Search results

  1. P

    Jokes to offend everyone

    :lol: there must be something wrong wit me coz I not offended by any of them
  2. P

    Hey there

    :welcome: to Alldeaf
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    New arrival!

    :welcome: to Alldeaf
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    Helllloooooo :)

    :welcome: to Alldeaf
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    hello :-)

    :welcome: to Alldeaf
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    New and looking for Friends! :D

    :welcome: to Alldeaf
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    JClarke's next trip

    JC:wave:, I hope you having great time there. You so lucky to visit America. I hope to get there one day soon. Enjoy rest of your trip!
  8. P

    Half-life newbie

    :wave: Welcome to Alldeaf!
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    hello all deaf !!

    :wave: Welcome to Alldeaf!
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    Beer in your refrigerator...

    I don't know. I non drinker. :lol:
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    Beer in your refrigerator...

    I am non drinker, but normaly find beer in my fridge belong to friends. usually Henienkan, Budweiser and Guinness.
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    Greetings from Poland!

    :wave: Welcome to Alldeaf!
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    Michelena Boehmer Late Life Deaf

    :wave: Welcome to Alldeaf
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    Hello Everyone!

    :wave: Welcome to Alldeaf
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    Hello from Kentucky :)

    :wave: welcome to Alldeaf!
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    Going deaf @ 28

    :wave: welcome to Alldeaf!
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    Hello from California

    :wave: welcome to Alldeaf!
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    Cat name!

    We have 1 cat at home Her name is Cailin which is Irish for girl. [prounounce... call-een ]
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    Being different (hearing loss only)

    I don't think it really sink in on me until I was about 8 or 9
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    Person Below Me

    Christmas pudding, no. Black/white meat pudding, yes. Does TPBM pig out on chocklate when they sad or depressed? I know I do:giggle: