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EllietheEncourager, thank you for trying and standing in the gap for us.
They dont replace the hair cells, just a more direct stimulation to the nerves. I am BiLaterally implanted 6-1/2 years now and they are awesome. Hearing things Ive never heard in my life and had to ask what certain things were since the brain didnt know what that sound was...LOL Awesome technology.I had progressive hearing loss for about 20 years. When it reached the point that a hearing aid was no longer useful in my worse ear, I got a CI in that ear and went from about 4% speech discrimination to 80+% speech discrimination. About a year later my other ear progressed to where it also needed a CI and that ear had the same great results. I believe my success was based on two things - late deafened and had worn hearing aids up to the time I got the CI, therefore continued stimulation of the hearing nerve even if the hearing wasn't that great.
CIs "replace" the hair cells, which are what alllow us to understand speech. If your hearing nerves are still healthy, which they probably are, then a CI will allow you to understand speech again, though it will sound funny at first because the sound is electronically generated.
Our brains are amazing things and will adjust to make things sound "normal" again. When I got my first one, the water running out of the faucet sounded like buzzing. I told my brain that it was water running and instantly that's what I heard.
It will take a lot of aural rehab to "relearn" to understand words, but it's well worth it. I started off, in addition to specific aural rehab apps/websites, with reading a book while listening to it via a audiobook.
BTW, I'm a young senior. I was 61 when I got my first one.
Hence the "" around replace. They replace the function of the hair cells, not the hair cells themselves.They dont replace the hair cells, just a more direct stimulation to the nerves. I am BiLaterally implanted 6-1/2 years now and they are awesome. Hearing things Ive never heard in my life and had to ask what certain things were since the brain didnt know what that sound was...LOL Awesome technology.
I am not sure what medical system you use but Cox and Mercy now both have apps that can be downloaded to your phone. This gives access to your entire medical file. You can make appointments through the app instead of calling the office. You can even email your provider questions and they get back to you when they can between appointments. This is fairly new but it would be worth seeing if your provider has it. Hope this helps.Thank you again. Well today, is another one of these days? The doctor called regarding my CT scan and it was a virtual appointment because of Covid, so they spoke with my husband on the phone which said " DR. said that the CT looked okay but a little bit of the brain is in the way but he's pretty sure he can do it?" Hmm.. what does that mean, so my husband called the office again, and one nurse said it's nothing to worry about, and that she was going to ask another nurse what was written down? If I am going to go for this surgery I want to be reassured that it's safe to do so? Can anyone advise? Is this common?
I have another question, these people are dealing with the deaf communitywho have little to no means of communication, nor knowledge of signing or lip reading? A lot of us can't answer phones and hear what is being said, so WHY DONT THEY HAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS so patients can ask their questions through text or email and and get some direct answers. That would be very helpful. I am blessed to have a husband to stand in the gap for me and be my ears, but what about all those who have nobody, what do they do? Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for this blessing of hearing to take place, it's just so frustrating being deaf and going for oodles of appointments, without fully knowing what is going on? My next test is next week for vestibular testing.
I have MyMercy. Access all my results , make/change appointments, email/message any doctor in that system.I am not sure what medical system you use but Cox and Mercy now both have apps that can be downloaded to your phone. This gives access to your entire medical file. You can make appointments through the app instead of calling the office. You can even email your provider questions and they get back to you when they can between appointments. This is fairly new but it would be worth seeing if your provider has it. Hope this helps.
It is my pleasure and privilege from one human being to another.EllietheEncourager, thank you for trying and standing in the gap for us.
I totally get that with all the communication barriers. I always have to have my mom in handy to help me with some things. Otherwise, I would get an interpreter for my appointments if my mom is not available.Thank you again. Well today, is another one of these days? The doctor called regarding my CT scan and it was a virtual appointment because of Covid, so they spoke with my husband on the phone which said " DR. said that the CT looked okay but a little bit of the brain is in the way but he's pretty sure he can do it?" Hmm.. what does that mean, so my husband called the office again, and one nurse said it's nothing to worry about, and that she was going to ask another nurse what was written down? If I am going to go for this surgery I want to be reassured that it's safe to do so? Can anyone advise? Is this common?
I have another question, these people are dealing with the deaf communitywho have little to no means of communication, nor knowledge of signing or lip reading? A lot of us can't answer phones and hear what is being said, so WHY DONT THEY HAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS so patients can ask their questions through text or email and and get some direct answers. That would be very helpful. I am blessed to have a husband to stand in the gap for me and be my ears, but what about all those who have nobody, what do they do? Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for this blessing of hearing to take place, it's just so frustrating being deaf and going for oodles of appointments, without fully knowing what is going on? My next test is next week for vestibular testing.
Which country are you in? Maybe I can narrow down the right resources for you to try.The link you gave says "the Federal Communications Commission has ruled that International calling through internet relay services is not allowed. Your IP address has been identified as a call originating outside of the United States and its territories. Therefore, your call cannot be completed using Sprint IP Relay"
Hopefully it won't be too long now, and I will be taught, how to use some needed devices.
Well I finally found a post where Stephaniep refers to being in Canada! See the above quote where I have put that part in bold.Yes, she said after all other options have been exhausted, and then even after being put in the program and going through the motions, it still doesn't guarantee I will end up a candidate. Yes, I am in Canada and apparently there is a long waiting list for the implants in our Province, don't know about other Provinces? Now our Government covers at least some of the cost, before they didn't for adults, only children from my understanding. Well, it all makes sense that it's reserved first for those who no longer have any usable hearing of any kind even with the use of HA's. I'll wait, it's only fair. I can hear some with my hearing Aids IN. Hopefully the bigger speaker (amplifier) will help to improve my hearing for as long as it possibly can? I'm counting on it. Thank you .
Thank you, I don't know what to think, I don't know if I can do this anymore, I find the appointments frustrating. My husband comes along to help me communicate but I can't make out sound, and they don't seem to make an effort to communicate with me, and here I'm sitting in the middle of the room , while all backs are turned speaking with my husband about what they want to do, and I feel like a non person, a number, an object they are speaking about. You would think the Clinic of otolaryngology would be able to communicate with a deaf person better, but I felt they treated me like they've never had anyone as deaf as me. No one at the desk lifted a pen to write what they wanted from me, not a one . Finally I was led to a room and a nurse wrote on the Erase board asking if I could contact my husband to come in. Seems like they don't have the time to see just how much I can communicate?
I had my head CT scan today, but I didn't know if I was to hold my breath or not, but it's over and done with now. When I arrived alone as they requested, and were asking me questions, well, sorry I can't hear enough to understand you, so they lean in to my ear and yell louder and louder, I still can't make out what they are saying, then they took my Hearing Aids away before they did the test, and then I could
hear nothing but silence. I have a vestibular test booked for beginning of Feb and have another follow up with the O Clinic. Almost got my vaccinations up to date. and have yet to go for pre-op but at this point, they still don't know what is causing the hearing loss, so if surgery will take place, it remains to be seen? Thank you for listening to my vent.
Thank you, I don't know what to think, I don't know if I can do this anymore, I find the appointments frustrating. My husband comes along to help me communicate but I can't make out sound, and they don't seem to make an effort to communicate with me, and here I'm sitting in the middle of the room , while all backs are turned speaking with my husband about what they want to do, and I feel like a non person, a number, an object they are speaking about. You would think the Clinic of otolaryngology would be able to communicate with a deaf person better, but I felt they treated me like they've never had anyone as deaf as me. No one at the desk lifted a pen to write what they wanted from me, not a one . Finally I was led to a room and a nurse wrote on the Erase board asking if I could contact my husband to come in. Seems like they don't have the time to see just how much I can communicate?
I had my head CT scan today, but I didn't know if I was to hold my breath or not, but it's over and done with now. When I arrived alone as they requested, and were asking me questions, well, sorry I can't hear enough to understand you, so they lean in to my ear and yell louder and louder, I still can't make out what they are saying, then they took my Hearing Aids away before they did the test, and then I could
hear nothing but silence. I have a vestibular test booked for beginning of Feb and have another follow up with the O Clinic. Almost got my vaccinations up to date. and have yet to go for pre-op but at this point, they still don't know what is causing the hearing loss, so if surgery will take place, it remains to be seen? Thank you for listening to my vent.