Is it safe to eat sushi?


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
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Jan 13, 2004
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Is it safe to eat sushi?

Concerns raised after report finds high mercury levels in raw tuna

Concerns about the safety of eating sushi were raised this week after reports surfaced over the high levels of mercury in tuna and swordfish. Lab tests commissioned by the New York Times found so much mercury in tuna in 20 Manhattan restaurants and stores that eating six pieces a week would exceed acceptable levels set by the Environmental Protection Agency, the newspaper reported.

On Friday, the group that conducted the tests, the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute, in Piscataway, N.J. told TODAY that the findings would likely be similar in other cities around the country.

The report generated a strong response from the seafood industry. TODAY’s Matt Lauer quoted a statement from the National Fisheries Institute, saying “The public deserves to have all the facts about the benefits of eating fish, and that is why scaring consumers with misinformation is so irresponsible.”

The government recommends that Americans eat fish at least two to three times a week as a good source of low-fat protein. But is it OK to eat sushi? Read on if you're confused about whether you should keep eating fish and what types are safest.

Q. Lab tests found high levels of mercury in sushi fish, particularly tuna and swordfish. Are there risks in eating raw fish in general?

A. Fish provides high-quality protein, as well as healthful omega-3 fats. But there are many risks associated with consuming it raw. As we know, raw fish can contain high levels of chemical contaminants, including methylmercury. Mercury occurs naturally in the environment, but is also a by-product of pollution that enters oceans and lakes. When it gets into the water, mercury gets converted into methylmercury and builds up in fish. Too much methylmercury in the bloodstream can damage the developing nervous system in fetuses, infants, and young children. In adults, it can cause vision problems, memory loss, headaches and hair loss.

Tuna is known to be high in mercury, but don't panic if you’ve eaten a lot recently. According to the Food and Drug Administration, one week's consumption doesn’t change the level of methylmercury in the body much at all. If you eat a lot of fish one week, you can cut back the next week or two and you’ll be fine.

You can safely consume 12 ounces per week. That can include up to 6 ounces of albacore or white tuna or tuna steak.

There are other problems with eating raw fish. Other contaminants that accumulate in raw fish include polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins, which some studies suggest can be carcinogenic and have other adverse health effects.

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Will mercury scares make you give up the sushi bar?

Eating raw fish can also make you susceptible to a variety of foodborne illnesses caused by bacteria, which causes diarrhea, cramping and vomiting, and also viruses such as Hepatitis A, and Norwalk-like viruses. Parasites can also be passed on via raw fish but, fortunately, can be killed when fish is frozen before consumption.

In rare cases some bacteria that accumulates in the diets of fish can produce toxins which can lead to illnesses including scombroid poisoning, the most common form of fish poisoning in the United States. Symptoms, which include diarrhea, flushing, sweating, headache, and vomiting, can begin within two minutes to two hours after eating the contaminated fish.

Q. Is it safer to consume cooked fish?

A. Unfortunately, cooking fish does not remove mercury. However, cooking fish with the fat trimmed and skin removed, and cooking on a grill that drips away some fat can limit your exposure to these contaminants.

Q. Are there people who are at high risk who should avoid fish?

A. Women who plan to become pregnant, those who are already pregnant or nursing, children up to age 12, elderly people, and anyone with liver disease or any other disease or condition that compromises their immune system should steer clear of raw fish.

It’s also prudent for those at high risk to heed the advice of the FDA and Environmental Protection Agency and stay away from high-mercury fish. The fish highest in mercury are shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish.

Q. Are there health benefits from eating sushi?

A. Sushi dishes made with cooked fish can be a relatively low-calorie, low-fat, nutrient-dense meal — as long as you watch the soy sauce and other add-ons that can contribute a lot of sodium. Cooked salmon, for example, is a good source of vitamin D. Sushi rice provides complex carbohydrates. If you order brown rice instead of white, you’ll get an added bonus of whole grains and extra fiber.

But you should eat sushi only at or from reputable and clean places. Don’t be afraid to ask the chef or vendor a lot of questions, so you have a better idea of what you’re getting.

Q. What types of fish are high in omega-3s and other nutrients, but are known to be lower in contaminants?

A. Wild salmon (fresh, frozen and canned), herring, sardines, sablefish, anchovies, and farmed oysters are good options. You can also choose shrimp, canned light tuna, pollock, and catfish.

The bottom line is eat fish, but mix it up. Have different types each week, keep portions small and cook it!

Elisa Zied, R.D., is a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. She is the co-author of “Feed Your Family Right!” and “So What Can I Eat?!”

Is it safe to eat sushi? - Diet and nutrition -

I am not surprised over that article because I KNEW for long time about sushi!!!!!!! I created the thread about sushi somewhere here in 2004.

Well, I am tuna lover... :giggle: I eat tuna a lot... Oh well...
Yeah I always knew that Mercury is really bad for people, I learn about it through being as Janitor, even that Mercury chemical (which look like metal balls, but liquid) was banned in some states.

I have no idea that there is Mercury in tunas! Wow new something for me today, thanks for sharing :)
mercury are almost every fish. Tiny wouldn't harm you, at least you eat few time a week.
sushi isn't all raw fish as some like the California roll with avocado, rice, seaweed I can handle but the others I'm not too sure... lol ... I use to love Tuna but I prefer Red Salmon over Tuna anyday.. smile...
Is it safe to eat sushi?

Concerns raised after report finds high mercury levels in raw tuna

Is it safe to eat sushi? - Diet and nutrition -

I am not surprised over that article because I KNEW for long time about sushi!!!!!!! I created the thread about sushi somewhere here in 2004.

Well, I am tuna lover... :giggle: I eat tuna a lot... Oh well...

Oh yeah! I know about this.. scared! lol! ! Just dont eat very OFTEN! ! just once a week or so. Mercury :rl:


Sushi? :barf: but I love tuna...

me too...

tuna with water, not tuna with oil.

At 2 years ago, my hubby & I were invited to attend our friend´s 40th birthday party. We played games... They covered my eyes with scarf and taste correct what foods are... They correct my taste until sushi... I was :confused: and said... taste something like fish... what is this???? they said it´s Sushi... Good thing is I did not swallow it... stuff is still in my mouth... I ran to bathroom to threw it ... :giggle:

I know a lot of people from China, Japan, Russia, among others eat fish almost everyday, and their skin looks so young, and very strong body, compares to those people who hate fish. :ugh3:

There is this one restaurant in Seattle near the Seattle Center that has sushi come out on a conveyor belt as it is freshly prepared in the kitchen and you pick whatever tickles your taste buds....

I know a lot of people from China, Japan, Russia, among others eat fish almost everyday, and their skin looks so young, and very strong body, compares to those people who hate fish. :ugh3:

LOL! ! I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... Me too. I don't understand either ! ! How amazing who are China, Japen people etc... They are such great in health. I don't utd myself!! What the heck! ! lol :cool:


LOL! ! I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... Me too. I don't understand either ! ! How amazing who are China, Japen people etc... They are such great in health. I don't utd myself!! What the heck! ! lol :cool:



Maybe that column writer has wrinkle face, and wrote article about it to scare people, so that column writer is feeling better cuz he/she is not only one?!?!?
Let's ignore that article. Let's eat some sushi! *ORDERING*.....i think you better go first, and what would you like? :lol:
O.o I ate sushi for the first time last week.

I think it's called Crunch Roll.

It got a cooked crab in it.

I totally loved it!

For long time I despised the idea of eating sushi, but my sis wanted me to give it a chance.
Well, she succeed.

I am not fond of her sushi she had when I tried mine. It's called Philadelphia Roll which got a raw salmon in it, I think. It's not good with cream cheese.

Also, that time was my first time realizing that crabs were sweet tasting food by nature. O.o
Sis said that some people added sauces which changed its taste to more fish-like. Yuck.

I don't like fishy tasting food in general. It's like drink the ocean. T_T
Who knows. I'm pretty stubborn. ;)

Heh, I am the same way. This is why I refused to try sushi for years.

But until my sister finally convinced me to give it a chance.

Then I was like Simba in "The Lion King" about eating bugs, going from "eww" at the sight of sushi to being impressed at the taste of it.

I am looking forward to try varied types of sushi. (Probably not anything raw or fish-like for now.)
Heh, I am the same way. This is why I refused to try sushi for years.

But until my sister finally convinced me to give it a chance.

Then I was like Simba in "The Lion King" about eating bugs, going from "eww" at the sight of sushi to being impressed at the taste of it.

I am looking forward to try varied types of sushi. (Probably not anything raw or fish-like for now.)

I bet she would break her stubborn by eating my home-made sushi, called fruit sushi.


I have never had sushi because they don't look appealing. And, I'm not a seafood person either. :)