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  1. Ausrider

    What is/was your breakfast today?

    Today Bacon Eggs Mushrooms in butter Hashbrowns Tomato
  2. Ausrider

    What is/was your breakfast today?

    Hahah....i dont know of anyone making haggis pie's you can get kidney pie's if you like....i just stick with steak and pepper or road pork pie's. BTW the pie was yum
  3. Ausrider

    What is/was your breakfast today?

    Yep meat pie, sorry when i say pie i am use to people here always thinking of a meat pie since its the really the only type of pie eaten here
  4. Ausrider

    What is/was your breakfast today?

    Had a pie today....might have bacon and eggs tomorrow
  5. Ausrider

    Going over speed limit....

    I get very few tickets and hardly ever pulled over, police near me tend to go after the older cars as they often have bald tyres
  6. Ausrider

    Motorcycle get high emission than car.

    The cat is in the muffler on my bike so when the exhaust is changed the emissions jump.
  7. Ausrider

    How do you stop or take off on motorcycle

    Mostly a 50/50 mix of air lifter and one legger
  8. Ausrider

    Naida UP with Power Slim Tubes??

    From looking at the naida site you have too much loss for those slim tubes, next time you get new tubes in your molds leave a little extra tubing as it might be a tiny bit too short causing those red marks
  9. Ausrider

    How would you handle this situation

    My partner complains she can "hear" the bed shaker but she understands that i dont really have any other choice if i want to be woken up for work in the morning. Maybe you should tell them to be more understanding since you have a job
  10. Ausrider

    Deaf Interview

    I 100% agree its like living in the stoneage here.
  11. Ausrider


    I thought about going on a cruise but im too impatient
  12. Ausrider

    Carrying CI Paraphernelia

    This company had keychain battey holders that snap closed, I think it might be what you are looking after. Hearing Health House - Battery Accessories
  13. Ausrider

    Really painful ear after wearing my aids

    I get this quite often, take the mould back and get them to either modify the current one as somtimes with just a little sanding it can fix the problem or take new impressions.
  14. Ausrider

    Don't tell me that deaf people are poor tippers, please....

    Since tipping just doesnt happen over here what happens if the meal was $30 and you only had a $50 note, do you tip them $20?
  15. Ausrider

    What is/was your breakfast today?

    "questionable fluid" ?
  16. Ausrider


    Welcome, Tell us about yourself?
  17. Ausrider

    Hi from Rome!

    Salve, Non vi piace Roma? (you will have to excuse my terrible italian)
  18. Ausrider

    My annoucement

  19. Ausrider

    Polish woman saves babies with 75 days in labor

    Im not suprised after 75 days upside down
  20. Ausrider

    Mantyhose: Are men really ready to wear tights?

    I couldnt ever summon the courage to wear them.....if i got caught by my mates or co workers i would never hear the end of it