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  1. Ausrider

    Gday from Perth OZ

    Welcome to Alldeaf, There are a few aussies here
  2. Ausrider

    Icom software update?

    I tried to set up the icom with a landline phone at work but i couldnt get it to work so im afraid im going to take it back tomorrow
  3. Ausrider

    Icom software update?

    I just got a icom from my audi to test last night, i will see how the battery goes and report back, at least that should give you somthing to compare to
  4. Ausrider

    Greetings from Australia!

    Dont mind me i didnt read it properly, Im in Brisbane so im wondering are your summers much worse?
  5. Ausrider

    Greetings from Australia!

    Welcome, Whats NT like?
  6. Ausrider

    Its a great feeling when you help Deaf/Hoh

    Its a great feeling when you finally get somthing done that will help Deaf/Hoh people in the community. Let me start from the begining. At work we have ticket windows that have hearing loops for Deaf/Hoh people. so one day i decided to actually use it for once and i noticed that the loop was...
  7. Ausrider

    Smartlink+ remote control works with Naida?

    Check with your audi they can tell you best
  8. Ausrider

    opinions on "AFA opposed stem cells experiment on the Deaf babies"

    "eradicate the Deaf population"......i didnt realise we were a disease that needed eliminating
  9. Ausrider

    deaf girl 10,moved tears after implant allowed to hear her own breathe she was baby

    While its good to see she is happy, those sort of videos go hand in hand with the "give your child a CI and they will be normal/fixed/cured" brainwashing thats going on
  10. Ausrider

    Just incase interested - Naida S water resistant rating

    I have found when a single drop of water hits the microphones it causes all sorts of problems, it must be the naida's achilles heel
  11. Ausrider

    please help i think crazy glue messed up my hearing aid.

    Sounds to me like the glue might have melted the tubing, just go to your audi office and ask them to replace it, my audi does it for free
  12. Ausrider

    Anybody here ever done drag racing?

    Really? Why not its so fun :lol:, Dont you like to feel pretty too?
  13. Ausrider

    Anybody here ever done drag racing?

    Tonight i was invited by a mate to a test & tune night at the local drag strip, i dont like watching drag racing that much but actually having a go was really fun , does anyone here like to do it or gone in the past?
  14. Ausrider

    Nitrous <> Super <> Turbo

    NOS fuel additive aka octane booster and Nitrous Oxide are totally different, the fuel stuff goes in your fuel tank
  15. Ausrider

    How to listen to music, the best way?

    But how strong are the cables, i dont want to keep breaking them
  16. Ausrider

    How to listen to music, the best way?

    Does anyone know how durable the dai cables are as i would love to give it a go as the magnetic interference on the train to work is terrible
  17. Ausrider

    Nitrous <> Super <> Turbo

    My experance tells me turbos tend to fail before the engine fails rather then the other way around, I would worry about engine life too much as skipping and delaying servicing will do more damage
  18. Ausrider

    Going over speed limit....

    I have driven GTR's quite a few times owned by friends. If you abuse the car and do them all the time you will have problems but if you were to go and do one now you wont blow your engine. I have hit the rev limiter many times on my motorbike and its still mechanically perfect (my friend is a...
  19. Ausrider

    Paying for hearing aids?

    I would suggest he contact a lawyer and get their opinion
  20. Ausrider

    Going over speed limit....

    If you are dumb enough to do burnouts all the time you may break somthing but that isnt the point, You said it cant be done in your car and it can, Thats what i have been trying to get through to you all this time but you wont admit it can be done it a AWD car