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  1. chucky69

    Envoy Esteem middle ear implant

    decided to look into this new-fangled hearing appaaratus. Guess it won't work for me either, since I too have middle-ear nerve damage. Oh well, eh? -charles
  2. chucky69

    Parents not told, school take children to Mosque, forced to bow

    Hmm, I dunno, maybe it's just me, not sure - "Why", but something doesn't smell right about this - "story" I-charles
  3. chucky69

    any beer enthusiasts out there?

    I like beer, It makes me a jolly good fellow! I like Beer! It helps me unwind, and sometimes it makes me feel mellow! -charles
  4. chucky69

    Models - what they really look like

    wonder wht she looks like w/o make-up? lol
  5. chucky69

    Man, 24, Gets 20 Years In 'Sexting' Case

    You're being too kind, sir! -charles
  6. chucky69

    Grey/white noise

    That's about all ya can do w/ tinnitus brubeckbach .................. just grin & bear it. There's no cure for tinnitus - which is caused by nerve damage in the inner ear. I've had it forever, it seems. And sometimes it's a pain in the patootie, but most of the time - it's bearable. -charles
  7. chucky69

    How old are you? :)

    middle-aged, dirty minded hoh ol fart here! :D
  8. chucky69

    How old are you? :)

    Hey! What about us middle-aged HOH ol' farts? lol I turned the big 49er a few months back ! :dance2: -charles
  9. chucky69

    Raise your hands up only!

    For those that don't know me here; I am now deaf in my left ear and only about 40% hearing in right - w/ aid. Unlike 20 some yrs ago, when I had 30% hearing in the Left ear, and 70+ish% hearing in the Right ear. In all my years of hearing loss - including the most recent serious changes in my...
  10. chucky69

    Say Something!

    Did I hear someone say they were buying? I'll take a nice very cold drink of anything as long as it isn't alcoholic! Mostly because it is hotter than a hoochi-coochie here in Michigan! -charles
  11. chucky69

    Man With Alzheimer's Dies After Drinking Detergent

    As a former Nurse Aide .................. I don't think so! In late stage of Alzheimers - one is pretty well bed ridden, and especially has literally no - COGNITIVE FUNCTIONALITY -charles
  12. chucky69

    Gates: Iran could launch "hundreds" of missiles at Europe

    About all it is! -charles
  13. chucky69

    Obama praises China's move to allow its currency to float

    They'll allow it to float ............ but I bet they won't let it float much! -charles
  14. chucky69

    Oil seal fails...

    I'm sure they'll try and find a way to blame Bush! :roll: -charles
  15. chucky69

    Justice Department plans to sue over Arizona law

    Yup - there's a real intelligent idea; Setting off either a atomic or nuclear bomb on the sea floor! Wonder how big that tsunami would be? Let alone the environmental devastation, and such it would cause :jaw: And totally agree w/ Jiro - this has - "What", to do w/ the current topic...
  16. chucky69

    World Sees Obama as Incompetent and Amateur

    You wanna back that up, please?! 'cause I haven't see/heard anything of the contrary. As a matter of fact ....... he's not doing any better/worse than any other Pres. in my book, in that area. -charles
  17. chucky69

    Obama is an idiot

    Putting it nicely! :lol: -charles
  18. chucky69

    Obama Speech

    SO what about those bastions of Democrats/Liberalism; NYTimes, San Francisco Chronicle, Detroit Free Press, many Liberal/Democrat Columnists, etc who said (in my terms) Obummer don't know what the **** he's talking about? -charles
  19. chucky69

    Have you ever been pulled over by the cops?

    one speeding (80's) - 35 in a 25, two no proof of insurance (1980's), several fix it tickets (80's), , two operating under the influence of alcohol (80's), one expired plate (80's), and two seat-belt (00's). Ah yes - my terrible 20's! lol -charles
  20. chucky69

    News for you need to know about this!!

    WEll, then those peeps need to get with then program then - it's not like the Gov't - "HASN'T", been telling peeps over the past ten yrs or so - that this time - "WILL", come! -charles