Of course sometimes we may almost run into another car, but why call the police?....
Well, we are being recommend to call police on car accidents - no matter either little or huge accord car insurance. It's easy for car insurance policy to work on car accident where the police are involved. Without police involvement, is complicate for car insurance. Car insurance policy are interest to listen police's report on car accidents and which damage - who fault etc. Some insurance of responsible driver demand other driver's insurance to deliver damage car to Expert to examine which damage and how much repair value... or written off... replace a car etc... to compare with police's report.
Some drivers who accept the responsible for car accident, begged the other drivers to not call police on them... Why? because they (who are responsible for car accidents) have to pay EUR 70 ($90.86) to police (sort of "penalty fine") for his job to involve with reports on car accidents if police find who is the responsible... (I'm guilty of this...) I hitted other car and accept my responsible... I begged a lady to not call police on me because I want to save EUR 70. A lady agreed to this and exchange our insurances.... *phew*.. Next day after that, a lady came to my house to require my signature to confirm which damage I cause her car. I understood and agree because of no police involvement. A lady releived after got my signuature to confirm which damage I'm responsible to... My insurance saw my signature and agree to cover the cost for her after check with me and compare a lady's statement. It was happened in 2003.
It doesn't make sense...sounds like the driver was being greedy expecting something out of this...
Unfortunlately yes... He want money... :roll:
I haven't ran over any animals lately either *knocking on the wood*
Liebling, that's depends if it was done on purpose, then yeah but if it was an accident then it was an accident, I don't think they should be charge for running a pet over by an accident...
But if someone ran over an animal and didn't pull over by checking to see if the animal was still alive or needed to be taken to a vet, then yes something should be done, cause it cruel to have an animal suffering and slowly dying...I mean we don't do that to human so why do this to animals?...
4 yrs ago...
The guy who killed my bulldog Casper...
He thinks it's animal... *wham* and get off Oh oppiSe It's DOG...
came and knock the door... I looked at him... I can smell his breath drinking... replied say white dog... sorry i hit..
I ran outside and checked.. damn him! He is middle the yellow line.. I checked where hit first... that where my mail post stand.. stand *wham my dog* Flies over and landed on the middle road..
Made me pissy off and screaming at him.. YOU'RE MURDER MY DOG.. He hurried and left faster.. good thing My friend wrote and copied their license plate!
I phoned OPP (Ontario Provincial police) and came over my place.. Explained what happened.. I smell his breath drinking.. Police checked my dog.. and said.. just animal.. WTF.. I scream at police.. you're full moron, why can't you protect animal and humans.. Police stunned surprised I was really angrily.. Yeah right, My rights voice raise higher because not very nice... due my investment bulldog.. I already shown police of CKC and breeder paper.. Police say cannot do anything you have to contact CKC.. Police left..
I pissy off big time.. Next day.. I called CKC and explained what happened.. CKC really not happy w/Police 100% and contact them.. finally went well smooth but told there's no license plate.. I was so hell pissy off... and found out that police's grandfather's driving.. No wonder why protect his granny?
I file complaint and against them... turn it out cold case!
We are not happy out there but love this farm house.. decide to move out of this place.... and settled closer to our work..
It would be the person's fault if he/she ran across the street without looking both ways before crossing, it will not be the driver's fault. But, it would be soo hard to proved that unless there's a witness that saw what happened.![]()
Accidents do happens. Animals don't know the rules about crossing the roads. In here by law, if someone hits a dog, or deer, you have to call the animal control and cops. If it was dog, they'll contact the owner but the problem is there is a lot of strays roaming around and don't know who the owner is. As for humans, they can be so dumb. At night time, I can't see a person walking down the street because he was wearing all dark outfits. So it's the person's fault. They are suppose to carry a flashlight or wear a reflector. In daytime is depends on the drivers and pedestrains.
Same here. If no harm was done, then what's the complaint:![]()
That's true. Suppose a kid ran out to the road chasing the cat? It can happen.
Wow, it sounds like that man is a big baby! If he is so easily "shocked/injured" maybe he shouldn't be driving!
Yes, he is... :roll:
I still don't understand how it could be your fault. If someone hits you in the rear it's their fault because they are following too close, and driving too fast.
Exactly, that's what I thought so!
Accord German law between animal & human:
I am on the responsible for cause car accident if I stop suddenly when the small animals run front of my car and let other car hit behind of my back car. For humans and big animals, then other driver is responsible for hit back of my car which I am not agree with German law because the driver is responsible to hit behind the back of my car, no matter what... I can’t see the sense why they treat small animal & human and big animal differently.
That's why I drive slowly and check from my car mirror and make sure that no car is back of my car before I stop for to save small animals.
For big animals is different story... because we have warning signal for big and wild animals like deer, boar, foxes, etc. the driver will be responsible to hit back of my car if I stop suddenly when the big animals run front of me because they know warning signal where the big animals are often around. Big animals are treat the same as human..., not small animals...
Suppose you don't stop for a cat that runs out in front of your car? Then, the little boy chasing the cat runs out. Too late to stop. Pow! You hit the kid. That's the reason that it's important to stop, even for animals.
Exactly! I wish small animals are being treat the equal as big animal and human... *sigh*
I still think it's the other driver's fault for not driving at a safe speed and distance.
I have to agree with you....See my description about German Traffic Law... *sigh*
That's not a man--that's a cry baby!
you are right about that, that's why police man fined that man who ran over the dog without stopping check to making sure it's ok or anything like that.. They wouldn't fine anybody who stop to checking anything and let owner know or whatever like that. :roll: I sometime dislike people who don't have heart for animals. Who agree with me eh? I know that they are being human but, still animals are almost like kids, you know what I mean by that?
You did the right thing and I don't like seeing dead animals on the road. I would be like. "Ewwwwwww!" andat whoever did run over those poor animals. I always tell my ex and my family not to run over them.. just be careful and let them go on the ground before you are clear and ready to go. Just don't worry about other drivers.. those kind of drivers probably just careless and have
heart... NO COMPASSION for those animals!
You did the right thing and the animal is alive today.. why? Because you care about this animal and I bet that makes you feel good.. I would feel good also because I save a life!Just don't worry about that jerk driver..life is too short even for those animals so you should be thankful and appretice everything!
Very true... I would the same as you... I would feel bad if I run over a cat...that's why I tried my best to drive other side road where the car is not come... but driver ran over a cat and ingored my warning light and drive quickly before he want stop us andon me... :roll:
Not really...
We (drivers) have our own eyes and have see the warning signal where the children playing around or school children... We MUST drive slowly where we know the children are around sometimes... Remember that the children or adult are human
Yes, it's our own fault for run over human if they run front of my car suddenly... I often stop suddenly when the children ran suddenly on front of me... If other car hitted my car then is their responsible because I try to save human's life. They should keep their own eyes on the traffic and have to stop suddenly when I just stopped ... They can see the human who ran front of my car... If animal is a different story... (which I'm disagree to).
It's different story if the human who want to run front of my car to kill themselves... We need withnesses around who see that a person want to run out of purpose to kill themselves then driver will be not responsible for cause the accident...
That's the part we're having trouble understanding.Well, we are being recommend to call police on car accidents. ..
I know what you mean. Especially little short kids can run out to the road from between parked cars, or from behind bushes. In our area, some families with several little kids try to run across the busy multi-lane road (45 mph speed limit) to catch the bus. Yikes!I do the same as you, but I don't think you understand my post here, I'm talking about if a person jumped in the middle of the street out of nowhere, and you did not even see it coming and you hit a person, it makes it your fault? Not all the time. It depends on where this person ran from, if a person ran from a park where there were too much trees and you did not see it coming, it's an accident ready to happen at any time any place, sometimes you have no control over your own vehicle, when slamming brakes, vehicle can go out of control just like that, someone will get hurt either the driver, the person who's jumped in the middle of traffic. ...(
That's the part we're having trouble understanding.
We have the same law about accidents. But according to your description of the event, there was no accident. There was no contact between cars or other objects. No one's car needed fixing. So why call the police????
It almost seems like the other driver wanted to call the police just because he was. Is there a German law against making someone