy restaurant environments. Sometimes audies don't give it to you until several weeks after you have been activated but it might be worth discussing this with her/him at your...
  11. R2D2


    Hi Tensho, Welcome. I'm from Sydney too and have heard of the SCIC, although I didn't get my CIs through there. Sorry to hear about you losing your speech processor. Have you tried enquiring with the police station in the area? Sometimes people will hand in valuable property there. I...
  12. R2D2

    CI Robots?

    Most implantations happen around the age of 18 months to 2. Is this still too young for you? I think this is probably what Raychelle has in mind rather than 6 months. Most babies with some residual hearing are trialled with HAs first before the CI is decided upon. Maybe with some very large...
  13. R2D2

    CI doctors and scientists do not care for Deaf culture and ASL?

    Yes, they might adopt that position for themselves but they may be reluctant to approve of it being forced on everyone else. For example, a deaf couple might want their kid to be implanted so that speech can be learned but want a bilingual approach to education for that child because it works...
  14. R2D2

    CI Robots?

    Yes. And also for more members of the deaf community to move to Raychelle's position in accepting that there are some advantages to early implantation. Then there might actually be some sort of peace LOL!
  15. R2D2

    CI doctors and scientists do not care for Deaf culture and ASL?

    Presumably, educators and professionals who work with deaf children would have some sort of input into a proposal like that. I can imagine that if it got that far it would be very controversial indeed. I think that even parents who have educated their children orally but who are pro education...
  16. R2D2

    CI Robots?

    Might be a good idea. I think her approach of moving past the ethics of CIs on children itself and focussing more on language acquisition at an early age would be appreciated by many hearing parents who are seeking more information.
  17. R2D2

    CI doctors and scientists do not care for Deaf culture and ASL?

    Well, if that's true then I don't think that's right to make a mandatory proposal applicable to all deaf children with CIs. All deaf children have different needs and should be treated as such.
  18. R2D2

    CI doctors and scientists do not care for Deaf culture and ASL?

    Also, I'm not sure if your friend would be interested but Graeme Clark, the Australian inventor of the CI was a CODA. He may not have had a deaf culture or ASL perspective, but you can see that his viewpoint of helping deaf people to hear was framed by the memory of his struggles of his father...
  19. R2D2

    CI Robots?

    Do you mean Banjo? What's his blog address?
  20. R2D2

    My time has come!

    Glad the surgery went well and you didn't lose much of your hair! With activation, things won't sound too hot to begin with (in fact it will sound horrible!) but if you are expecting this then it won't be such a big shock to you. However, things will likely start to get a lot better and...