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  1. Firebrand

    I snarted!! LOLOLOL

    ROTFLMAO! :rofl2:
  2. Firebrand


    I tried all kinds of stuff, just short of illegal crap, to get more energy. I can easily sleep like the dead almost 24/7.......
  3. Firebrand

    What did you learn today?

    Wow. I learned a couple of things in this thread. The changes in the CPR and the placenta uses..... Dang.
  4. Firebrand

    What did you learn today?

    :eek3: I came across something so freaky while researching something. I learned about Morgellons disease. It's the most creepy, freaky disease I've ever read about. There are videos of the symptoms. EEEEK! :eek2:
  5. Firebrand

    Having dizziness, balance problems & ear pressure

    :iobarf: Ugh.... I'm so sorry you're going through that. At this time, I'm soooo sick from my vertigo attacks. I keep getting attacks back-to-back for the last 2 weeks. It's horrible. When I started having them over 2 years ago, I went to an ENT, who gave me balance tests. He found my...
  6. Firebrand

    'Driving While Caffeinated' Defense?

    Most bizarre. Hehehehehehe.
  7. Firebrand

    Meowy Heart Day!

    LOL, TXgolfer! Cute! Love cats. :D
  8. Firebrand

    Do you like to use incense and if so, what scents do you like?

    Yeah, I love to burn incense. I find incense soooo relaxing. My favorites are: Nag Champa Patchoulli Sandalwood Vanilla Musk
  9. Firebrand

    Michelena Boehmer Late Life Deaf

    All that shoving people are doing is a crime, in my own opinion. Though it's not a crime, it's as close as you can get to assault. I'm glad you're getting the mental health assistance to help you deal with all this negativity. I'm very glad that you have your husband to lean on for support...
  10. Firebrand

    Biological Clock Ticking: Most Ovarian Eggs Used Up by Age 30

    Of course, I wouldn't give up hope. :D
  11. Firebrand

    Do your hearing aids set off security in stores?

    HAHAHAHA! You and me both. I wouldn't know it either, since I can't hear them. I've never had any security stop me except at the airport. :D
  12. Firebrand

    Freaky but true story...

    :rofl2: I was laughing so hard and my hubby looked at me like I've lost my mind. Too hilarious! One time, I was in my hubby's (bf at the time) apartment and tried to use his stereo for the first time. When I turned it on, it went "BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM" and I jumped out of my skin. Turned...
  13. Firebrand

    British Scientist Says 'We're All Aliens'

  14. Firebrand

    Wells Fargo Keeps Hanging Up On Your Deaf Grandmother

    ^%&^%$#!@##$%^& )(**&^%$#
  15. Firebrand

    The big jobs hole

    While my hubby is slightly hearing impaired and has a job as a mechanical engineer, his pay sucks. Last year his salary was $37,000. Of course, he has a bit of a speech impediment, and I think it causes them to discriminate him. He will not admit that he's being discriminated against when it...
  16. Firebrand

    Girl, 11, Gives Birth to Baby Boy in Northeast Hospital

    :eek3: :jaw: It's hard to wrap my head around a 5 year old giving birth. It's too weird. Yeah, early puberty is quite baffling. I bet it's an environmental issue or some kind of a condition because there is no reason to start puberty so early. While birth control is a great preventative...
  17. Firebrand

    Osama bin Laden Will Be Captured Tomorrow

    I won't fall for political shit games. Too bad, Bush. You had your chance.
  18. Firebrand

    Hearing Aid Cost

    Holy crap! Why did I not know about this???? :doh: When my current HA craps out on me and I need a new one, this is the way I will do it! I hope it can be done with the severity of my deafness, even though my audiologist told me that there are no HA's out there that would be good in helping...
  19. Firebrand

    Real name or nickname

    Real name in real life. Nicknames on the internet.
  20. Firebrand

    Michelena Boehmer Late Life Deaf

    :pissed: This pisses me off. They are definitely in total violation of the ADA laws. Welcome to AllDeaf. I do hope things work out for you. I am very sorry that you are having to go through this. It's a total outrage. If that was happening to me, I'd be seeing red. Ugh. Hehehe. I...