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  1. L

    So, Ladies, Do you wear makeups?

    I do sometime wear makeup w/only any flavor LipGloss and Eye Shadow too make me feel sexy :giggle: :P
  2. L

    2009 Stanley Cup Playoffs

    I'm glad that Pittsburgh kick RedWing's butt last night :whistle: :D
  3. L

    Fire away, gophers..ask me anything...

    Don't forget add ur wife hockey :laugh2:
  4. L

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

    I can't go work thisweekend due my right arm bec they don't wanna see me get pain or hurt so wait till monday am gonna stop by see my dr and find out how long will stay off from work and ects
  5. L

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

    I has went to ER yesterday since my right elbow get worse pain so went there yesterday afternoon and find out that my right elbow have fracture crack *sigh* first time in my life i never has one before it's happen itself dunno how long will stay cast n wrapping on my arm. so...just wake up...
  6. L

    Who is single here?

    <~~~already like the guy :D Also we just start get know each other as friend since my single for 2 months
  7. L

    What are you thinking about?

  8. L

    Out and Back into Hibernation! LOL

    that for ladies? ya mean DONKEY??:laugh2:
  9. L

    What are you thinking about?

    Think about what am i gonna do for Memeorial day (monday) *think* mmmm I do have think about someone in my mind right now :naughty: not my roommate it's new guy :-X :giggle:
  10. L

    Out and Back into Hibernation! LOL

  11. L

    What are you thinking about?

    Just sit outside to relxas and lots think about it since i miss my roommate as ex :-X :giggle:
  12. L

    Cedar Point

    Also there will have another deaf awareness King Island in Cinn Ohio too On june 6th which i m plan go there so just let you kow :)
  13. L

    Moonflower! You are in trouble!

    ur welcome! bec it's ur special bday so i decied make one for you ;)
  14. L

    Moonflower! You are in trouble!

    I make for your bday :D
  15. L

    Pics of you - Part III

  16. L

    Pics of you - Part III

    I make it :D
  17. L

    am back after being away for soo long!

    Glad that you are back and i know you been busy busy spend with ur dad and other importrant what you do for school and ects ;) no hurry come back here again when you have chance time
  18. L

    Out and Back into Hibernation! LOL

    I think i know WHY sharky is :hyper: bec he miss Bear's FLASH! :whistle: :laugh2: GOod luck on ur COLLEGE! and hope everything will went SMOOTH for ur future ;) and abt time ur hubby is finally get back his's job that good Happy BDAY!!! Sis Salmon uh oh i mean sis bear :lol: zooom
  19. L

    What are you thinking about?

    I been :pissed: last friday and sat night which not good for me since my roommate and his's new date come visit enjoy time.. somehow cut my fun nights damn it :mad2: bec of 3 ppl which i know.. but don't wanna said name :-X i m think about lots in my mind right now
  20. L

    Pics of you - Part III
