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  1. T

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    You know half of the comments and complaints can be blamed on just plain ignorance. I am a "hearie" and I have most likely somewhere in my past said something just as stupid. Here is the kicker, I feel you are rightfully angry, but if ignorance is half the problem and it for at least a lot of...
  2. T


    Hello All, My name is Andrew. I am a hearing person but am attending college and currently enrolled in ASL. My major is Social Studies with an imphasis on getting my high school teaching license. My hope and dream is to be able to teach both orally as well as through ASL. I haven't been...
  3. T

    What does it mean to be deaf? (a poem by me)

    I would private msg you but I don't know how... I was wondering if I could use your Poem for academic purposes? I have a Term-paper to write about deaf culture. I am Title'ing it To Be or Not to Be The Question of Deaf People I plan to go into the choices of using...