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  1. Y

    HEy check this out , caption now website!

    Caption Now
  2. Y

    What to do with Viable ?

    YEah...What about my info acct etc ?? erase it all ? Ebay? you think someone will buy it or ??
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    What to do with Viable ?

    I have a portable Viable that i havent using it... so what to do with it? sell it or throw garbag eh ?? Thanks! YOMAN!
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    Need an confrim this rumor- purple VRS work lay off ??

    Theres word that Purple is laying off some interpters (and workers) is that true?? any one confrim this ?? thanks! YOMAN!
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    New iPhone 4

    Care to tell me how to download purplemail on Iphone?? Thanks! YOMAN!
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    Iphone and ps3 how to download ?

    I would like to know how to download purple ps3 to my Iphone ? thanks! YOMAN!
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    File a suit against Sorenson VRS .. Help?

    Umm why dont you use T-T-Y eh ??
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    Closed Captioning on CBS lately

    Yeah same here.. i noticed CSI Miami tend to cause CC problem, delay missing some words...
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    New iPhone 4

    Just ordered Iphone 3GS 16GB... What is your recommend me to buy something for my Iphone? what about skin cover to protect screen? what about case that protect my Iphone if I drop (god hope not!) it by accdient?? I m wondering when my contract w/ ATT is up, is it easy to transfer to...
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    Switching to Blackberry Tour on Sprint

    or you can wait for BB to release new ONyx 9700 sometime in Nov. i think they only offer from Verizon and T mobile.. YOMAN
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    Iphone stop supplies to ATT ????

    thats strange...thats not what ATT seller told me.. i ll try other ATT store..
  12. Y

    Iphone stop supplies to ATT ????

    I went to ATT store for Iphone GS..they told me they no longer sell it. He said the Apples stops suppiles to ATT due to contract expired. I told them about online ATT, they know it but told me they will contuning sell UNTIL it is running out of stock from warehouse.
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    Tmobile plans to release new 2nd device 3G -BB 9700

    ANy one know this yet ?? I searched and nothing really offical from T mobile yet.. What i see that i like about 9700 is wifi, camera/video and 3G for same price monthly 39.99.. ANy comment ?? Wonder if any one have "Mytouch" device with 3G ? hows Tmobile 3G?? I know its not top...
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    BB 9700 Onyx -> Tmobile 3G

    I just learned from a friend of mine that T mbile will release 9700 BB onyx sometime soon in late will come w 3G.. ANy one out there who owns T mobile w/ 3G (different device ) how do you like the speed of 3G ?? Thanks! YOMAN!
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    Deaf-Hearing Marriage

    From what i see, hearing men/deaf women tend to having divorce more than hearing women/ deaf men.. Myself a deaf male married to wonderful hearing lady, we have 2 kids, and still going strong over 7 years.. Diehardbiker.....she enjoy jeep :-) !
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    Verizon (FIOS) add info on billing about CC

    When i opened the Verizon billing by mail and i noticed that they added "Need to know information" its CLOSED CAPTIONING! If any one have a problem with FIOS TV CC: Heres info from billing paper: If you are having a concern with closed captioning on a program you are currently...
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    Snap!VRS to Acquire Viable Communications, Inc.

    I just did..and seems that they re working together as a business...interesting.
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    Snap!VRS to Acquire Viable Communications, Inc.

    Umm Viable and Snapvrs merge for business? we talked about Viable and we heard thatViable is in trouble for some reasons that some of you already know the story.. Now i m (eyeing) that Viable and Snapvrs is becoming one business ? i m confusing.. Can any one more clear and confrim this ...
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    Sprint users- question

    How happy are you with the Sprint carrier for your BB ?? I m itching to order Tour 9630 thru Sprint 3G but want to see how you all like Sprint... Is Sprint 3G good ? I m not looking for top speed..but want something better than my Curves 8320 Tmobile. Thanks!