Search results

  1. josh hoover

    Learning ASL, needs a practice buddy?:)

    Good learn sign language! Hi how are you ? Sent from my iPad using AllDeaf
  2. josh hoover

    ASL 1 Student ready to make new friends

    Welcome!! Hi how are you ? Sent from my iPad using AllDeaf
  3. josh hoover

    ATTN: Those who wants to do interviews/questions/surveys - Please read this FIRST.

    I am deaf , my name is josh hoover! Hi how are you ? Sent from my iPad using AllDeaf
  4. josh hoover

    hearing looking for a Deaf friend! and to learn about the community

    I like this deaf community! Hi how are you ? Sent from my iPad using AllDeaf
  5. josh hoover


    Hi how are you? Hi how are you ? Sent from my iPad using AllDeaf
  6. josh hoover

    Looking for a friend! I am Deaf

    Hi how are you? Hi how are you ? Sent from my iPad using AllDeaf