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  1. Mizzou

    Barely being here

    Because you are not in 2003. I comes here and still till middle of 2007. I stopped by here few times since 2007, not much post here. :) Thank you for welcoming
  2. Mizzou

    Face with Deaf World

    By J.R. Hutto This book is about deaf person faces with hearing world and challange with hearing who face with deaf world. I think it is good opportance for everyone to read and understand its culture between hearing and deaf. Any Questions?
  3. Mizzou

    Deaf works as Medical Coding & Billing Specialists??

    I am Billing Specialist, looking for advance cerficiation for that kind of job. I work under the healthcare and therapists.
  4. Mizzou

    Barely being here

    I been in AD for long time and stopped posted last few years ago. I was so busy and been changing alot in my life. I would be here few times before you sees me again in the ahead of time. If you knew me then said HELLO ol friends! Right now, I am bored and wanting to read of your posts...
  5. Mizzou

    use HULU ?

  6. Mizzou

    use HULU ?

    I have seen hulu online and not realize it does not have Captioning. BUT I have sign in account and do my way. It works with me, any of TV and Movies have captioniing while I am using the account with HULU. If not use account then you might wont see the captioning. Just let you know. :D
  7. Mizzou

    Which Pusblishing you use for your book ?

    I have pushlished my book in Pushlish America. I was curouis about yours and any feedback about it ? Welcome!
  8. Mizzou

    Purple MVP program closed?

    P3 and MVP has same purple number.... you can contact same thing. People can go to HOVRS for add address book, etc. same as MVP. Everything is same but little different. Buy P3 and Shipping FREE. If you want to know what is going on then make call Customer Care and I am sure they can...
  9. Mizzou

    Purple MVP program closed?

    let me have this quik response about MVPs. We, purple still support the MVP and you are MVP uiser and still use it to contact other purple people. That is just information that MVP is slowing down and old technical. P3 is new technical and popular. You still can use the address book for...
  10. Mizzou

    Transgender discuss..

    No, I am small frame and almost no boobs at all. I look like kid as boy. Now I am on horomoes for a year and half. I not have plan for surgery. Thank you for asking
  11. Mizzou

    NFL Cheerleader Gets Dystonia After Flu Shot

    WOW that is very strange.
  12. Mizzou

    Transgender discuss..

    CJB- you might be right about transsexual and thank you for correction. I have androgynous for many years and still do. I not know how I look like after have all facial hair.
  13. Mizzou

    Hmph, Dating a Transexual? (Warning: You may find a strange truth about me)

    Well. That label "shemale" is porn kind. All of us not like that label so should be very careful when you talk to person who is into transition. I met online friends who are transgenders (male and female)
  14. Mizzou

    When did you come out?

    I come out with my first girl at 26! I turn into male at 37! 10 years consideing bloom late. :)
  15. Mizzou

    Transgender discuss..

    For me... Trans-gender is male to female or female to male. Trans-sexual is under the knife and completed male or female. My partner is Bisexual and I am bi-gender. That means for us to be straight because I am FTM and she is straight female. We loves to go out and support LGBT and IQ, too...
  16. Mizzou

    Transgender discuss..

    I called old Thread "Transexual" and it is old. I have learned about TS and it is wrong to post here. I have new word "Transgender" What do you take that word, Transgender and what it makes you think of ? What did you dislike about Transgender and Transseuxal ? How much you want it to...
  17. Mizzou


    Problem to get in here ?? Do you have any experience entering AllDeaf ?? :ty::hmm:
  18. Mizzou

    "That is gay!"

    That is slang language to use "That is gay!" in 80's. I understand it clear but now 2009 we not use it anymore. I not use to say that but just in my head, "yeah you are gay" Smiles
  19. Mizzou

    Star Trek fans? Anyone?

    Be sure watch "Star Trek" Movie this coming May..
  20. Mizzou

    All Deaf Caucus or gathering :D:D

    We had deaf caucus last two years ago and this past summer. It becomes cold foot with each other. I not think we will have better ones in the future. All I know some of our friends are friends will gathering together for SURE in two more years later. Well, I wish you best luck!