Recent content by RocketMan

  1. RocketMan

    So am I. Yay.

    So am I. Yay.
  2. RocketMan

    Oh no! Did you get in trouble yet? Lol.

    Oh no! Did you get in trouble yet? Lol.
  3. RocketMan

    2025 Predictions!

    They can be goofy or serious. 1) Willy Nelson will smoke his last joint. 2) A tsunami. 3) An earthquake. 4) Kamala will cackle.
  4. RocketMan

    Fall Is Here

    Lots of color right now. Soon it goes away and the color will be on the ground. Boo.
  5. RocketMan

    Shout out and Roll for the OG's

    We’re OG’s 2.0.
  6. RocketMan

    Shout out and Roll for the OG's

    When did you change your name? Rio is a good name.
  7. RocketMan

    Shout out and Roll for the OG's

    I don’t know any OG’s.
  8. RocketMan

    Fall Is Here

    I get tired of the heat during Summer. Keeping my grass green is tough too. Fall.
  9. RocketMan

    Fall Is Here

    I like Fall the best.
  10. RocketMan

    Oh, I get it. 45/47. Lol. FKH.

    Oh, I get it. 45/47. Lol. FKH.
  11. RocketMan


    Bums leave needles everywhere. Yuck.
  12. RocketMan


    Bums sure make an awful mess. Yuck.
  13. RocketMan

    I Wrote A Book! Now What?

    Thank you. I wrote it after I resigned my job, harassment issue. I had lots of time on my hands and more material. I’ll look into some of the things you’ve mentioned. Thank you.
  14. RocketMan

    I Wrote A Book! Now What?

    I haven’t. Some days I feel like it’s a winner, other days a piece of crap. Lol.