Since Bush became President in 2000...


AD Veteran
Premium Member
Nov 20, 2006
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I can not describe the title here, but here is my explanation - I have been reading a lot of documents over the internet and discussed with my american friends...I am curious as since President Bush becamed President in 2000 against Al Gore - and I have noticed a lot of changes with the disabilites funding for the deaf, like for example, they have lost the funding for the captions for the deaf people, deaf schools closing down, and many more - and I have noticed that in the past 7 years, has these years affected your deaf life sice Bush becamed President?

Feel free to argue/disuss/debate here... I am very curious with your POV's

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BTW, he wasn't sworn in as President until January 2001.

Do you have proof about specific examples that all this not-friendly-to-Deafies stuff happened under Bush's leadership?
BTW, he wasn't sworn in as President until January 2001.

Do you have proof about specific examples that all this not-friendly-to-Deafies stuff happened under Bush's leadership?

Thank you Reba for the accurate deatils of Bush's presidency...

according to the information I found on - Relay & Beyond I would leave the name annoymous, as she/he said quoting:

We've lost so many funds for captioning, that it has taken us a giant step backwards instead of forwards into the future. How can we bring up deaf issues for the candidates, when we are a minority? Things like captioning, movie access, and interpreting just to name a few are just not addressed

And Gangis (AD'er member) as a friend of mine, mentioned that he said that Bush has used some of the funds to go to the war, for his troops like the Iraq war where it was started in 2003..
No, he's doin' alright for me. Everything seems normal in USA since Bush became president.
Maybe different people have their different point of views, but for you texan guy, your opinion. ;)
Thank you Reba for the accurate deatils of Bush's presidency...

according to the information I found on - Relay & Beyond I would leave the name annoymous, as she/he said quoting:

And Gangis (AD'er member) as a friend of mine, mentioned that he said that Bush has used some of the funds to go to the war, for his troops like the Iraq war where it was started in 2003..
I mean, do you have proof that President Bush took funds directly from the captioning money pot and sent it to Iraq? If someone else was President, would Americans really have more interpreters or access to movies?

I would like to see something more informative than other members' opinions. How about some statistics about the number of TV shows and movies captioned by year, and a break down of funding sources for captions?
I mean, do you have proof that President Bush took funds directly from the captioning money pot and sent it to Iraq? If someone else was President, would Americans really have more interpreters or access to movies?

I would like to see something more informative than other members' opinions. How about some statistics about the number of TV shows and movies captioned by year, and a break down of funding sources for captions?

Reba, let me assure you that I am from Australia, this thread is was my curiousity so I don't have the proof, but I have heard was the rumours but I will do some research on your request if I don't find anything... forget the thread topic.
The Republican congress people are the troubled ones. They already conserved the money for taxes that forward to Christian programs instead of public educational programs. They eliminated a lot of programs for disabilities departments because of the expenses. This is not the case; we still have plenty of money in the system. Many Congress of Republicans want the money for something else for their pleasure. Some Congress of Democrats are doing the same thing what the Republicans do with their money.

The U.S. Government borrowed China's largest money in the history - 8 trillions. This is probably true that we have the largest debt in the history than any president in 200 years. But, it is a trick part how the system works. We pay taxes. Our American's average taxes (Federal and State) is $4,000. We have about 200 millions employees are working. 200 millions x $4,000 equal 800 trillions. This is not actual information, but in a general information - I am not expert this one. (You, ADs, can tell me if you are better than my example.) I feel that the U.S. Gov't borrow the money from China, and the U.S. Gov't has our tax money at the same time. Which money did it go to our soldiers? China money or the U.S. money? Both?

The real problem is that our Government is a thief (from some Senators and House of Representatives, and other parties).

It is hard for many of us to know who is the government employees who stole our money. This is not new. Our tax forms are complicated and a lot of tricks - the IRS wants to keep some money especially the working people who do not know how to figure out on the tax form. Some people hire outside of the IRS office to help them with their tax paperwork, but some outside office IRS employees are not professional accountants - it is not against the law. That's what IRS loves that.

George Bush is very involved with many dirty business with oil companies from Saudi Arabia because he invests hundreds of oil stocks. He does not care about our people. He has many friends from the government agencies.
In his first end of his term, he was not afraid that he would lose his election because his brother is a Governor of Florida who secretly tricked the vote machines. I didn't want to detail this one. This was never happened for so many years until it brought up the vote problem in Florida. Now, we will use computer vote machines in the future. Unfortunately, there was a rumor that these vote machines are made in Saudi Arabia. I do not think that we could ask someone to look up the label vote machine where it is from. The vote machine is the government property that we cannot find it out.

Most Democrats support all educational programs and funds for disabilities departments. Democrats also want to increase the taxes - that's what we don't like this one, and we want that taxes to be remain - no changes.

The government already stirred up new problems that we do not see what is going on yet.

Some Republicans think that George is doing okay. That is not issue because they do not have a health problem for example. If they have a serious health problem, it will very likely for them to join with the Democrat party. It's too bad that many Republicans are so blind that they do not really pay attention what is really going on.

Some people are proud to be the army, and they go to the war in Iraq. Many people were killed in Iraq. Many soldiers are victimized because they lost their partners. Recently, a news report stated that some soldiers abused their children at their home due their trauma mental problems from the war. Some Republicans believe everything what the news stated or George's speeches on a national television without a backup evidence. He is too good to lie you at big times.

Please remember that I am not against a Republican party, and I want them to pay attention what is really going on. I like a few Republican congress people. Now, you know that some Republicans are not pleasant of his problems. I have the right to express on my opinion on this post. You are welcomed to criticize my statement.
The Republican congress people are the troubled ones. They already conserved the money for taxes that forward to Christian programs instead of public educational programs. They eliminated a lot of programs for disabilities departments because of the expenses. This is not the case; we still have plenty of money in the system. Many Congress of Republicans want the money for something else for their pleasure. Some Congress of Democrats are doing the same thing what the Republicans do with their money.

The U.S. Government borrowed China's largest money in the history - 8 trillions. This is probably true that we have the largest debt in the history than any president in 200 years. But, it is a trick part how the system works. We pay taxes. Our American's average taxes (Federal and State) is $4,000. We have about 200 millions employees are working. 200 millions x $4,000 equal 800 trillions. This is not actual information, but in a general information - I am not expert this one. (You, ADs, can tell me if you are better than my example.) I feel that the U.S. Gov't borrow the money from China, and the U.S. Gov't has our tax money at the same time. Which money did it go to our soldiers? China money or the U.S. money? Both?

Whoa, I feel cheated and being used from the government if I lived in America.. I wouldn't like them to chuck the money at their shoilders..

The real problem is that our Government is a thief (from some Senators and House of Representatives, and other parties).

It is hard for many of us to know who is the government employees who stole our money. This is not new. Our tax forms are complicated and a lot of tricks - the IRS wants to keep some money especially the working people who do not know how to figure out on the tax form. Some people hire outside of the IRS office to help them with their tax paperwork, but some outside office IRS employees are not professional accountants - it is not against the law. That's what IRS loves that.

George Bush is very involved with many dirty business with oil companies from Saudi Arabia because he invests hundreds of oil stocks. He does not care about our people. He has many friends from the government agencies.
In his first end of his term, he was not afraid that he would lose his election because his brother is a Governor of Florida who secretly tricked the vote machines. I didn't want to detail this one. This was never happened for so many years until it brought up the vote problem in Florida. Now, we will use computer vote machines in the future. Unfortunately, there was a rumor that these vote machines are made in Saudi Arabia. I do not think that we could ask someone to look up the label vote machine where it is from. The vote machine is the government property that we cannot find it out.

Most Democrats support all educational programs and funds for disabilities departments. Democrats also want to increase the taxes - that's what we don't like this one, and we want that taxes to be remain - no changes.

The government already stirred up new problems that we do not see what is going on yet.

Some Republicans think that George is doing okay. That is not issue because they do not have a health problem for example. If they have a serious health problem, it will very likely for them to join with the Democrat party. It's too bad that many Republicans are so blind that they do not really pay attention what is really going on.

Some people are proud to be the army, and they go to the war in Iraq. Many people were killed in Iraq. Many soldiers are victimized because they lost their partners. Recently, a news report stated that some soldiers abused their children at their home due their trauma mental problems from the war. Some Republicans believe everything what the news stated or George's speeches on a national television without a backup evidence. He is too good to lie you at big times.

Please remember that I am not against a Republican party, and I want them to pay attention what is really going on. I like a few Republican congress people. Now, you know that some Republicans are not pleasant of his problems. I have the right to express on my opinion on this post. You are welcomed to criticize my statement.

Good post, web explorer.
The U.S. Government borrowed China's largest money in the history - 8 trillions. This is probably true that we have the largest debt in the history than any president in 200 years. But, it is a trick part how the system works. We pay taxes. Our American's average taxes (Federal and State) is $4,000. We have about 200 millions employees are working. 200 millions x $4,000 equal 800 trillions. This is not actual information, but in a general information - I am not expert this one. (You, ADs, can tell me if you are better than my example.) I feel that the U.S. Gov't borrow the money from China, and the U.S. Gov't has our tax money at the same time. Which money did it go to our soldiers? China money or the U.S. money? Both?

That's not true. Where the hell you get that info that US able borrow 8 trillion from China?

The current debt is over 9 trillion. And during Clinton on duty as president, it was over 7 trillion in debt. Care to explain?

and that debt wasn't the huge. Try in 1940-1950, take a good look.
United States public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I see that china hold debt from US for 1.7 trillion. Why choice 7 trillion? You're unbelieveable! That's bulls!

I believe you have mistook from someone's information or give you a mislead to us. I have done some research and now, I can shot you. bang bang.
no, it's bad post. He is person who don't believe in US but love to give crap info to make US look bad.

I have re read his post and realized that it was a bad post but I could not edit my post so I was meant of the "bad post" I know that the US has too much trouble with the debts and dirty stuffs, that I wouldn't know.
The real problem is that our Government is a thief (from some Senators and House of Representatives, and other parties).

Is that so? We already know. Shush!

It is hard for many of us to know who is the government employees who stole our money. This is not new. Our tax forms are complicated and a lot of tricks - the IRS wants to keep some money especially the working people who do not know how to figure out on the tax form. Some people hire outside of the IRS office to help them with their tax paperwork, but some outside office IRS employees are not professional accountants - it is not against the law. That's what IRS loves that.

tax form is easy to fill out, it's agent who screw up. I knew how to use tax form when I was 16. It's parents responsible to taught child to use. Then good to be on own. ta-da?

George Bush is very involved with many dirty business with oil companies from Saudi Arabia because he invests hundreds of oil stocks. He does not care about our people. He has many friends from the government agencies.
In his first end of his term, he was not afraid that he would lose his election because his brother is a Governor of Florida who secretly tricked the vote machines. I didn't want to detail this one. This was never happened for so many years until it brought up the vote problem in Florida. Now, we will use computer vote machines in the future. Unfortunately, there was a rumor that these vote machines are made in Saudi Arabia. I do not think that we could ask someone to look up the label vote machine where it is from. The vote machine is the government property that we cannot find it out.

That's pot talk. Go ahead and believe it. I'm tell you, it's IMPOSSIBLE to cheat on election.

Most Democrats support all educational programs and funds for disabilities departments. Democrats also want to increase the taxes - that's what we don't like this one, and we want that taxes to be remain - no changes.

You haven't make quite research enough that Republican actual support disability act and other than Democrats.

The government already stirred up new problems that we do not see what is going on yet.

how about add shroom?

Some Republicans think that George is doing okay. That is not issue because they do not have a health problem for example. If they have a serious health problem, it will very likely for them to join with the Democrat party. It's too bad that many Republicans are so blind that they do not really pay attention what is really going on.

it seem you focus on dislike Bush, as you don't realize it's everybody who vary like or dislike on EVERY president in era.

Some people are proud to be the army, and they go to the war in Iraq. Many people were killed in Iraq. Many soldiers are victimized because they lost their partners. Recently, a news report stated that some soldiers abused their children at their home due their trauma mental problems from the war. Some Republicans believe everything what the news stated or George's speeches on a national television without a backup evidence. He is too good to lie you at big times.

every country are in war. What do you except? Keep US army into less and become less power? Have you forget that China who is one the most largest and powerful army in the world?

Please remember that I am not against a Republican party, and I want them to pay attention what is really going on. I like a few Republican congress people. Now, you know that some Republicans are not pleasant of his problems. I have the right to express on my opinion on this post. You are welcomed to criticize my statement.

I love FRD, he was great Democrat president and put largest debt in history. Because he protect this country. Like before and after. yada yada.
I mean, do you have proof that President Bush took funds directly from the captioning money pot and sent it to Iraq? If someone else was President, would Americans really have more interpreters or access to movies?

I would like to see something more informative than other members' opinions. How about some statistics about the number of TV shows and movies captioned by year, and a break down of funding sources for captions?

It wasn't from my opinion, I found that's true about from local news in 2004 or 2005, that where Bush was cut on CC and put money in other system.

Now, I tried to use google and can't find it, also I found one.
No to Downsizing Closed Caption Petition
More Articles
Vol. 3, NO. 1 - National Association of the Deaf
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I can not describe the title here, but here is my explanation - I have been reading a lot of documents over the internet and discussed with my american friends...I am curious as since President Bush becamed President in 2000 against Al Gore - and I have noticed a lot of changes with the disabilites funding for the deaf, like for example, they have lost the funding for the captions for the deaf people, deaf schools closing down, and many more - and I have noticed that in the past 7 years, has these years affected your deaf life sice Bush becamed President?

Feel free to argue/disuss/debate here... I am very curious with your POV's

Mod: If you seem this thread is in a inapporatiate thread, please kindly move in the proper section. Thank you.

Bush's job has been bad for me, that my personal opinion, even worse than Bill Clinton, that's long story and cannot reply in full explain about what happen with him.

You would going to be okay when live in USA, don't worry about everything that what Bush said.
Reba, let me assure you that I am from Australia, this thread is was my curiousity so I don't have the proof, but I have heard was the rumours but I will do some research on your request if I don't find anything... forget the thread topic.
No problem. It doesn't hurt to ask questions. That's how we all learn. :)
US is only Superpower in the world, more population become difficult. ha.

Of course, my post is bad because of negative things going on with the Bush. It wasn't me - it is from media news and all over the worlds talk about bad things in our country. What can I say about more good news?

Did you know that Bush is sending our top weapons to Saudi Arab recently? Isn't he too stupid? Saudi is never be a friendship with our country. You should know that. What a shame he is. He is supposed to protect our country.

Three superpowers in the world are USA, China, and USSR. But, USA is starting to weak because Bush gave away some top weapons to some foreign countries. My father worked at Pratt & Whitney, and he told me that they gave some advanced planes to China, Poland, USSR, Saudi, Pakistan, Israel, and a few countries. It has been that way for 25 years. Bush got the most to give them away.

It is probably easy for you to understand the tax form. Many other people did not understand it. My friend was an accountant, and she helped my other friend's tax form. She discovered that he did not get $3,000 back three years ago. How can he missed it? He thanked her to help him.

George Bush signed ADA law, and it was very lucky at the right time and right place. He is Republican and made his decision at the right time. Tom Harkin was his original idea because his brother was deaf. He is Democrat. I thank them to do it for us.

I am saying that our soldiers should be home and to be in their family. Iraq did not start the war. It was a terrorist group somewhere in the world that are hiding. It could be in Canada, Russia, Saudi, etc - maybe in your neighbor. Oops.

We shouldn't buy things that are made in China. Why we are still buying their products? We are too stupid to do it.

About the elections, some people called it a black election box.

Republicans tried to destroy Bill Clinton because he had an affair. I really don't give a damn if Bill or George had an affair because it is none of our business. It is more important for them to do their job and take care of our country. Some congress people are just a big baby and picked on him.

Why don't you tell me that Republican actual support the disabilities act than than the Democrats? You forgot that the Republicans have the most seats than the Democrats at the House of Rep.

Actually, USA is not number 1 anymore. See Liebling's link. We are faking that our country is number one.

Brain is right - see his post.

Barbaro is smart to talk and knows about the political stuff. Maybe, we will see Barbaro's posts here.