Kim, my baby

Oh no Leibling.. I was so busy lately, I did not see this post until today. I am glad that Kim is doing ok now. I would be freak out if it occurr to either of my cats. I will be upset and cry, I could not live without Garfield and Pumpkin. They always sleep with me every night, we all of us are too closer.

I am so happy to hear Kim is survive and has a good vet doctor to take care of her.

I would NEVER let my two cats outdoor because there are so many wild animals around in my area. Cars, etc... I rather keep my cats in the door all the times to be safety. I left the window open to let the air fresh in.

Speed up recovery Kim !! Give my kisses to her !

oh no it bad.. but i am glad that kim dont put sleep.. she is lucky! and hope she getting better soon!
I'm glad that Kim will be OK. She looks like a tough cat. :)
Liebling, I am glad your cat is ok, and I notice that your cat is a tortioseshell...I have a tortioseshell cat too!
Lieb!! I just saw this thread now.. I'm glad your cat is okay now. It sucks having to deal watching them in pain, don't it? I see that alot at work.. dog fights or attacks.. But i'm glad she's ok. whew. :hug:
Liebling, I'm sorry about what has happened to your cat Kim. It must be real a bad injuries she got from a dog. I would be devastate if it is my cat badly hurt and I would do all I can to get her better cos she is my 'kid'. I hope Kim will recovers quickly and it shouldn't take her long to get back to her normal self again. Just give her all your loving hugs and make sure she is comfortable & resting.
Glad to know that yur kitty is ok and stitched up. :)

I have a tortie too and she is an indoor cat becuz too many cats wander around my home...

I used to have 2 cats and the boy kitty always wanted to get outside even though I tried to keep him indoor. He is a stubborn cat, lol. Then one nite, he disappeared...never to be seen again. :cry: I think a coyote got him during the night. I live in suburban area but there is wildlife that come out late at nights when there are no people outside.
Thank you everyone for support and thoughtful of my baby Kim... :hug:
Gosh what a nasty attack ur cat went through but glad she came out of it well despite being patched up but im sure she will recover quite well since it is young.

That cat reminded me of my sister's cat who lost her leg in an car accident same colour and markings it just amazing to see how strong they are for those breed of torq cats.
I'm glad that Kim will be OK. She looks like a tough cat. :)

:lol: *nodding true*

I would say that she is not "female" cat like other 3 cats but tomboy.... :D She is very stubborn cat. After that happened, she want to go outside continuely.... What a stubborn.... She KNEW my time to leave home for work and come home from work... She sit near front door in mud-room and wait for me to open the door... :none: I carried her back from mud-room to hallway...
Liebling, I am glad your cat is ok, and I notice that your cat is a tortioseshell...I have a tortioseshell cat too!


Yes, she is. *curious question* since you have a torioseshell cat as well... What's her personality?

Most says that torioseshell cats are the one who are stubborn? sometimes unfriendly cat... like being wild... ?
Liebling, I'm sorry about what has happened to your cat Kim. It must be real a bad injuries she got from a dog. I would be devastate if it is my cat badly hurt and I would do all I can to get her better cos she is my 'kid'. I hope Kim will recovers quickly and it shouldn't take her long to get back to her normal self again. Just give her all your loving hugs and make sure she is comfortable & resting.

True, I consider Kim as my baby. I treat human and animal equal because I love them as my own babies. I know the pet owners don't care and let them put sleep but I would not do that. No matter how it cost but I want her alive because she is my baby, I found from forest and welcome her as my family. It's great that the Vet is able to save her life and treat her well.
See my question to Lucia... What's your cat's personality alike?

She's timid in general, but with me and my husband, she's sweet... but doesn't always want attention... she likes to be left alone to do her own thing... though she never attacks us, never. She's never scratched us (unless it was an accident) nor bit us..

With strangers and kids, she isn't friendly, no. She'd rather hide out of sight, and if someone tries to approach her, she bolts for cover. She doesn't feel comfortable around strangers or loud, rowdy children (how she's never scratched or bit my two kids, I'll never know.. lol)... BUT she does think she owns the house. She thinks of herself as the boss to our other cat (grey cat)... if there's a small dog like a chihuahua, she will keep a close eye on the dog... anything bigger than that, she's gone. She did once attack a chihuahua when it jumped on my bed to greet me.. my cat was sitting next to me on my bed and when she saw the dog jump on the bed, she growled and flattened her ears back. When I got up to walk away from the bed, the dog tried to follow me and my cat just swatted the dog over and over on the hind legs (no claws) until the dog stopped and jumped off the bed. :lol: Our tortie cat is very loyal to the ones she loves, though.

Yes, she is. *curious question* since you have a torioseshell cat as well... What's her personality?

Most says that torioseshell cats are the one who are stubborn? sometimes unfriendly cat... like being wild... ?

Mine is very friendly, she likes to stay inside, very sweet. She's shy with takes her a while to warm up to people she doesn't know, but once she warms up she is very friendly!

This is Jasmine:

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