#$%!@#$%$@ credit card pre-paid..

Just to add to Defee's post so you can look it up or ask your bank......debit cards that are tied to your checking account are NOT afforded the same legal protections as your regular credit card.
Ouch Defee, sorry to hear that. I'm very careful with mine.
Let me explain you.. several few things..

Interesting to get know more about credit card pre-paid..
I'm owner of credit card pre-paid... and want order something that what I wanted..

*poof* declined.. #%@$^#$^ kept repeat asking the FAQ question..
Discovered that mostly rest of companies aren't approved the "CREDIT CARD PRE PAID" fawk that! I hate REAL CREDIT CARD reason stealing my $$$ eaten up high percentage.. avoid that.. Why can't the Business aren't approve credit card pre paid.. ??

Credit Card pre-paid is saved lot of money without high percentage cost fee.. Only tiny thing..

Now.. I'm very extreme :pissed:~ FUMED ears out smoked... can't order on line anymore... ***Mumbling***

Now, I have to go and get money back full amount where I deposited credit card pre-paid.. (sigh) frustrater!

Advise you don't use credit card pre-paid.. They prefer REAL FRIGG'N CREDIT CARD!

if you order online, some of website doesn't have ask for CVS numbers (3 or 4 digit CVS on back of card) then they decined it and try other website to order, if they have a CVS and you will get approved on the orders.
Wow, that's scary!

How did the clerk get the PIN?
i use the pre-paid credit cards for a year and half now and i never had that problem because i always put my name and address online before online orders or gas station or stores that have Visa logo on it and so far no problems for me!!!!!!!! Perhaps, you haven't done it so by putting your name on info online before ordering online & etc :dunno:
Oh my dear... Your story got me goose bumps. I do own debit, credit/pre-paid credit cards and don't have any experience like your step-daughter. *knock on wood*... I can feel how your step-daughter feel... :(

I have seen many people used debit card with PIN numbers at every supermarkets, etc. They do is hide their PIN numbers with their hands front of people and cashiers which is uncomfortable, that's why we use credit card with payback points to every supermarkets instead of debit card because PIN number is not neccassary. I feel free and comfortable with it. All what I do is sign after the credit or wire transfer is acceptance. I use wire transfer mostly but I only use credit card when the wire transfer is not acceptance to all supermarkets and some stores.

I only use debit card to get money from my bank or money machine instead of every supermarkets, shopping etc.
Yike... Sorry about your step-daughter..

That's why I don't trust any of banks having my money in their holding. Since my bank account was fucked up in 2005 because the utilitilies bills kept charging on me while I already told them that I am not paying any more of the bills, it was all messed up, but luckily I have enough money to paid the overdraft off, I closed it right after I paid it off. That happened 3 years ago in 2005, haven't got any new acct since then.

I only use the money orders and cashes, that's it..
You're comparing prepaid credit/debit cards to regular credit cards. For prepaid credit/debit card, there's no credit checks, no filling out an application no bills, no interest charge and no bank account is required. You buy the prepaid credit/debit cards at most stores then load any amount of money you want to put into the card, it's the same way as if you're depositing money into your saving or checking account.

https://www.greendotonline.com/contents/login.aspx << (This is what I have)

Exactly - preipaid card is for draw the money only and add extra interest when you deposit money into prepaid credit card account as the same as saving book.

you'll have to pay additional fees every time you deposit more cash into your prepaid card and monthly maintenance fee also.

I would not transfer some of my savings to my prepaid card for better interest if I know I have to pay charge fee. :nono: It cost me nothing to add money into prepaid card. All what I only pay charge fee a year is credit card (that's same card where I deposit but with different PIN number as credit card PIN number).
Is it the same in America?

I have a debit card from my credit union. I get interest dividends on my savings account. My debit card draws from my checking account. There are no fees for my accounts unless I overdraft. I've never done that, so I pay no fees. If I use a credit card (which I use only to reserve rental cars or motel rooms; I pay for them in cash) I don't earn any interest from that. We use Paypal for our eBay transactions.

So, prepaid credit cards accumulate more savings interest than a bank account? I guess that would be a good benefit, yes. :)

I don't know about America until Angel explained in her previous posts. I explained in my posts about preipaid credit card because some ADers confused GalaxyAngel's post.

Yes, I earn extra interest in debit card only if there're no overdraft in my account and also earn extra interest in bank saving books as well with no charge fee.

Yes, we also use Paypal for our eBay transactions, too.

For credit card - pay no charge interest only if you pay off on your spending for the whole month instead of monthly payment with charge interest. I let my bank transfer the whole amount for month spending to VISA company to aviod interest charge for me. The reason, we use credit card because of payback points - I collect most coupon between EUR 30 ($44) and EUR 50 ($74) 4 times a year thru collect the points from some stores and supermarkets to compare with annual charge fee. We made pretty profit thru collect payback points.

For preipaid credit card (same card as credit card with 2 different PIN numbers for one preipaid credit card and one credit card (we NEVER use to draw money from credit card). My hubby got 2 new credit cards for 2 years charge fee gratis from ADAC company (car service) where my hubby is member for over 25 years. They congrats him for 25 years membership service and gave him 2 years charge fee free... We look cons/pros about preipaid credit card which is new to us last September.
If my hubby accept credit card from ADAC company -

  • 2% discount gasonline of total price to any gasoline shops if use credit card.
    Extra interest to add money into preipaid credit card.
    Draw money from any bank in the world with preipaid credit card with no charge fee.
    Travel Protection insurance
    Car accident insurance
    collect points from EVERY stores
    reserve the bookings for flight, bus and train seat with no extra charge

which is better than my credit card is: Just collect payback points in SOME stores.

Those cards, my hubby got more annual charge fee than my credit card but better advantages than my credit card with payback collection points. We decided to end my credit card to aviod annual charge fee for use my hubby's credit card with no 2 year charge fee. We are satisfy with those cards since last September but we have to wait up to one year to see either we made profit or not thru extra interest in savings at preipaid card, 2% discount gasolines, payback collections etc more than the price of annual charge fee then we will continue with cards after 2 years no charge fee over.

We don't use any money from preipaid credit card but leave them alone wo get extra interest until we are out of Germany for holiday then... We are hoping to go Eypt for this year then we are able to draw money from preipaid credit card there for no charge fee. Wait and See... :dunno:
I can not speak for Liebling but for myself if I'm going to upload more money onto the card, I have to pay $4.95


Do they pay extra interest for you in preipaid credit card like savings book when you put money in preipaid credit card?

I would not join if there're no extra interest and charge fee for add money into preipaid card because it's no profit for me...
This thread is definitely bullshit.

EDIT: I reread those posts and there are few possibles why GalaxyAngel's pre-paid card was declined were:

1. Not enough fund to cover the total amount
2. make sure online billing and your pre-paid's personal information MATCH. Most likely the address.
3. decline for third straight time will be frozen your account and you have to call the service.
This thread is definitely bullshit.

EDIT: I reread those posts and there are few possibles why GalaxyAngel's pre-paid card was declined were:

1. Not enough fund to cover the total amount
2. make sure online billing and your pre-paid's personal information MATCH. Most likely the address.
3. decline for third straight time will be frozen your account and you have to call the service.

They told her they do not take prepaid credit/debit card.
This thread is definitely bullshit.

EDIT: I reread those posts and there are few possibles why GalaxyAngel's pre-paid card was declined were:

1. Not enough fund to cover the total amount
2. make sure online billing and your pre-paid's personal information MATCH. Most likely the address.
3. decline for third straight time will be frozen your account and you have to call the service.

wow, you're call'n me BULLSHIT.. hahah.. I have plenty lot of money in my pre paid credit card.. why they aren't accept my credit card which have lot of money... what more... they thinks that my credit card is FAKE... because of no logo.. my credit card pre paid have logo on it.. (huh?)

I've gave it out same informaiton of my credit card on line which i want order.. they kept declined.. me reason: do not accept credit card prepaid. and also not recoglize the address of mine... OH GREAT!!!
order on line.. DON'T ACCEPT MY ADDRESS reason "slash" number..

Example address: 158 1/2 Ho Ho Avenue, North Pole. (That major problem)
That my real address there have slash on it.. they are declined me.. FAWK!
Pissy off.. I went over to see the company bank.. and discuss about this issue.. They cannot help me anymore.. FAWK IT..
so I'm still working on another company bank capital one.. (processing) which it's great news.. so will no longer use my old credit card pre paid and transfer to capital one... much much better!
I do have a walmart Moneycard. It's a Pre-paid debit visa card but it is not a credit card. It is a reloadable debit card and can be used everywhere like ordering online and can be used at gas pumps, etc. Wonderful for those who doesnt have bank account. :) but it cost fees to reload the card 4.95 dollars i think.. i dont know about interests on that but doubt it? but good question?

Does buying or using this Card build my credit rating?
No. This Card is not a credit card. It is prepaid. Because no credit is granted and no payments are required, this Card does not build credit history.

which website did you use to order? if the company is from USA? maybe it wont take your orders due to you are from Canada? some companies do not take out of country orders so could it be that reason hmm?
Let me explain you.. several few things..

Interesting to get know more about credit card pre-paid..
I'm owner of credit card pre-paid... and want order something that what I wanted..

*poof* declined.. #%@$^#$^ kept repeat asking the FAQ question..
Discovered that mostly rest of companies aren't approved the "CREDIT CARD PRE PAID" fawk that! I hate REAL CREDIT CARD reason stealing my $$$ eaten up high percentage.. avoid that.. Why can't the Business aren't approve credit card pre paid.. ??

Credit Card pre-paid is saved lot of money without high percentage cost fee.. Only tiny thing..

Now.. I'm very extreme :pissed:~ FUMED ears out smoked... can't order on line anymore... ***Mumbling***

Now, I have to go and get money back full amount where I deposited credit card pre-paid.. (sigh) frustrater!

Advise you don't use credit card pre-paid.. They prefer REAL FRIGG'N CREDIT CARD!
Most companies? Bullshit
Highest percentage interest? Yeah you have a bad credit card which is rip off
What business? Hard to believe...

Plenty lot of money into my funds of credit card...

They aren't accept "CREDIT CARD PRE-PAID" which think it's not real credit card logo..

Wha..a. joke? My Card shown is real logo of credit card as MC. Puzzled why..

I agree w/you in case emergency funds credit card pre-paid no matter anywhere you needed in case.. but i tries to buy order on line and refused accept mine.. because of "credit card pre-paid"
What kind of pre-paid card do you have?

Yes I do have debit card.. actually we don't want use those reason avoid overdraft.. LOL we want keep alive stayed above avoid the overdraft.. :D
It explains that you use a card when it has no fund. That's why they charge you a overdraft.

Paypal is wasting my time.. and tried add funds by credit card pre-paid but kept declined.. *fed up*

Yes I wanted order on line.. *sigh*
sure you were...

Phillips, yeah brilliant idea but in my bank doesn't provide like this exactly like yours.. Sad!

Only charge me for overdraft fee by monthly.. that's all... That why I avoid use overdraft.. (chuckles)
It explains everything. No wonder you steal the bank's money when yoru account doesn't have any FUND. Stop fraud... That's why they don't trust you and Most pre-paid cards do not have overdraft fee and you tried to take advantage of those but it didn't work.

That's why I called this thread a bullshit. Now you are getting a Capital One, that great news. :afro:
I have pre-pay card now cause bf ruin credit. It only look like credit card but is not. I have learn big lesson and hope to stay smarter.

Am always fear some store not take my pre-pay card like happen to GalaxyAngel.
What kind of pre-paid card do you have?
It's Money in Motion (Canada) MasterCard. There's have logo!
It explains that you use a card when it has no fund. That's why they charge you a overdraft.
No.. I don't want use my bank.. which have overdraft.. So I have alternative another bank.. so I can use my credit card pre paid.. as much more safer.
So I have two different banks.. So why not?
None of your mind business about my banks personal.

sure you were...
wow, r u doubt it.... LOL
My husband and I were struggle w/stupid pay pal add funds for my credit card but declined reason MY ADDRESS! (fawk) Totally stupid.. because address have slash number on it.. what I did tell you previous of my statement recently.

It explains everything. No wonder you steal the bank's money when yoru account doesn't have any FUND. Stop fraud... That's why they don't trust you and Most pre-paid cards do not have overdraft fee and you tried to take advantage of those but it didn't work.
You're totally DUMBEST ever I had heard what your stated.. LOL
Ain't we steal the fucking banks.. cost saved the fee.. The bank staff offered us saved lot of money overdraft saved fee.. will not charge us more than 12 bux fee.. only saved monthly payments for using overdraft.. That why we are avoid use below the overdraft..

I think you're not knowledge more than Canada system.. Okay... *cough* oh please you're just very young... I'm mature adult and wiser!

I'm lauff'n so hard what you're determined that "I'm bullshit"... My gosh!
Oh Whoaa GA,

Sorry to say that you have giving too much imformation out of your CC etc details here .. I wouldn't giving out or ask for help here this internet world ..
If you having problem with it just keep it to yourself and go to your family or friends in real life or go to your bank.

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