I didn't want to say anything but......


New Member
Jul 30, 2007
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I lost my CI :-(
I didn't want to admit it that I lost it so I didn't say it for about 3 days now I looked everywhere in house we even stripped the bedroom out of room so its practically empty but stoll nothing. I emailed Jody my audiologist she said to keep looking but I already looked everywhere like 10 times already.... I don't know what to do now.....
She said my insirance MIGHT cover replacement processor but if they do it'll be only once so I can't lose it again if I got new one. Yes I have back up but its not programmed and its Mini BTE so it don't have telecoil, little boot for audio jack, tv jack, etc which I need for audiory rehabilition. So I'm doomed if my insurance don't cover new one I've been crying on and off for first 2 days. I'm struggling in holding simple convo with anyone cuz I can't understand anyone worth crap because I don't understand them without sound to help me read lips, without sound its all look same. Plus I got new job last friday, ugh perfect timing because I can't understand my boss, supervisor, owner and some of employee at factory at least there's 3 deaf people 1 on same shift as mine to talk to. I feel like I'm back to square one its totally blows....
I lost my CI :-(
I didn't want to admit it that I lost it so I didn't say it for about 3 days now I looked everywhere in house we even stripped the bedroom out of room so its practically empty but stoll nothing. I emailed Jody my audiologist she said to keep looking but I already looked everywhere like 10 times already.... I don't know what to do now.....
She said my insirance MIGHT cover replacement processor but if they do it'll be only once so I can't lose it again if I got new one. Yes I have back up but its not programmed and its Mini BTE so it don't have telecoil, little boot for audio jack, tv jack, etc which I need for audiory rehabilition. So I'm doomed if my insurance don't cover new one I've been crying on and off for first 2 days. I'm struggling in holding simple convo with anyone cuz I can't understand anyone worth crap because I don't understand them without sound to help me read lips, without sound its all look same. Plus I got new job last friday, ugh perfect timing because I can't understand my boss, supervisor, owner and some of employee at factory at least there's 3 deaf people 1 on same shift as mine to talk to. I feel like I'm back to square one its totally blows....

Do you have a pet? I had my dog take off with my Hearing aid before. and I found it under my bed all chewed up. four days later.

Good Luck I hope you do find it.
Try retracing your steps from the last time you had it. I sure hope it turns up!
Where did you put it? Did you put it on dresser? Did you put it in the kitchen? maybe it fell behind the dresser? Or hiding somewhere...Good luck to find it! I put mine in CI case so it won't get lost.
Trust me I've tried it all, still nothing. I don't even remember where I last put it.
Do you have a pet? I had my dog take off with my Hearing aid before. and I found it under my bed all chewed up. four days later.

Good Luck I hope you do find it.

I only have 10 months old cat but he is little thief though he always steal stuff like my under clothes, my fiance's ear plugs for shower, q-tips, socks, food, etc lol. But its big and pink I don't know how we can't see it if he hide it somewhere or if I did put somewhere because its supposed to be obvious and stick out like a sore thumb not completely disappeared like alien came in and stole my CI for experiment!
I only have 10 months old cat but he is little thief though he always steal stuff like my under clothes, my fiance's ear plugs for shower, q-tips, socks, food, etc lol. But its big and pink I don't know how we can't see it if he hide it somewhere or if I did put somewhere because its supposed to be obvious and stick out like a sore thumb not completely disappeared like alien came in and stole my CI for experiment!

May not hurt to look where your cat keeps stuff he steals? never know.
Hope you find it. A frustrating experience I'm sure.

While we are on the subject about misplacing a HA/CI, I have a tip that should help prevent this from occurring again. I learned this a long, long time ago when I wore HAs. I have only a few specific places where I put my CI and I always look at the spot where I put it. I can't tell you how many times that saved my bacon. Once in a blue moon, I might have to scratch my head but it is never long before I find it though.
I was imagining that you were walking all around your place looking for your CI, and then after an hour or so you realized that it was on your ear (like when people who wear glasses can't find them when they're on their head).

I hope you find it, but picturing that scenario in my head gave me a laugh.
I lost my CI :-(
She said my insirance MIGHT cover replacement processor but if they do it'll be only once so I can't lose it again if I got new one. \....

Cochlear has a one time loss/damage replacement doesn't it? So your insurance might not need to be used. I thought I was told they had a one time replacement. Anyone remember?

.......I've had mine for 2 yrs maybe it's almost time to get some insurance on it. :)
Oh no! I hope you find it!

I left my HA's with my audie yesterday because they didn't do anything anymore (these are the Savia's not the Naida's) So I don't have any HA's at home anymore. I freaked out this morning because I was sure I had lost my HA's before I remembered I left them with my audie...

I am sure your CI will turn up eventually!
Sorry to hear this Skullchick. I hope that it is found. You'd think that if you lost it in the house it is in there somewhere. I've lost keys for 3 days and more before they finally showed up.

I agree with sr171soars - always keep the CI in one place such as the dry and store. Also consider taking out insurance for loss, theft and damage.
I was imagining that you were walking all around your place looking for your CI, and then after an hour or so you realized that it was on your ear (like when people who wear glasses can't find them when they're on their head).

I hope you find it, but picturing that scenario in my head gave me a laugh.

I've actually done that with my glasses!
Do you have a pet? I had my dog take off with my Hearing aid before. and I found it under my bed all chewed up. four days later.

Good Luck I hope you do find it.
Yeah... happened to me once.

I was napping on the couch one day. My sister woke me up saying, "I'm sorry..." and handed me my hearing aid. Apparently, it fell out and my sister's dog chewed on it. Luckily, it still worked. Whew!
I've actually done that with my glasses!

I've done that with my CI and it was turned off. I've lost my hearing aid a lot lot times but I've never lost my CI for more than 30 mintues as I always put it in Cedar dry and store in plain sight.

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