Ssi . .

Kalista said:
I was talking to a friend of mine one day. This was back in the mid 80’s. We were talking about Social Security and he was telling me about his deaf friends. He said he was born deaf. He married a deaf girl and they had 5 deaf children. Their combined Social Security income was over $60,000 a year. He said they live in a nice brick house, drove a new car and had a nice boat. His friend and wife were perfectly healthy even though they were deaf and could work at any number of jobs. They travel alot every summer time. These kinds of people should not receive my tax dollars as far as I am concerned.

I also am not in favor of supporting mothers who have irresponsible. I have known of numerous instances where there was a man living in the house but the couple would not get married because they would lose their welfare. This issue may or may not have to do with Social Security money. Either way it has to do with my tax dollars. They just sleep all the day and parties.

I am sick of American Disability Deaf people collect the SSI as their healthy are perfectly and fucking lazy !!

I am single Mom of two children. I work TWO jobs... I do not feel sorry for the Deaf people who can't find the jobs.

Sorry, but I gotta post to this idiotic statement!! Some of us do not ask for a SSI check, some of us dont have a choice but to be on SSI. There are some unusual circumstances you must remember when posting. NOT ALL OF US ARE LAZY. I posted in the hearing aid& cochlear implant topic about this very same thing. Wish I could remember the exact topic and I would post the link here.

Just do try to remember that some of us do have some very very valid and unusual circumstances requiring SSI. Luckily, I am now in the process of finding a job to get off SSI as my circumstance has changed. Although, it changed in a way I wish I wouldnt have, but it did and not even a month later I was already looking for a job. Didnt even take the time to grieve, just automatically decided it was time for me to get back to work.

Please, think about things and how you want it to sound b efore posting, Because reading these posts I feel that you are talking about ALL SSI or SSDI reciptents.
sata_rupa_tara said:
Hi there
Heres a few things I know about recieving SSI as a deaf person. You need to have a bi -lateral profound hearing loss. You recieve whatever the maximun cash grant is per month if you are not working or your parents are not working (if they are a minor). When you start bringing in an income they start deducting money from your monthly SSI allowance. You still continue to get medical benefits when you are working as long as it does not exceed a certain amount monthly,,I think you can make somewhere around $3100 without having med benefits stop. I also know that I should have been informed by SOMEone that my son can recieve SSI when he was diagnosed ,,, not years later.
Hope that helps a bit

Please Pm me I got some questions I want to ask about SSI Thank you
downing said:
ahh,, do not bother with ssi... ssi tried to make my hubby to pay 30,000 bucks back, eventually my hubby ended up in court and my hubby won the lawsuit over ssi.
I was wondering did you tell SSI the truth about income and etc?? My ssi has been great with me
FutureGame2100 said:
I had a SSI for almost 7 months. I got $620 a month from SSI. :)
I've had it for 2 years and Im only 21 years old, never had any problems with them, I make the same as you do! :)
rjr2006 said:
i only use regulAr ss# but i might get ssdi since im over 18
what's the different between ssi ssdi? please pm me if you don;t mind explaing the differance
Kalista said:
You are almost twenty years old. Get your ass to find a job !! Do not waste our tax payer to sit around 24 hours !
You need to be careful what you tell the person by getting their asses up, you don't know what the real purposes of why some of the people have ssi. I'm on SSI and NO I don't sit on my ass all day long, maybe that person doesn't either. I think it's a rude comment that you made for that person its totally wrong for you to accuse them like that :pissed:
The*Empress said:
my dad would be homeless, if he hadn't lie to the Social Security Administration... that he had back problem and can't work.

So he got himself $500 a month SSI checks.

I wondered if homeless people would do this.... and especially
the poor-class people would do this
They would have to have a reason why they need ssi, not because they are homeless....
Hi, People who are police, fireman, president of usa, goverment, etc that they earn tax money. Many people have to pay taxes that they work so hard. Some people from goverment are very rich. We made them be rich. We work so hard but we cannot be rich. Money are very evil. Everyone want be rich but we cannot. NOONE are perfect. Life are very unfair, dirty, etc. Look at President Bush, He is very rich! huh He make money from taxes!!!! Deaf people earn ssi from taxes also.

I know that Life is so suck, Please dont against deaf people who collect ssi because Goverment allows deaf people earn ssi. Please blame goverment not deaf people!!! The goverment are very unfair for all of us! Huh? We hate to pay the taxes but that is life! Money is very war!
ghsh1996 said:
Hi, People who are police, fireman, president of usa, goverment, etc that they earn tax money. Many people have to pay taxes that they work so hard. Some people from goverment are very rich. We made them be rich. We work so hard but we cannot be rich. Money are very evil. Everyone want be rich but we cannot. NOONE are perfect. Life are very unfair, dirty, etc. Look at President Bush, He is very rich! huh He make money from taxes!!!! Deaf people earn ssi from taxes also.

I know that Life is so suck, Please dont against deaf people who collect ssi because Goverment allows deaf people earn ssi. Please blame goverment not deaf people!!! The goverment are very unfair for all of us! Huh? We hate to pay the taxes but that is life! Money is very war!

Interest. Why not you write to White House or gather deaf people to go to Washington DC Captiol? I work so hard and noticed 400 dollars taxes were taken out of my paycheck last week. I believe in fair deaf should get equal pay as govt workers get?
starrygaze said:
Interest. Why not you write to White House or gather deaf people to go to Washington DC Captiol? I work so hard and noticed 400 dollars taxes were taken out of my paycheck last week. I believe in fair deaf should get equal pay as govt workers get?

Yes, I know that is really awful. It just reminds me of George King IV? from England stealing people's money. They don't give their money to him, then they will be killed or in prison. It is just the same way for sending them to prison. The government only watch middle class people to make sure that they don't make a lot of money.
starrygaze said:
Interest. Why not you write to White House or gather deaf people to go to Washington DC Captiol? I work so hard and noticed 400 dollars taxes were taken out of my paycheck last week. I believe in fair deaf should get equal pay as govt workers get?

Hi, I cannot risk my life to complain to White house or they would throw me to prison. You know that Life never be fair in all world! We have to live like this forever until we die. My husband and I have to pay taxes also. I told you that Money is very war! Everyone want money! Goverment are very dirty! They have many many sercets.

You asked me about deaf should get equal pay as govt worker get? I would say everyone should make all same money like equal so we wont be suffer. But It won't work because money can cause war! High, Middle, Low classes people are not equal at all. That is so awful!
Social security screws you over either way, if you dont work you just wont Have enough to live off of, if you do work they take what you make from you and in some cases, so much that you end up getting less then if you had not worked at all.

Its sad, its a lose lose.
Social security screws you over either way, if you dont work you just wont Have enough to live off of, if you do work they take what you make from you and in some cases, so much that you end up getting less then if you had not worked at all.

Its sad, its a lose lose.

This is why I REFUSE to work for LESS than $8 an hour. If I work, I WANT to feel like I am making enough to live comfortable and to have fun, not like I am living paycheck to paycheck. Besides, with my physical problems the way it is now, I can't be working so hard to make enough to make all the ends meet. I end up burning out anyway. I'm going back to college instead so that when I graduate, I will be able to have all the qualifications for a good paying job where I don't have to physically kill myself in order to pay the rent and the bills, and so I will have enough left over for fun stuff.

I found out that everybody in the U.S.A are supposed to get $155.00 in food stamps....It said we're supposed to get all the same equal and my sister called the Head Q about this and said Yes we all get $155.00 in food stamps, but I onlys get $110.00 that's it, I don't thinks this is right!...'

How about y'all ?
I found out that everybody in the U.S.A are supposed to get $155.00 in food stamps....It said we're supposed to get all the same equal and my sister called the Head Q about this and said Yes we all get $155.00 in food stamps, but I onlys get $110.00 that's it, I don't thinks this is right!...'

How about y'all ?

When did you hear this?
I agree with you Cheri

Long time ago we used to have books of food stamps not cards, I remember my cousin tried to give me his food stamps for cash, I said no to him, the reason he did this so he can get McDonald foods shakin' mah head...

I can remember people I used to hanged around wanting to exchange food stamp for cash, I RUNS!!!

I heard that people use book of food stamps for cash to get smokes, alcohols, or drugs, it's horrible and wrong...

Heard that possible in 10 years later everyone gonna get cut off from SSI, unsure about SSD, I'm not sure what's goin' on with that, it's what my husband told me, hope he heard it right and also my older sister said that possible if the government gets broke, he will take everybody's SSI, SSDI and SS, he don't care...

I can't imagin' old people unable to work if they get their SS taken, even other who on SSDI who has bad health or other included same for SSI, I'am a sick baby, I can't works, right now I'm goin' thru getting my Heart Tested, I'm worry about Heart Diseased, because I have diabetes, I still have pain in the middle of mah chest and I'm using sleep apena, I couldn't breath and took off my mask and feeling short of breath, this what I have to tell my lungs specialist about this also my family doctor too...Mah husband don't wanna lose me awww poor him, I'm sure I'll be okay!

I have no complains about helping those children who are on welfare and Low income families, But, one thing I hate the most is when people abuse the system by using welfare to buy drugs, and alcohol. I'm not paying someone to get high or drunk out of their minds. I wish people would stop abusing the government system. Now, after Welfare had change food stamps by using Ohio Direct Card, I couldn't be more than happy! ;)

I've seen a guy who is disability, who is currently received welfare, All he spend his money on is alcohol. That's bullcrap I refused to pay for that. :o
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A friend told me a week ago said now that Food Stamps has changed that everyone gets $155.00, everyone all over U.S.A get that same amounted, but I will have to ask mah friend when did she finds this out, even my aunt get $152.00, I was like whatttt!!! I don't get much and still not makin' it good which it doesn't last 4 weeks, lasted me about 2 week I assumed.

When did you hear this?
A friend told me a week ago said now that Food Stamps has changed that everyone gets $155.00, everyone all over U.S.A get that same amounted, but I will have to ask mah friend when did she finds this out, even my aunt get $152.00, I was like whatttt!!! I don't get much and still not makin' it good which it doesn't last 4 weeks, lasted me about 2 week I assumed.

Hm, if it's true then it probably is going to take a few weeks to take effect...maybe next month? I'm not sure. I currently get $147. I get more food stamps on the 9th and then I'll see how much I got this month.

EDIT: I did a little bit of research. It looks like $155 is the "maximum" amount allowed for one person. But it doesn't necessarily mean EVERYONE will recieve the max amount. It depends on the person's other income. The total of both my SS and SSI checks are a little bigger than average, so that is why I only get $147 per month in food stamps.

More info here: Food Stamps
You know what's funny to LuciaDisturbed

I was getting 117.00 in FS at first but last month they tooks 7 dollars out, I was like what the heck!!!....They ain't supposed to do that which my older sister called the HQ in the Captial City last fall of 2005, they told mah sister saying they we was suppposed to get $155.00, that everyone of us get the same amounted.....I'm getting suspicious of my CaseWorker, I know they knows FS has change to more, but they keeps cutting my FS down, it's not making senses.

Hm, if it's true then it probably is going to take a few weeks to take effect...maybe next month? I'm not sure. I currently get $147. I get more food stamps on the 9th and then I'll see how much I got this month.
I was getting 117.00 in FS at first but last month they tooks 7 dollars out, I was like what the heck!!!....They ain't supposed to do that which my older sister called the HQ in the Captial City last fall of 2005, they told mah sister saying they we was suppposed to get $155.00, that everyone of us get the same amounted.....I'm getting suspicious of my CaseWorker, I know they knows FS has change to more, but they keeps cutting my FS down, it's not making senses.

I edited my post a little, go look.

Also, do your husband get any kind of income? There are a lot of factors that counts in how much you will get each month in food stamps.
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