

New tests have been developed to assess the eligibility of SSI-SSDI applicants with invisible disability claims.

Invisible disability refers a person's symptoms such as extreme fatigue, dizziness, pain, weakness, hearing loss, cognitive impairments, etc. that are sometimes or always debilitating. These symptoms can occur due to chronic illness, chronic pain, injury, birth disorders, etc. and are not always obvious to the onlooker.

A person can have an Invisible Disability whether or not they have a "visible" impairment or use an assistive device like a wheelchair, walker, cane, etc. For example, whether or not a person utilizes an assisitive device, if they are debilitated by such symptoms as extreme pain, fatigue, cognitive dysfunctions and dizziness, they have invisible disabilities.

The majority of them collect monthly payments ranging from $600 to $2,700 a month from the Social Security Administration. Many of those no longer have barriers to work and they continue to collect monthly payments.

The tests would involve a number of physical movement exercises to evaluate applicant's ability to perform work related body movements.

These could include;

Pushing a cart, lifting and positioning boxes, tossing large paper rolls, reading and typing, operating a copier, operating a desktop computer, assembling objects, sorting objects, washing objects, among other employment related body movements.

Other eligibility qualifications could include technician visits to applicants home for additional assesments such as testing for illegal drugs and to determine if they have equipment designed to eliminate work related barriers. Such equipment is now available at no cost through various state and federal programs. "If they have the equipment, most of the barriers are resolved." says Doug Peret who works in one of the South Carolina's telecommunications equipment programs.

Deaf people who are able to make emails or relay-assisted telephone calls to eligibility technicians would have difficulty claiming communication barriers as this would demonstrate the applicants are capable of engaging in communications with others at the workplace.

Autistic people who use online based social interaction programs would also be facing similar difficulties as well.

With advanced technology being more accessible to people with disabilities, barriers to working have been eliminated. Agencies have been grappling with reports of benefit enrollees who have overcome the reasons they're getting their benefits. Their main frustration is finding that benefit enrollees have been entertaining themselves with the technology at the taxpayer's expense. "We don't want to be paying people as much as $1,900 a month just to sit in front of a computer and chat, or sit in or operate online forums or blogs while consuming illegal drugs, or browsing pornography sites all day." Says Alfred Choi director of Human Services. "Basically these are work related body movements and if they're capable of these online activities then they're also capable of working in these environments and they should find employers to pay them to do it instead of the taxpayers."

Applicants will be checked to see if they own list serve, facebook, myspace, or any other online social networking accounts.

Plans are for a new team of cyber sleuths to track down online presences of applicants and benefit enrollees. "Basically, the message is if you are a part of a list serve, forum, or a networking website, we will find you." says Karen Gomez director of Health and Human services of Social Security Administration.

With pressure to cut domestic spending, the current administration have been looking for ways to cut costs and making sure the applicants can not engage in gainful activity before receiving benefits.

These tests could also be used on current SSI-SSDI recipients for continuing review evaluations.

>Press release draft from a Hawaii Community College Counselor

That is why I dont understand some companies' unwillingness to change the communication systems to be more deaf friendly. It is not that hard. :roll:
I'm all for not allowing Deaf people to claim communication difficulty.

EVERYONE who goes to college must deal with expenses.
MOST college students, disabled or not, must work or take loans against themselves to pay.
SOME federal aid -must- be paid back, unlike ssi.

Being disabled shouldn't be an excuse to get an easy ride through school.
I'm all for not allowing Deaf people to claim communication difficulty.

EVERYONE who goes to college must deal with expenses.
MOST college students, disabled or not, must work or take loans against themselves to pay.
SOME federal aid -must- be paid back, unlike ssi.

Being disabled shouldn't be an excuse to get an easy ride through school.

What if a person was blind, he/she can't drive and live in rural, plus his/her parents are too old to drive for him/her everyday to the school and to work, thus nobody can pick him/her to school or work, or even the grocery? What can that blind person do?

Sorry I have to disagree.
How would getting money solve that blind person's transportation problems? Taking the bus or demanding paratransit services might! I've yet to live somewhere that doesn't provide some basic form of transport for the disabled.

I'm ALL for people who NEED ssi getting the money- people with serious disabilies that make it IMPOSSIBLE to maintain function in a job.

I don't believe being deaf makes it impossible to get a job. Yes, it makes it harder. But is that an excuse to spend forever riding on other people's money?

You can't ask for equal rights and complain when you get them. If you demand the right to work and receive workplace accomidation, you have to WORK.
How would getting money solve that blind person's transportation problems? Taking the bus or demanding paratransit services might! I've yet to live somewhere that doesn't provide some basic form of transport for the disabled.

Exactly what you just said. The area where I live has the communter bus for those people who live too far from the city or those are disablied or the elders.

I'm ALL for people who NEED ssi getting the money- people with serious disabilies that make it IMPOSSIBLE to maintain function in a job.

With you on that one.

I don't believe being deaf makes it impossible to get a job. Yes, it makes it harder. But is that an excuse to spend forever riding on other people's money?

What if a deaf person live in rural and have no money or job or whatever, and he/she don't want to move because he/she scare of the big cities? That person need SSI.
Why? Non-deaf people are just as liable to be scared of big cities and to be jobless.

They can't get a job because they refuse to move, not because they're deaf. They are CAPABLE of working, they make a CHOICE not to. You shouldn't be able to make a CHOICE to sit at home when you could work.
Why? Non-deaf people are just as liable to be scared of big cities and to be jobless.

They can't get a job because they refuse to move, not because they're deaf. They are CAPABLE of working, they make a CHOICE not to. You shouldn't be able to make a CHOICE to sit at home when you could work.

No. I mean the rural area is very hard to find job which make a deaf person cannot find job. Hearies situation is very different, they can get job very easy, can get family very easy compare to the deafies. They can just go to the store and ask "Do you have any job to offer?", deafies have to ask for paper and pen before ask, which make manager feel like the deaf can't do much because he/she have poor communication.

Manager always always pick hearies over deafies.

Sorry there is no way I would agree with you.
No. I mean the rural area is very hard to find job which make a deaf person cannot find job. Hearies situation is very different, they can get job very easy, can get family very easy compare to the deafies. They can just go to the store and ask "Do you have any job to offer?", deafies have to ask for paper and pen before ask, which make manager feel like the deaf can't do much because he/she have poor communication.

Manager always always pick hearies over deafies.

Sorry there is no way I would agree with you.

I have to say that this is true. It's because my deaf friend is having a hard time finding a job for three years. Her speech is not that great. She depends on notes for the communication. I never knew that she has that problem cuz she looks beautiful and has blue eyes. They won't hire her just because of her deafness. Her vocational rehabilitation agent is not helping her enough because the agent is not doing a good job. That vocational rehab needs to shut down the business because they don't help many deaf people to find a job, and the agents are taking our government's money for nothing. That's what we need to do is to shut down the business if you have the same problem in your state. I know it is hard, but it is long overdue so we need to be tough against the rehab. We need to break the cycle problem (i.e. same old problem situation for years).
What the difference? They both the same from goverment money. You forget that college is very very expensive and it not "cheap". Life may not be fair,, but who says it have to be fair? You? tsk. Everybody pay their own way to college differently but it not easy.

Right, it isn't, my younger hearing sister is still trying to pay off her school loan, and it has been almost 18 years now and she wish there was some kind of program out there that will help her with her loan payments..

SJCSue, yes you can apply for SSI, so they can help you with the loan, and good luck

btw Aleser, are you deaf or hoh?...
I'm ALL for people who NEED ssi getting the money- people with serious disabilies that make it IMPOSSIBLE to maintain function in a job.

My mum could never find work. She didn't choose to be unemployed. She had mental health problems. Is that serious enough for you? She didn't claim any special benifit money though as she didn't really consider herself as having a problem. Or at least she didn't while I was growing up. So at one stage we had to make do on very little money. At least we had some money as thankfully here in the UK everyone who is unemployed gets some money. Even if its not very much. Which is a good thing I think.

Also I would like to know if volentary work counts? I'm asking as I've never been able to get paid work. I have volenteered in the past. Only about 9 years ago my mental health took a nose dive. I also took a wrong path in life and ended up living with a couple of druggies and spent a lot of time stoned out of my tree. I'm now drug free but a reputation is a hard thing to shake off.

I got myself a braille/moon embosser and have volenteered my services but have not been taken up by anyone as yet. It gets so frustrating. I don't know if my past history has anything to do with it as the people don't say. They just don't take me up on my offer for whatever reason and it gets ever so discouraging.

I'm hoping to run a craft stall at a fancy rat event. The money I'm likely to make on that is not likely even to cover my travel expensises.

Also I don't know what it's like in USA but in here not everyone can move. A lot of private landlords won't accept people on benifits. That includes disabled people too. I know because when I was homeless and my dad tried to get me a flat with private landlord I wasn't accepted because I'm on benifits. In the end I had to wait until the council found me somewhere. So moving isn't that simple.
I just couldn't WAIT for President Bush/Congress to cut the SSI.

I think that you are biased on people for the SSI. Many deaf people depend on it in order to survive for food and shelter. The bosses don't give a damn about you - some bosses have phobia because they think that deaf people give them a disease. And, it is very common that they lack of different type of communications. How will you find a job when you get older?

I assume that you are about 20 years old. I understand many young people jump the conclusion without a good reason. I would rather the government to stop SSI for people who have more than 5 children in the family, and some lazy people who are on illegal drugs and alcohol that must be prohibited to use the government money to buy. Isn't that make sense to you?

Another real problem is that our government allows our stores to order China supplies to our country, and they sell them at the stores. You see so many products that made from China. What happens to our American jobs? Hershey Company makes candy in our country - guess what - the Hershey company is officially moving to China - no kidding. Next time, you buy something. Make sure you check the item where it is made from. This will make you feel disturbed. Okay?
I have to say that this is true. It's because my deaf friend is having a hard time finding a job for three years. Her speech is not that great. She depends on notes for the communication. I never knew that she has that problem cuz she looks beautiful and has blue eyes. They won't hire her just because of her deafness. Her vocational rehabilitation agent is not helping her enough because the agent is not doing a good job. That vocational rehab needs to shut down the business because they don't help many deaf people to find a job, and the agents are taking our government's money for nothing. That's what we need to do is to shut down the business if you have the same problem in your state. I know it is hard, but it is long overdue so we need to be tough against the rehab. We need to break the cycle problem (i.e. same old problem situation for years).

There another example... Yeah many manager always pick hearies over deafies because hearies can talk more than deafies..

Ohhhh yeah I have to agree with you, the vocational rehabilitation does not do much for the deafies too! I have been waiting for the DVR (which we call it in our location) for since I was sophomore and never got one, only asking if I want to stay on the list, that's it.. So I fk DVR and don't pay attention to them, just pay attention to what I can do for my living.

Deaf DO need SSI too for some reason..
I just couldn't WAIT for President Bush/Congress to cut the SSI.

Why cut the SSI? What if your parents live in the farrr in the rural, very few jobs and you barely can find one there where your parents are living. Someday, your parents became too old and need your help, also they want to keep the house so that they can hand the house to you when they died, and there is nobody would rent their house, so you will have to move there and support your parents. Thus you have no SSI and your elder parents have no SSI, what will you do? What will you DO?

That is exactly what the SSI for.
How would getting money solve that blind person's transportation problems? Taking the bus or demanding paratransit services might! I've yet to live somewhere that doesn't provide some basic form of transport for the disabled.

I'm ALL for people who NEED ssi getting the money- people with serious disabilies that make it IMPOSSIBLE to maintain function in a job.

I don't believe being deaf makes it impossible to get a job. Yes, it makes it harder. But is that an excuse to spend forever riding on other people's money?

You can't ask for equal rights and complain when you get them. If you demand the right to work and receive workplace accomidation, you have to WORK.

SSI is not for people whose disabilities make it impossible to work. SSDI is the federal program that these people are covered under. SSI is Supplemental Security Income, is temporary, and is used to help cover living expense while someone with a disability is trained or educated in order to get or maintain employement.
How long is "temporary"? Is there a set time limit?

Reba, my LCSW told me once I am working full-time, I would be dropped from SSI. I will only be on SSI while I am in college or in graduate school.
I just couldn't WAIT for President Bush/Congress to cut the SSI.

Hey,.... You have NO RIGHT to judge anyone who are on SSI... Yes ..I know many deaf friends are on it because they are lazy... Again other many friends who are on it also deserve it.... there are many factors....

STOP JUDGING on people on SSI....
How long is "temporary"? Is there a set time limit?

Exactly. You remain elgible until you have reached the goals of education and employment. There are periodic reveiws to determin if one is making progress toward those goals, or if the goals need to be amended. If one remains on SSI for an extended period of time without being able to achieve gainful employment, however, they will most likely qualify for SSDI, and be moved into that program.
Well, I have SSDI and SSI too. I have Financial Aid for college classes. You have to apply the Pell Grant can get you free cost. No need to worry. Also you have SSI too. You can get SSI and get Pell Grant get you free cost for college tution and free books you need.

That what I did that before. :D

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