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  1. mortimer mouse

    Hello:) I'm deaf from Japan!

    beh.... per farlo nascere devo mettere incinta qualcuna.... tu forse? :D
  2. mortimer mouse

    Hello:) I'm deaf from Japan!

    I rather love the Japanese girls. Those young women, not old ones :D and i living in rome :)
  3. mortimer mouse

    Hello:) I'm deaf from Japan!

    sorry if I came now, before I was eating a beautiful kinder egg (chocolate) and it took me a lot of time:D what is your city? my city is not Canebola, as some believe ... :naughty:
  4. mortimer mouse

    sunrise, sunset, fog ...

    my name is mortimer mouse :D
  5. mortimer mouse

    sunrise, sunset, fog ...

    no. però mi capita questo quando sono in motorino.....
  6. mortimer mouse

    sunrise, sunset, fog ...

    ah giusto! elmetti, quei cosi che si vedono qui
  7. mortimer mouse

    sunrise, sunset, fog ...

    e ti credo! stanno dietro la collina.... aspettano l'ordine di attacco con elemetti e baionetta innestata...
  8. mortimer mouse

    sunrise, sunset, fog ...

    sbagliato! anzi, ri-sbagliato!
  9. mortimer mouse

    Hello:) I'm deaf from Japan! Wochenschau Heute: japan guten Morgen, ich bin italienisch , Freut mich, dich kennenzulernen! :D :wave: (translate: news of the day: good morning japan, i'm italian, nice to meet you!)
  10. mortimer mouse

    What did you learn today?

    oh of course I knew it! anyone going to the bathroom, with some effort, will find some of those ... :D
  11. mortimer mouse

    What did you learn today?

    Today I learned to take note that in this forum there are assholes :D
  12. mortimer mouse

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    ah ok! pardon! I did not understand why those images were not so good ...
  13. mortimer mouse

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    excuse a question: the images come from a movie?
  14. mortimer mouse

    rome archaeological with photos

    the pleasure of discovery! extraordinary archaeological discovery occurred to fifteen feet deep in a construction site of the line underground. in the seventh century there was a large farm that extended over 14 thousand square feet with a colossal pool, a body of water that measures a...
  15. mortimer mouse

    Deafness and nightdreaming

    tu ci scherzi, ma quel terrone non mi è piaciuto per nulla. io non ho mai mancato di rispetto a nessuno, mi pare. read an insult is so very very sad. suggests that there are some idiots who grew up on bread and prozac ....
  16. mortimer mouse

    Deafness and nightdreaming

    capirai. l'ironia è una merce rara e molto bistrattata....
  17. mortimer mouse

    Deafness and nightdreaming

    isadora, oltre a non aver capito che l'altro terrone è una donna, ma che tristezza leggere "terrone"..... sarebbe come dare del negro ad un afroamericano. e meno male che gli usa sono un paese di immigrati (Obama said ...)
  18. mortimer mouse

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    there is someone involved in robberies ... I dedicate myself to breathe. especially the mouth to mouth :D
  19. mortimer mouse

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    meno male! temevo di dover faticare... :D
  20. mortimer mouse

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    ah sei curiosa.... eh, lo so ti piacerebbe.... perché non vieni a casa mia? ti farò assaggiare prelibatezze ricercate! :)