Right on Oceanbreeze!!!! It does seem like a lot of the swingers or polys think that quainity of sex is important. Like they have such bad self esteem that they have to have sex with tons and tons of people in order to feel happy. The sex isn't the problem. Rather it's a symptom. I mean....you CAN feel very close to someone without having sex with them.
I agree with both of you here. In our case as a polyamorous couple, it definitely has nothing to do with quantity. You are definitely off the beaten path of intamacy and forming a true relationship with someone if you are thinking of sex physically and not spiritually.
Incase you're wondering we knew and discussed this being an element of our relationship within weeks of dating. We remained completely monogamous and exclusive for five years to build our relationship to a point where we could explore group sex as a couple, and not as a man with a woman "partner" or visa /versa but as a
To us, having another man in our bedroom or having another woman join us (no disrespect to them) is not much different than bringing a sex toy into the bedroom. They are a person, but they are there for us to play with as a couple. Anyone who does not understand this is just friendly sex, has no chance of being involved with us. We take care to have a good bond and understanding between anyone who is invited into our "bedroom" so to speak.
And we are very methodical and patient about it. We planned her first gangbang for months and months before it actually happened, like anything you want to plan or do... life seems to get in the way.

We are never in a rush for those experiences even though we have agreed for over six years we want them... together.
We are always in a rush to be in love, to spend time together, and keep our love paramount. Anyone out there been with their significant other for over six years? Or are all these people who think they got it all figured out single still? Lol Just wondering... It takes real understanding and some effort to be with someone intimately for so long.. even if you are both in love.
Our relationship transcends sexual bonds, that's why this makes sense for us.
In the beggining of our relationship (3 months or so) I looked into her eyes one night and had something to say... she could tell.. "What is it?" She said
We were talking about our future together, mairrage, and stuff and I told her:
"It isn't that I want to marry you..." She looked scared "I want to die with you" I said, and we both began to cry a little (sorry guys) "Oh, my god, I was thinking the same thing." She Replied. And so... we will. Happily
How long have you been with your mate OceanBreeze? or are you wasting time on a website all night when there is someone out there for you!!
I definitely agree with what you are saying but... who do you KNOW that has that problem? It really sounds like you are just kinda talkin outta yer butt but hey.... It's just a website.
PS When we began our relationship we were at different schools 1,300 miles away... long distance and time meant nothing for us because we were in love, and still are. We lived together for years since, and right now only see eachother once a month or so because of... life

I have found true love YIPEE! Have you? And I am a Coptic former Catholic, I still go to confession.
Picture it:
"Forgive me father for I have sinned. It has been two months since my last confession and the Misses and I have thrown 4 sex parties since. We would have invited you Father but... we draw the line with little boys"