Search results

  1. goldpony

    Finding Closed Caption online

    I would like to know where online that will have closed caption while watching a video?? I love going into but alot of time, I can't seem to understand them unless they have closed caption. Can anyone help me? I surely appreciate it. Thanks, Lauria
  2. goldpony

    Need an advice or opinion

    I was wondering where should I go to get help for finding a job? Texas Rehabilitation won't help as long as I still have a job. They'll talk to my boss about help me out with the phone situation but my supervisor is too hard to work with and also not an easy person to get along either. She's...
  3. goldpony

    new phonak HA

    Bluetooth Hi... does anyone know where I can find a website that I can order for HA user? I wear Phonak BTE HA and I would like to find a bluetooth that's kind of wireless but not wear on your ear or behind the ear with HA. I hope I'm not confusing anyone.. Thanks, Lauria
  4. goldpony

    Hearing Aid/Cochlear Implant Dehumidifiers

    hearing aids dehumidifer Has anyone use this product??? Ear Doc Hearing Aid Dryer - Dry is better!
  5. goldpony

    Dry & Store

    Oops, sorry, I got that wrong. It's Ear Doc Hearing Aid Dryer - Dry is better!
  6. goldpony

    Dry & Store

    Has anyone use I was wondering if it is any good. Thanks, Lauria
  7. goldpony

    Alarm Clock Vibrating Bed Shaker

    Where can I find a Alarm Clock Vibrating Bed Shaker at a descent price?? I live in Texas Thanks, Lauria
  8. goldpony

    Looking for a Job in between Central and North Texas

    Thank Kalista, but I think it's a little to far to drive.. LOL.. it's the thought that count. I will never leave my home town, beside that, my hubby won't leave his good job.
  9. goldpony

    Looking for a Job in between Central and North Texas

    I've been a Data Entry for almost 20 years. I would like to find a job that is fair and pay well. I've worked for a warehouse that doesn't like to pay you for what you are worth. They like to keep you at minimum pay as much as possible. Anyone know where I can start to look? Thanks, Lauria
  10. goldpony

    I filed for ssi and disablity and i got denied

    Maybe it's different in most state. I know Texas would denied you as much as they can.
  11. goldpony

    just got my new HA and I need help

    Thank Highlands, I love your little baby. It's really cute.
  12. goldpony

    I'm new here

    I'm new here and would like to make some friends. Thanks, Lauria
  13. goldpony

    What county do you live in? (US residents only)

    Central Texas is not a city. It's part of Texas. I lived in Bosque County which is in Central Texas.
  14. goldpony

    What county do you live in? (US residents only)

    I lived in Central Texas I lived in Central Texas;)
  15. goldpony

    just got my new HA and I need help

    I just got my new HA last Thursday and I need some help. Is anyone familiar with Phonak eXtra?