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  1. Mudkipz

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Jeeze! I cringed as I read this. I bet the manager even thought he was smart while doing that. :roll:
  2. Mudkipz

    new to hearing loss... struggling with very unsupportive parents

    Yes additional support from the "internet" and only that. Only you can do the action. Go speak to a person that can make it happen, given any situation. Reading something on the internet won't solve your situation, but it can help you if you take it as an advice/support.
  3. Mudkipz

    Stop yelling at me...i cant hear you anyways!

    I'd post something that comes to my mind, but these posts really tell it all. And wearing a shirt saying that you're deaf will have, indeed, bad guys looking at you and following you, especially if you have a bold and visible text saying you're deaf. Even kids and teenagers could notice and...
  4. Mudkipz

    Do we have a challenge ahead of us to avoid becoming Hearing?

    Bump for justice and don't-wanna-read-38-pages-then-post-my-reply (Not now)! Great topic and good example of Martin Luther King.
  5. Mudkipz

    Deaf Studies at CSUN

    How many semesters have you took? I'm guessing you started last year in Fall, so like half way through! How you liking the general ed. classes so far?
  6. Mudkipz

    Deaf Studies at CSUN

    Hey!! :) I hear CSUN is really good too and I'm planning to go there next week. You guys should really go there, even though I haven't went there yet haha. I have a feeling that this college is the number one choice for any D/HH students and those who are interested in Deaf culture...
  7. Mudkipz

    Time to start thinking about college..yikes!

    Haha! Oh that is interesting and hilarious and awkward. Shoot I can't unthink possible situations now. :( I remember in elementary school where my one teacher frequently move too much and somehow make too much "wind noise" if my transmitter box is set on high volume. And don't get me on the...
  8. Mudkipz

    Time to start thinking about college..yikes!

    Thank you! I need to keep that in mind. It would be awkward if my professor asks one of the students a question, "So who knows what blahblahblah means? ..." and then there's a pause... finally your professor speaks, "...Yep that's right. For those of you who don't know about blahblahblah."...
  9. Mudkipz

    First Timer to a deaf college

    Most likely! Either way, students would know ASL as much as you come the first day in the program. :P
  10. Mudkipz

    Time to start thinking about college..yikes!

    I think after picking a major, my counselor would put me in a program or path with the list of things to do and everything will be much easier from there. I'm in a waiting room with a choice to pick a major/career and the door would be right there for me to open when I'm ready. Just pick... as...
  11. Mudkipz

    Time to start thinking about college..yikes!

    Yeah I think I'll do well at whichever college I go to as long I'm liking it and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. One thing too. I don't want to take online classes... mostly at least. I want to be in the actual classrooms or auditorium listening to my professor's lectures. I...
  12. Mudkipz

    First Timer to a deaf college

    Good luck with Gally! I'm kind of in a same situation as you, but I have already attended at a community college to complete general ed. requirements for me to transfer to a 4 year university. I'm looking at CSUN and it's supposed to be up there with Gally/NTID. I'm glad about you taking your...
  13. Mudkipz

    What is it like at Gallaudet University?

    This. When you graduate with a BA, you have the option to either keep going or get a minor in something else or try your shot at the job market. By the time you decide to go back to graduate school, you'll be in a environment of studying with more mature career-oriented people, supposedly feel...
  14. Mudkipz

    What is it like at Gallaudet University?

    Gah! I really want a year off to learn more about college, job workforce, and most importantly, reality; however, at the same time, I want to finish up my courses at my community college, so I can transfer to either CSU or UC. I'm anxiously waiting for my book,Book Of College Majors 2012 by...
  15. Mudkipz

    What did you do today?

    Found out there's a new social network, Google+, and I'm waiting for my invite!
  16. Mudkipz

    YO whats up!

    Hi member from 2003! That's such a long time... How you like San Francisco?
  17. Mudkipz

    What would you do? (This is for everyone!)

    Oh my gosh!! :shock::lol: And you're right! even if you sue, you're still fired, but it can help other deafies like me get a job as the law/settlement hear your situation and adjust (is that the right wordings?). Keep it low as you get hearing aids and work the next day. After all, you are...
  18. Mudkipz

    What would you do? (This is for everyone!)

    Thank you, AllDeaf, for your responses to the video, but what about the rest of the post that is main point of the thread(!) as what would YOU do when it came to this?: However thank you for taking your time. :)
  19. Mudkipz

    Deaf Chiropractor???

    You are definitely right, but it's not only this job, but many kinds of other jobs. There must be a way around as there's contacts instead of glasses to meet people's likings. Alternatives! in this case, perhaps a button for the patient to hold that would "lit" up from a sensor where the deaf...