MacBook Air
World's thinnest laptop, it weights only 3 pounds, maximum battery is 5 hours, and cost about $1,700, and another option is $3,000.
It is coming out in two weeks from now.
Source: MacBook Air
This pic where you posted was wrong, it was rumored picture.
Serious Mac users would prefer the Mac Pro over the Air.
Happy now?
And why's that?
Either MacBook or MacBook Pro is what I would recommend. The reason why I am not too thrilled with MacBook Air is because it lacks an optical drive (CD/DVD reader/writer). You can buy a superdrive (CD/DVD writer) for $99 but you would have to plug it in an USB port. What if you travel and forget the accessory at home?
An optical drive is a MUST for me.
Not only that, the battery is non-user replaceable meaning you will have to send it to Apple to get it done. It's the same with iPods.
So, I wouldn't recommend MacBook Air.
I have more cons than pros about MacBook Air because of slower HDD with ATA (IDE), slower CPU than MacBook, no FireWire port and charge an extra for superdrive, remote control and external ethernet USB.
I would pick MacBook or MacBook Pro over MacBook Air.
Wait til Apple would make better slimmer laptop in near future to get all fits.
Either MacBook or MacBook Pro is what I would recommend. The reason why I am not too thrilled with MacBook Air is because it lacks an optical drive (CD/DVD reader/writer). You can buy a superdrive (CD/DVD writer) for $99 but you would have to plug it in an USB port. What if you travel and forget the accessory at home?
An optical drive is a MUST for me.
Not only that, the battery is non-user replaceable meaning you will have to send it to Apple to get it done. It's the same with iPods.
So, I wouldn't recommend MacBook Air.
Pretty soon, iMac laptop will have optional flashdrive instead of ATA hdd. So keep eye open.
The pros and cons of Macbook Air in my views....
Pros thin and light, easy to travel, good speed in a small package, comes with VGA and DVI to micro DVI converter
cons RAM, battery cannot be user upgraded, optional flash drive costs $1,000 more, no firewire or ethernet port, no built in optical drive.....(it's so thin it can't fit in a optical drive)
That has a lot of suggested to get a Macbook or Macbook pro instead. That Macbook Air reminds me of Powerbook Duo that didn't have built in optical drive so you had to plug in a external drive and other external devices.