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  1. S

    Our World, Our Culture

    the same in germany.
  2. S

    fingerspell Y-E-S or sign *S* (Yes)

    I usually sign nod "S" yes and i sometimes fingerspelling "Y-E-S", if i said exactly "Y-E-S"
  3. S

    alcoholic drinks

    i voted "cocktail". I do like wine, but not often. :)
  4. S

    Deafness and abuse.

    I put (pull options) "No, i was lucky." I heard about some parents aren't proud of their deaf kid/ kids. they did abuse their kid/kids. where they live, it is in AZ. How sad!!!!!
  5. S

    Our World, Our Culture

    *eeek* i gulped... my friend told me, he heard many chinese got farts and hiccup. the service are happy, what they do that mean love this foods and taste very good. I feel, it is very strange. In germany PPL would be EMBARRASSING LOL
  6. S

    Our World, Our Culture

    My friend went to China and told me. he got wrong foods, what he has order the foods by the chinese restaurant. one man service hold a plate with plenty death ants. *aaaaargh* he answer, no no!!! one man smiles he tried explain with gesture fly like "chicken" to him. one man got it. ha!!! he...
  7. S

    Where's the Love???

    me too, I don't live in China.
  8. S

    Our World, Our Culture

    yeaaah, i tell you now. What i experienced :) when i moved here and look "WHERE STAND THE MOUNTAIN BIKE IN THE BUS?" How?? oh i saw one man put their MB (Mountain bike) on the front Bus. I was like :shock: and aaaah *thinking*... that is only 2 place for MB. what if it is full. Should I wait...
  9. S

    Our World, Our Culture

    :giggle: yes, i know what you mean.. that i found website Rubrik: Ausstellung that is only rich People or somewhere in the Hotel. that is all!!! :) see on pic
  10. S

    Do you want to visit Russia?

    here you go, for examples, I have seeing a lot bigger cars in america. I sometimes laugh, because it is not make sense, if one single woman needs a bigger car, what for? she bought one milk at the Foods Store and put in the bigger car. It make sense?! that is why, some friends of mine, who they...
  11. S

    Do you want to visit Russia?

    Jiro, please do not insult to Liebling. Liebling want try to explain, what she think about in America. she always know, what looks like culture in america, friendly etc.. but she didn't talking negative about culture in america. she just shock and never experience in her life, so i see Liebling...
  12. S

    Do you want to visit Russia?

    I want short tell you. Of course, it is a long time ago. PPL chose themselves, want one gun so badly or not. But by Taxi yes, because of their protect. driver women taxi don't want own gun, then take another the pepper-spray or another.
  13. S

    Do you want to visit Russia?

    Hey hey hey, I read from pages 4 -12. *whoaaa whoaaa* Where are the Posting about Russia? you guys spoken about "talk with a strange man/woman or friendly to compare about america and europa". CALM DOWN!!! I can't blame one strange lady, when i saw her at Foods Store. i was like :shock: what...
  14. S

    Hi from London

    das ist Deutsche Gebaerden Sprache (that is german sign language) Liebling can a bit good sign ASL, but she will still learning.
  15. S

    Hi from London

    Do you know DGS?
  16. S

    Paris Hilton, Are you tired of seeing her on TV/Magazines?

    LOL.. alright! most told me, it is not always, Blonde are dumb :) you are right! I didn't know, that Anna Nicole Smith has one son. I haven't much read about she, like rarely. thanks for an information ;)
  17. S

    Would you give a hug to someone you don't know a stranger?....

    yeaah, i agree with ya. in germany never do that. oh well!!! ;)
  18. S

    Paris Hilton, Are you tired of seeing her on TV/Magazines?

    Heh, I always know. blonde hair girl is dumb. But my hair really blonde, too. I can't do it anything, should I dye hair black or what? I am not shame of my blonde hair. LOL
  19. S

    My daughter, Alexanderia.

    *awwwesome* you have a beautiful daughter. i love her eyes, looks sooo cute! :)
  20. S

    Paris Hilton, Are you tired of seeing her on TV/Magazines?

    Do i like Paris Hilton? oh please!!!! She has no brain. when i watched shortly on TV "Paris Hilton" (talk talk show) and i am very disappoint. She has not anything, just only *yes and nodding and a bit talk*. i prefer Tyra Banks show, than Paris Hilton.