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  1. B

    facts about Bush

    Please don't tell me you take this stuff at face value?!?! The same sort of list can be made for ANY politician, on either side of the debate. Abraham Lincoln: - Oversaw the largest mass execution in US history. The executed were American Indian 'dissidents'. - Freed the slaves in...
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    My mom dies

    I'm truly sorry for your loss. This passage from 2 Corinthians 5 is always of help to me when I remember those who have gone before. 1 For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 Here indeed...
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    Why would you wanna some CI?????

    ...and a meteor might fall on my head if I leave the house today. My computer monitor might give me glaucoma. Gasoline fumes from filling up my car might give me brain damage and/or cancer. If I kiss my kids, I might get germs they picked up at school. The list goes on. A life without...
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    Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

    What a load of crap. Hurricane activity runs in cycles, like many things on earth. The 50's and 60's were VERY active. The 70's - 94 were EXTREMELY quiet. If global warming were effecting this, it would make hurricanes weaker, not stronger. Hurricanes need cold air to form and...
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    question about ci surgury...

    A close friend of mine had the surgery last Christmas. His recovery was fine. No complications. He's 47. You teen's have a much easier time with this sort of thing than those of us 'older folk' do. Other than being put under a general anesthetic, the risk is extremely low. I'd...
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    A rant

    Obsession is listed as one of the diagnostic criteria for Aspergers, but it is not a manditory component. The Asperger's diagnosis can be made without 'monomaniacal obsession'. I've never heard this term from any of my son's medical team. It sounds nice and clinical, but is extremely...
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    A rant

    AD is the last place I expected to read a post that uses a negative stereotype for people with a disability. We hearies take strong criticism for the stereotypes that we use in dealing with/describing deaf/hoh folks, here on AD. The vast majority of this criticism is completely deserved...
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    Hair Cuts: Who cuts your hair?

    No one. It hasn't been cut since last Thanksgiving. No current plans of having it in the forseeable future. brianb Firmly ensconced in my midlife crisis!
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    How Old are you?

  10. B

    PETA at it again

    I'm no animal rights person, but they completely lost it for me with their 'kill it or set it free' stance. I have two parrots that are endangered. PETA would rather that they be killed than kept as pets. Anyone who can't see this as insanely self contradictory needs help. brianb
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    Advantages of being deaf

    A deaf friend of mine works at the newly-opened Cabela's here in Ft. Worth. Cabela's has little toy 'pop guns that the kids are allowed to play with while they're in the store. As the name implies they make a rather annoying popping sound. Deafness is a definite advantage when...
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    Tell them YES! but this is my day off. My cloak and scythe are at home. Check tomorrow's newspaper. The obituary column will be empty. Now go away or I'll put you on tomorrow's list. brianb
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    thinking in asl/esl

    Personally, I don't think it's any harder than other spoken languages. Spanish, my third and weakest language, has a different word order than English. It took me about 6 months of almost daily interaction with a deaf friend to start 'signing without thinking'. In other words, my brain knew...
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    sign language not a real language?

    That's what I gave you. A hearing ASL user's perspective. Mine. Your initial comments brought is intelligence into scope. Your comments about his being one-sided and insensitive also bring intellect into the discussion. I have ASL conversations several times weekly. That makes me an...
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    sign language not a real language?

    First of all, let me say this. Intellictual capacity is the raw material that intelligence is made of. He may have a lot of intellictual capacity, but your friend isn't very bright, or very well read for that matter. Look at some of the other responses to your posting. Your friend has...
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    Do you know what this word mean?

    I'd always heard that it was "Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day." brianb
  17. B

    Do you know what this word mean?

    Thanks.... Thanks for the kind words. Living 'different' isn't easy for any of us. We're forced to play the cards we're dealt. I say "Play it to the hilt". Own what you can own, control what you can control, fix what you can fix. Try not to waste too much time worrying about the rest...
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    what I have been taught about deaf culture

    Totally different words.... Actually, the word "niggard" means stingy. It sounds very similar to the racial epithet, but is actually a different word. Completely different word history. Not criticizing. Just differentiating. brianb
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    Lemmie see....maybe I can put this into perspective. We hearies just don't get what it means to be deaf. It's that simple. Even those of us who interact regularly with the deaf and have long-standing friendships with deaf people are CONSTANTLY learning. We believe, both correctly and...
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    Do you know what this word mean?

    I may be about to make trouble and don't mean to..... I'd never heard of audism, so I did some research. It's just another word for a VERY common concept in the human condition. Empathy is not a natural part of the human condition. If a person hasn't faced adversity in the form of a...