Search results

  1. L

    Drinking and Driving

    nod, I agree with you. I am sorry about your friend of family.
  2. L

    Facebook should shut down??

    I like facebook. I don't have problem with that.
  3. L

    Please Pray For My Grandson

    I am sorry about your grandson. I hope that he get well soon as possible.
  4. L

    What is your secret obsession?

    I wont share my sercet!
  5. L

    My Vacation!!!

    Your link are not working.
  6. L

    Hey Pepsi ....

    Cool I like your picture of pepsi.
  7. L

    Happy Birthday to:

    Happy Birthday and Enjoy!
  8. L

    What color you like for clothes?

    I love wear blue or dark blue jeans. I wear red, green, blue, white, black, etc shirt but I hate wear orange, yellow or brown.
  9. L

    do girls like guys wore expensive clothes or dresses?

    I buy clothes at Walmart or Target or Ross. They look nice. I don't need expersive clothes. I am happy what I wear.
  10. L

    World's tallest woman dies in Indiana at age 53

    I remember her. That was sad that she passed away.
  11. L

    They found Bigfoot Body!!????

    your link is not working. I bet that it is not real.
  12. L

    Add New Smileys?

    I vote yes, I love them. Cool!
  13. L

    Do you like mint? Which kind?

    I love Yolk ( mint with dark choc)
  14. L

    In memory of an "angel"

    Pretty song! I am sorry about your loss. Hugs!
  15. L


    sometime I cannot read fingerspelling if someone do so fast.
  16. L


    Happy Birthday and Enjoy!
  17. L

    Laundry: Powder Vs. Liquid?

    I rather use liquid because powder won't solve with cold water. I don't want use warm or hot water with powder because they can make clothes smaller. I rather use cold water with liquid for clothes. I use bleach liquid with hot water for white clothes. I don't use hot or warm water for color...
  18. L

    Let's show your kids/babies off!

    awww all babies are so cute.
  19. L

    A Wet Pussy...
