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  1. Cylly1

    SEE vs ASL

    Could've fooled me all your post just happen to be on my comments.... on any thread.... in different conversation.... coincidence? I think not...
  2. Cylly1

    SEE vs ASL

    Dang man. Are you gonna follow my post where ever I go? Isn't that stalking...cyber stalking. It's gotta be something, because it's weird. I mean cut me some slack...seriously. If SEE is another form of English, why wouldn't it be the tool to translate ASL to English?...
  3. Cylly1

    SEE vs ASL

    Simply put... Wow. I'm kinda wondering what brought this out of this poster, but then again I really don't care. No one should have such deep seated hatred for something they don't understand. ASL is not meant to be english. Sure it's uses english words and everything, but he's pretty much...
  4. Cylly1

    Nice to meet you all!

    Hi ^^
  5. Cylly1

    Hi from UK, want to buddy up learning BSL

    Point made. It's seems I can't slip past you with any mistakes. XD I'll be going to Japan in the fall. Who knows? Maybe I'll pick up on some JSL ^^
  6. Cylly1

    Hey, dropping my information

    Actually I've been practicing on my own before that show came on, not like you would believe me anyway. (he's too young for me) I find ASL to be language just like any other language I've been practicing, only it's more easy for me to understand and practice on my own since dykes like you wanna...
  7. Cylly1

    Looking for a video chat ASL tutor

    I'm looking for someone to practice with. I'm not a teacher or anything, but I think I could get by with my signing. Inbox me your skype name if you'd like to practice together ^^
  8. Cylly1

    HOH and looking to make friends on here :)

    Hello I'm still fairly new too. ^^
  9. Cylly1

    Upside down ASL

    Underneath the video it says "U R Here." ^^
  10. Cylly1

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    I'm fatima. I may have posted here before, but inbox me your skype, oovoo, yahoo, msn name to practice asl ^^
  11. Cylly1

    Upside down ASL

    well would you point up for "here"? lol ^^
  12. Cylly1

    You know you're an ASL Student when

    haha I totally do that...^^
  13. Cylly1

    How did you learn, or how are you learning, ASL?

    I'm pretty much self taught, but I have to admit sites like these really help ^^
  14. Cylly1

    Hey, dropping my information story bro, tell it again.
  15. Cylly1

    Hey, dropping my information

    No, there are more polite ways to let people know. Like what they tried after they were rude. *Rude = MORE effective, OWN thread etc.*===Rude. ta da
  16. Cylly1

    Hey, dropping my information

    I agree that wasn't rude. Proceeding from that was..
  17. Cylly1

    ASL buddies!

    Thanks metal angel I will continue the search. I just kinda get lost in threads that have been going on without me so, it's kinda hard to keep lol ^^
  18. Cylly1

    Hey, dropping my information

    Well if you guys treat people like this then you're obviously not someone I want to endear. There are easier ways to correct someone's mistake without coming off as arrogant, but it's easier for you guys to hide behind the space of the internet so you can continue being rude all you want.:ty:
  19. Cylly1

    ASL buddies!

    I'm looking for someone to practice ASL with, but apparently I've been pissing a lot of people off with posting in the wrong threads. Seriously, some people act like children. Anyways let me know.
  20. Cylly1

    Hey, dropping my information

    you guys are childish... reasons like this turn people away from wanting to learn a language, luckily I find it more interesting to learn instead of deal with people like you