you asked me how long and when? believe it or not. I was heartbroken for long time. i m trying to think how long? prolly 4 yrs.. you see i was grieving for my twin boys and lost my ex bf at same time. it was very hard and dark time for me. i finally got over it how by not dwelling on the past and move on. the hurt finally left my chest and i was able to love again.. but i was too scared and chicken .. i got burned few times by wrong guy. it sucks!
its not good idea to rush and find someone ..i broke up with my ex bf who cheated on me last year and jumped in a relationship with a married man. it was wrong. God said its wrong to do that so i broke it off and wait for right time. for some resaon it didnt work out so its over. i am still taking my time and not rush in another relationship.. im focusing on myself and my son right now.
its better to wait and take your time to heal and get over it.. but hang out with your buddies and have fun while you can.. then when all pains and the angry are gone. u then can move on and start again and look for someone new.
It take time. I know its hard right now but im sure you are frustrated but think of this.. she is not the right one for you. The better one is waiting for u who WILL love you ONLY you.. she never love you in first place but used you for some reason.. im sorry but its probably a fact.
i have learned its better to let go than grieving and suffering.. like i tried to compete for love but i knew i will never win it.. cuz he didnt come to me? then i knew hes not the one for me.. i just have to wait till God bring new guy to me to love me only me.. not other lady.. its just matter of times..
My heart is still broken.. my life is complicated.. i got so many things to focus on.. and im depressed too.. but whta can i do? I got my friends on my side. they are there. They are my angels. Also i go to church and love God .. He warm my heart everytime i go to church.. hes in my heart. i know he will answer my prayer one day.. when? I dont know.. God have to hear many prayers not just my prayer so i have to be patient.

I know its frustrating as I am going thru it too sad and unhappy.. but i got to think of happy things like water, sky, clouds, Flowers, butterflies. you probably think im weird.. but God created them to bright your life with that .. so Thank him for that.. Amen..