Recent content by Steel X

  1. Steel X

    Cued Speech?

    I find cued speech to be a good communication tool especially when it comes to academics while sign language is a good communication tool for quick conversations.
  2. Steel X

    Looking for friends with the same disability

    You know, some would argue that deafness isn’t a disability lol
  3. Steel X

    Who’s your governor?

    Who’s your governor?
  4. Steel X

    Returning User

    Welcome back to AllDeaf even though you aren’t deaf lol
  5. Steel X

    Shout out and Roll for the OG's

    I do remember you :)
  6. Steel X

    Charlotte, NC community

    You can look up on Facebook for events relating to the deaf community in charlotte, nc. Such as the Deaf/ASL events Charlotte, NC.
  7. Steel X

    Need Help?

    No problem
  8. Steel X

    Need Help?

    Have you looked up on deaf events via Facebook?
  9. Steel X

    Shout out and Roll for the OG's

    I’m one of the OGs who joined the group in the 2000s, but I’m sure most of them aren’t posting much anymore as they used to
  10. Steel X

    Cued speech vs ASL

    Dude. It IS a communication method. I grew up with it and went to cued speech camps. You can look up on the history of cued speech starting with doctor cornet.
  11. Steel X

    Fall Is Here

    Yea I like spring and fall. I like summer too but not summer when it’s too hot or humid. Winter? Nope lol
  12. Steel X

    Does anyone live in South Carolina or North Carolina?

    I am currently in North Carolina. What’s up?
  13. Steel X

    Where is everyone from?

    I'm from the Carolinas.
  14. Steel X

    Toddler left in corn maze!

    I assume she left him there on purpose.
  15. Steel X

    I'm scared please help

    All I can tell you is to be yourself and if you get rejected, f*** him. He clearly isn't the right type for ya anyway. Just take your time to learn about other people. Take it nice and easy with them by having a good friendship and see where it goes down the road. Relationships always start by a...