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  1. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    he's distributing most of his films for free as he claims, yet turns around and does this. :roll: You can't do this and yet expect to have your free cookies... Yiz
  2. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    because they know we're too lazy to read them :giggle: Yiz
  3. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    Except for the lawsuit he's asking 2.5 million that he thinks he's owed from one of his films. Michael Moore files 'Fahrenheit 9/11' lawsuit, says he is owed money - 02/09/2011 | Entertainment News from Yiz
  4. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    It's possible.... Yiz
  5. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    Nope I don't complain about it either. I agree with ya there. Yiz
  6. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    *cough* points up *cough* Yiz
  7. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    Hey it happened to the Rich Guy who flipped off the poor guy named Lazarus. :giggle: Yiz
  8. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    Of course, none of the theaters don't see his movies as profitable for them. So they won't carry him. Yiz
  9. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    Remmy the young man who approached THE MAN "What can I do for you?" and THE MAN said, "Sell everything you have and give it to the poor" The young man freaks and leaves. THE MAN looks at his friends, "Hey, it's easier for the Camel to go through the eye of the needle than it is for a rich...
  10. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    yet he turns around and does this... Michael Moore files 'Fahrenheit 9/11' lawsuit, says he is owed money - 02/09/2011 | Entertainment News from He's suing for 2.7 Million Dollars. Yiz
  11. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    If the gullible elects to buy them, then MM just exploited their money all in the name of profits. A sucker is born every minute... Don't be gullible, McFly! Yiz
  12. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    Yeah I heard about them. They're ok. Nice of them to ship leftover ice cream productions to pig farms for them to eat. I do love their ice cream products, Chocolate Chip and Cookie Dough is one of my favorites. Yiz
  13. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    Nope, not entirely the corps fault, but they know most majority of users arre too lazy to read them, They're too long to read. But do you read them? I think one abbreviation is called DMCA? "Digital Millennium Copyright Agreement", if memory serves me correctly. That's in most software...
  14. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    Of course and the poor buys his movie tickets and his DVDs. Right? Of course he profits from the poor. Yes he exploited the deaths of a School staff and students by putting out "Bowling for Columbine" in 2001, two years after the incident for profits. Can you say, "Tax break" for...
  15. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    How many actually take the time to read the TOS, FAQs and Software agreements before clicking "I agree" to install them?? :giggle: Yiz
  16. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    They can pass laws for themselves, but it don't mean they're share the information to the public at large. For example, online here in my county, they deleted the cost of a speeding ticket and we are forced to wait 23 days to find out how much our fine will be so if one elects to pay the fine...
  17. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    Yeah, but where are they basing that from? That doesn't seem to compute. Yiz
  18. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    Nope, their homes. Yiz
  19. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    Welcome to the club, you and me both. But it won't happen with the two party system in place. They need to be rid of and replaced with more party choices. IMHO I'm voting Ron Paul, whether he wins or not. At least it'll be something I'll be proud of. I've noticed most voting machines don't...
  20. yizuman

    Is Michael Moore a Hypocrite and a Liar?

    Ok, here's how I look at MM. Some lib hanging out at Occupy and sees MM.... Lib: "Hey! What are you doing here?" MM: I'm with the 99%! Lib: No you're not, you're rich, a Capitalist who makes films and crap. You don't belong with us. Get yer butt over with the 1% and btw, share me...