Happened again yesterday *sigh*

Sometimes it doesn't matter how careful the driver is. If a deer leaps into the front of your car, damage will happen. I also know about people who have wild turkeys fly into the windshields. If the animal or bird aims at you, it doesn't matter how "careful" you are. If the interstate highway speed is 65 mph, you can't drive 5 mph down the road just because a deer "might" run across the road.
First of all, I am sorry to hear about this.

It´s no excuse to blame animal or human how to risk driver´s or front passengar´s life.

We have many deers, boars, foxes and hares in forest and many children around in villiage where we live... It´s our own responsible to drive carefully when we KNOW there´re big or small animals/small children/biker everywhere...

Of course there´re frequent road accidents due animals but driver´s injury or kill very low/rare. Why? Because we drive carefully and slowly because we know it´s common to have big animals everywhere in forest... and go out of forest including children.

My hubby drive on the same road to work where the big animals frequently around for over 22 years - no once hit animals because he drove carefully... me, too when I am on the way to same road where my hubby go daily... for small shopping and buy something from farmer... no once hit... because we KNOW...

Perhaps for those of you who regularly drive in areas where there are many animals, you should buy a set of "deer whistles" (cheap). They are a simple device that use no batteries, moving parts, etc; wind whooshes through them and create an ultra sound that humans cannot hear but animals can and this usually scares them off.
Sometimes it doesn't matter how careful the driver is. If a deer leaps into the front of your car, damage will happen. I also know about people who have wild turkeys fly into the windshields. If the animal or bird aims at you, it doesn't matter how "careful" you are. If the interstate highway speed is 65 mph, you can't drive 5 mph down the road just because a deer "might" run across the road.

Yes Reba is absolutely correct, because in my hometown the most concern is the deer population, there are many many deers everywhere even on my property not that I mind because I love deers but they always eating my plants and flowers in my garden...grr...but anyways, there has been several reports on car accidents that caused by deers walking or running across the street etc, even these people never saw it coming, as it happened so fast, and deers are not the only problem, raccoons too....I live in the wooden area which the metropark is only 5 mins away from our house..

Car-deer crashes on the rise in Ohio

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- The peak season for car accidents involving deer has arrived, and Ohio motorists are being warned that those crashes have been on the increase.

The Ohio State Highway Patrol says more than 28,000 deer-vehicle collisions were reported on the state's roads last year, up 3.3 percent from 2005.

In a news release issued with the Ohio Insurance Institute and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources on Thursday, the patrol says 12 people were killed last year in wrecks involving deer. That compares with nine fatalities in 2005 and five in 2004.

Officials say most of the crashes come between October and January, when deer are breeding, and during the hours around sunrise and sunset.


*pssst* everyone.. When I was staying Angel and RoadRunner's place and just step outside right there and spotted the Deer.. RIGHT THERE! Amazing beautiful deer, but eating their garden..

(ahem) poor their garden ruinned!


That's life, like everyone will be always caution w/Deer or other kind of wild animals but not dogs or cats.. tend run over and alike Road to kill..

Why can't everyone whoever willing not run over the cute innocent animal includes pets too.. ? That making me break my heart..

Wish that law needs little spicey stricter law... If you attempt run over the innocent animal and charge it or quick report to the police or whatever.. to prevent you press the charge.. sumth'n like that..
Sometimes it doesn't matter how careful the driver is. If a deer leaps into the front of your car, damage will happen. I also know about people who have wild turkeys fly into the windshields. If the animal or bird aims at you, it doesn't matter how "careful" you are. If the interstate highway speed is 65 mph, you can't drive 5 mph down the road just because a deer "might" run across the road.

Yes, that´s right... That´s why we have insurance for car damage due big animals on road accident.

It´s common to know that the car are being severe or light damaged by hit animals on the road.

We have eagles around here either.

We have animal warning signal that we drive carefully. We will lost our insurance rights if we ignored warning signal... We should drive limited up to 25 mph (I check online conversion between kph/mph before post mph here) if there´re animal warning signal. The police will estimate how speed I drive after hit big animals.

I remember around 6 to 7 years ago - American teens throw stones from the bridge of Autobahn to cars... It killed drivers.... because they drive speed on the Autobahn without notice the US teens stood on the bridge... which is different as hit animals when they came front of our car suddenly...

Opal mentioned that his car smashed into a tree - ? Why to tree instead of brake to stop fast? I don´t want to say anything further because it´s really sad that his girlfriend died.
*pssst* everyone.. When I was staying Angel and RoadRunner's place and just step outside right there and spotted the Deer.. RIGHT THERE! Amazing beautiful deer, but eating their garden..

(ahem) poor their garden ruinned!


:rofl: I remember ... I was there... Angel ran to me & got me to look at deer... it is young deer... Bambi... such beautiful animal... ... I hurried to get camera to take picture of deer ate Angel´s garden... almost close to us... No wonder, why Angel don´t have flowers and vegetables to plant because of that wild animals... I also saw raccoons at Angel´s garden, too when I was stayed outside at night few hours after we arrived Angel´s house from Chicago.

That's life, like everyone will be always caution w/Deer or other kind of wild animals but not dogs or cats.. tend run over and alike Road to kill..

Why can't everyone whoever willing not run over the cute innocent animal includes pets too.. ? That making me break my heart..

Exactly - I am still grieving over Kim...

Wish that law needs little spicey stricter law... If you attempt run over the innocent animal and charge it or quick report to the police or whatever.. to prevent you press the charge.. sumth'n like that..

That´s why we have animal warning signal that we should drive slowly... I am not allow to stop if I see animal come suddenly front of my car because the car behind my car will get hurt or damage car... I will be responsible for that accidents. I have to carry on drive no matter what but I really don´t want it... I often drove very slow less than 20 mph... because of many cats around... also children sometimes as well... then to forest... 25 mph with animal warning signal.
Perhaps for those of you who regularly drive in areas where there are many animals, you should buy a set of "deer whistles" (cheap). They are a simple device that use no batteries, moving parts, etc; wind whooshes through them and create an ultra sound that humans cannot hear but animals can and this usually scares them off.

Interesting, I didn´t know about deer whistles...

We were taught to turn light off immediately and then again turn light on when we see big animal front of us... it fright them away. Noise to fright them off doesn´t solve anything.
Perhaps for those of you who regularly drive in areas where there are many animals, you should buy a set of "deer whistles" (cheap). They are a simple device that use no batteries, moving parts, etc; wind whooshes through them and create an ultra sound that humans cannot hear but animals can and this usually scares them off.

ShuRoo - High Frequency Protection, Pest Management Systems, Wildlife Convervation and Animal Deterrent Systems

I didn't know about it until yesterday as I was chatting with a group of deaf people as we all know the driver's mother, one of them had mentioned about it, as it is very cheap to buy from the car service.
Opal mentioned that his car smashed into a tree - ? Why to tree instead of brake to stop fast? I don´t want to say anything further because it´s really sad that his girlfriend died.

The driver was trying to save the kangaroo and swerved the car and hit the tree!!
when you driving you need to be defensive, dont swerve to avoid a bloody cat, kangaroo, deer, what ever - just kill it, look after yourself and passengers, may run over a child rather than kill all my passengers.
I am sorry if it sound awful but it had better be deliberately.

To kill an innocent child on road is touchy situation, yes but in a split second to decide who dies - either you or your load or a stranger kid???????

Some one was saying she saw a kid on the road, and served and wrote off her car and another car, they are ok but the kid ran away, - bloody moron kid!!!

Wait and see what will happen at the Court Hearing for my friend's son - will he be charged for Manslaughter for the death of two teenagers or it is just unfortunately accident?

I like to think if he hit the roo, he and his friends will be still alive and no one cares about the death of Roo and damaged to his car. Cars can be replaced, but not human's lives.
:rofl: I remember ... I was there... Angel ran to me & got me to look at deer... it is young deer... Bambi... such beautiful animal... ... I hurried to get camera to take picture of deer ate Angel´s garden... almost close to us... No wonder, why Angel don´t have flowers and vegetables to plant because of that wild animals... I also saw raccoons at Angel´s garden, too when I was stayed outside at night few hours after we arrived Angel´s house from Chicago.

Oh no, I still have flowers and plants left in my flower garden but yes about the vegetable garden, it's all gone :(

I knew you girls would like to see a deer so close by! glad you girls had a chance to see that but wasn't so happy to see them eating my fave flowers after spending more than 200 dollars worth of plants and flowers grr...

Exactly - I am still grieving over Kim...

Aw, I'm sorry hon :hug:
...We have animal warning signal that we drive carefully. We will lost our insurance rights if we ignored warning signal...
What kind of signal? Do you mean the electronic kind that is in your car and warns you that a deer is ahead? How would the insurance company know that you ignored the signal?

We should drive limited up to 25 mph (I check online conversion between kph/mph before post mph here) if there´re animal warning signal. The police will estimate how speed I drive after hit big animals.
Does the signal detect just large animals?
... I am not allow to stop if I see animal come suddenly front of my car because the car behind my car will get hurt or damage car... I will be responsible for that accidents.
How so? If the car behind you can't stop in time, then it's their fault for following too closely. The car behind is always at fault for hitting the car ahead because the car behind is too close.
Oh boy! about the deer...we just bought a pickup the other
day and the insurance people advised us that we really need
to have a full coverage especially at this time of year out
in the country cuz of the deer!..there have been several
deer accidents..and guess what? the other evening, i was
coming home from the store which is about 8 miles from where
we live, i nearly had a head on with a deer and it was not really
that dark so i saw it in time and you know what? it just stood
there like..."you gonna hit me or what?"...geeeez! finally, i honked
at it...it just strutted off like the king of the road.....lol!

Yeah, Tousi...i heard something about the deer whistles...not much
though..but it was on TV but i didnt get chance to listen as to
how it worked or anything...i dont even know where to buy so do you
know where we can purchase it or do we have to order it?

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