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  1. B

    Im sorry

    It's a question of perspective. From a hearie's perspective, the thought of being deaf is frightening. You've just told this person that you live in a state that they find the mere thought of as terrifying. It's the person's empathy that drives the comment. We hearies depend very heavily...
  2. B

    hearies attempting to assimiliate into Deaf culture

    Wannabe's are some of the most pathetic people on the planet. They have no identity. Hearies assimilating into Deaf culture and Deafies assimilating into Hearing culture is to be encouraged. Trying to be someone you're not is to be discouraged, frowned-upon, and even pitied. I...
  3. B

    No more Food Stamp???

    You just made my point for me. Working people who can afford to buy items produced by minimum wage labor, but who can't afford more expensive items, in the economy's current position are the most vulnerable to an inflationary scenario. When wages are increased, employer expenses for...
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    No more Food Stamp???

    Can you explain for me how that disjointed list of observations disproves the example that I detailed?
  5. B

    No more Food Stamp???

    Because raising the minimum wage causes inflation. Inflation causes job loss. The first jobs to go are minimum wage jobs. When folks flipping burgers are making $15/hour, the price of burgers will rise to cover the extra cost. Fewer people will buy burgers, thereby reducing the need for...
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    No more Food Stamp???

    Not where I came from. The vast majority of welfare recipients were young and able-bodied. I have ZERO problem cutting 'corporate welfare'. I oppose tax dollars going to the private sector for anything other than 'goods and services rendered'. Corportate bailouts, loan guarantees, grants...
  7. B

    No more Food Stamp???

    If you want to blame anyone for Texas executions, first, blame the criminal. Second, blame me and others like me. We the voters of Texas support pro-capital punishment candidates. An anti-death penalty candidate has almost ZERO chance of getting elected to the governor's office here in...
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    not deaf-asl?

    There are a couple of things about other hearies learning/not learning ASL that really bug me. First of all. Hearies who have a close family member who is deaf and REFUSE to learn to sign. I've met people who grew up with a deaf brother or sister and never learned even rudimentary ASL...
  9. B

    Losing war on Terrorism?

    Old Pat jumped the shark with many Evangelicals long ago. He's a complete embarrassment to us. I always considered him strange. More recently, I think he needs to have his head examined. brianb
  10. B

    Losing war on Terrorism?

    Actually, several notable attempts have been twarted both before and after 9/11. The fact that previous administrations were asleep at the switch on the terror threat doesn't mean that it's not real. FWIW, as a Staunch, Ultra-right, gun-toting, Constitution-loving, Evangelical...
  11. B

    Losing war on Terrorism? and I finally agree on something DD. I first encountered Christian Identity guys doing prison ministry almost 14 years ago. Those guys are NUTS. Their commitment to the teachings of Christ goes no further than their name. Yes. They are a VERY violent, dangerous lot...
  12. B

    culture? disability? impaired

    It's interesting that the term 'impaired' is considered derogatory here. I've never known anyone in the hearing world who considered it to be a term that degrades the intrinsic value of a human being. I don't understand the point-of-view that all ways of being are equal. I have TS/OCD...
  13. B

    culture? disability? impaired

    Who said anything about white, heterowhateverthehellthatmeans? I'm talking about all systems of the body functioning within medically identified norms. Personally, I've fought long and hard to have my deaf friends considered people first, deaf somewhere down the line by my hearing friends...
  14. B

    Weird Food Combinations

    Spaghetti with meatsauce, topped with habanero pepper sauce and a side of cornbread. Believe it or not, spaghetti with cornbread rocks! Hot spaghetti is killer too. brianb
  15. B

    Weird Food Combinations

    I do this with saltines. My Dad got me hooked on it. It's a redneck delicacy. Also good for insomnia. brianb
  16. B

    are peppers toxic

    Nope. My parrots love them. The capsicum in chili peppers is actually very healthy and has seen usage as a dietary suppliment and pain reliever. Feed a hot pepper to a parrot and he'll be your friend for life. Feed me a hot pepper and I'll be your friend for life, for that matter...
  17. B

    culture? disability? impaired

    This is just plain silly. If part of your body doesn't work right, it's a disability. Changing the name doesn't change the nature of any issue, object, or being. Declaring an impairment that effects a small percentage of the population as 'normal' is what's delusional. The immigrant...
  18. B

    facts about Bush

    I'd have to say I like him more than ever. The Kyoto protocols are based on shaky science at best. The media doesn't cover the number of Nobel lauriates who disagree with popular thought on global warming. Even if global warming is fact, and if CFC's and other emissions are the cause...
  19. B

    My father in law just passed away

    I'm sorry to post the same thing twice. Then again, I'm sorry that I have occasion to post this twice. It's from the heart both times. I'm truly sorry for your loss. This passage from 2 Corinthians 5 is always of help to me when I remember those who have gone before. 1 For we know...
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    facts about Bush

    Sorry. The UN rendered itself irrelevant long ago. Just look at the UN's track record on.....anything. Personally, I like this one. The US Constitution guarantees me the right to a trial by a jury of MY PEERS. To allow US Citizens to be tried by a non-US court for acts committed on US...