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  1. P

    What do you do?

    That sounds interesting. I noticed your location New York. I want to go there!!!!!
  2. P

    What do you do?

  3. P

    What do you do?

    Aww, how sweet! She's a cutie!
  4. P

    What do you do?

    That is cool! I always wanted to do pet sitting for a living. I was just too scared something would go wrong.
  5. P

    What do you do?

    Oh, I think I visited that college. It's really pretty area, right? Is that your child in your pic?
  6. P

    What do you do?

    I'm curious. There are so many different kinds of jobs. Many I never heard. What do you do for a living? Me? Receptionist and student for now. Basically, I sit in front of a computer 8 hours a day and do a report once a week. :type: Boring. I take classes at night. You? :popcorn:
  7. P

    Get to know me?

    :( I'm sure they will show it again. It was really neat!!
  8. P


    I am strong German. My father is full German and my mother is 1/2 German 1/2 French Canadian.
  9. P

    new new new!!!

    Oh, that is a good one, too.
  10. P

    Get to know me?

    :hmm: a decade from now? I picture myself as an educational interpreter at an elementary school, and I would have a 3 kids and I would teach them all to sign. We would go to the same Deaf social events I go to now. I would like to have a very open house where people are always coming over for...
  11. P

    Get to know me?

    Thanks, Brian!:aw:
  12. P

    AllDeaf members ages

  13. P

    Get to know me?

    Oh yes, sweet tea!! How could I forget that?! What part of TN? I lived in Knoxville for about 6 months. Yes, GPC at Clarkston. I did a lot of research and read great things about their program, and it is right here. :) Thank you for the good luck wish!! I'm nervous.
  14. P

    I Want The Whole World To Know....

    Awww, how sweet!! Congrats!
  15. P

    new new new!!!

    It's a website, you should not have to download anything. Just go to Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket I've used it for a while and really like it.
  16. P

    new new new!!!

    I upload my pics to and then I can use the "insert picture" icon in here to post them with the link photobucket gives me. Does that make sense? I feel confusing today. :confused:
  17. P

    Get to know me?

    My favorite vegetable - Zucchini!! Yum! Did I spell that right? Favorite fruit - grapes The white dog in the picture above, his favorite fruit is pineapple. Weird!!
  18. P

    2009, I turn 30.

    I'm sorry your dad is pushy. I didn't live up to any of my dad's expectations for me. ;) I think it is good that you have goals of your own. Good luck on the house and the more pay. :)
  19. P

    Get to know me?

    :) I just turned 30. Yes, hearing student. I have an interview next month to try to get into the Interpreting Program.