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  1. Irish Devil Dog

    What is your most embarrassed of Moment?

    Oh ofc!! Will never being drunk while I have it ever again LOL. :rofl: poor that gurl
  2. Irish Devil Dog

    Happy Friday the 13th

    Bleech I hate Friday the 13th.. I already got one bad luck is that I missed my dr appt which I overslept =/
  3. Irish Devil Dog

    Anyone who involved or saw..

    Yeah, javapride. :D I'm sure you people are :shock: that was her who is my ex. At least she apologized to me what she ve done to me in the past. But ofc there is no way for us to go back together. She knows I am good woman with good heart even tho she kept one of my word :D
  4. Irish Devil Dog

    Anyone who involved or saw..

    Yeah I agreed with u. I am not helping nor go back to her at all.. It was 2 years ago. Yeah I felt guilty before that I went back to her. But now nah not anymore. Yeah your right that I am worthy of loving and heathly relationship :).
  5. Irish Devil Dog

    Anyone who involved or saw..

    Well, yeah I had DV experienced which is my ex gf. I'm not going to name who. Some of you know who it is. I have been thru abused and I decided left her for good but *shrugs* I made a mistake to go back to this ex gf for another chance but never get along at all and always agure everyday and...
  6. Irish Devil Dog

    Ask me any ???s

    LOL sure take yer time :D P{eacerainbowgal. Awww *hugssss* Mandy Smartie heck no I hateeeeee hospital!!!!!
  7. Irish Devil Dog

    Bong Recreation

    :rofl: omg!! I'd go there to tokin up hahaha.
  8. Irish Devil Dog

    Hello Everybody!!

    Welcome to ADv2 and enjoy yer stay :D
  9. Irish Devil Dog

    hello ad

    Welcome to ADv2 and enjoy yer stay!! :D
  10. Irish Devil Dog

    Hello people...

    Welcome to ADv2!! Enjoy yer stay :D
  11. Irish Devil Dog

    Ask me any ???s

    Yer welcome :D Any more of ?? to ask me, peepz?? Ask away :D
  12. Irish Devil Dog


    Welcome to ADv2 and enjoy yer stay :D
  13. Irish Devil Dog


    Welcome to ADv2.. Enjoy yer stay :D
  14. Irish Devil Dog

    hi! (fingerspelling)

    Welcome to ADv2
  15. Irish Devil Dog

    Postwhoring, when too much is too much?

    Dayum I am wayyyyyyyy behind w/ those threads and noticed my # of posts went down too and was puzzled whats going on lol. I just got back home from my little vacation.. whew gonna to catch up :D. I'll read n finds what happening since I was gone.
  16. Irish Devil Dog

    How did yer parent react.....

    Oh you have to go in User control panal on the top and go to edit profile or options (Not sure which one) and u'll see avatar there so you'll able to do that :D
  17. Irish Devil Dog

    Ask me any ???s

    LOL at bbnt!! Yes I am really female :P. Whoever kn ows me they'll say im female and I know i look like male which I am very butchy :P
  18. Irish Devil Dog

    hi kitty82

    *snarling..............purrrrrrrrrrinnnnnnnnggggg* Heh welcome to ADv2!! :D
  19. Irish Devil Dog

    If AD was a town

    I'd open a club for gay/lesbains :D
  20. Irish Devil Dog

    My Life Has Changed

    :rofl: Good one for April Fool's Day